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Transformers 3 Sets July 2011 Release Date

By Rodney - October 1, 2009 - 19:08 America/Montreal

Looks like the third and inevitable chapter of Transformers is officially on its way with about two years for us to mentally steel wool the sight of Devastator’s balls out of our head.

FilmJunk shares:

Michael Bay announced on his blog today that pre-production has officially started on the third film in the series, and a release date has been set: July 1st, 2011. Mark it on your calendars kiddies. Ehren Kruger (Reindeer Games, The Brothers Grimm, Blood and Chocolate) is returning to write the script, although there has been no word as of yet on the involvement of Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman.

The first Transformers wasn’t without its flaws, and though Bay was clearly listening to the fans and gave them what they wanted, the second had its flaws too. I expect the third to have more of what the fans want (like Dinobots - hopefully not Unicron) and less Ghetto Jarjar Twins.

I don’t understand the Bay Haters. Sure, his movies are not Citizen Cane (and I despise that reference like every film has to be some legendary classic) but he is entertaining, and he is awesome. Thats what he does. Awesome. And I am not saying he is perfect, but I tend to be purely entertained when I see his films, so bring em on!

Don’t like Bay’s version of awesome? Then don’t contribute to the truckloads of money this film is guaranteed to make anyways.

I am curious if Orci and Kurtzman will return. I’d like to see others contribute to the franchise so we don’t just get more of the same. As much as I tend to be forgiving of the film’s flaws (and there are lots) I don’t see any reason to continue making them.


  1. James (hazmat) says:


  2. matty says:

    “It’s not Citizen Kane blah blah blah….”

    What a weak attitude. TF2 was a poor film. I don’t know one person who would describe it as exciting or awesome.

    It time people stop using the whole “its not meant to be Shakespeare” line of thinking to defend a bad film. Surely a film can be entertaining and fun without being completely retarded at the same time ? (eg Star wars, Raiders of the Lost Arc, The Dark Knight etc etc). To accept poor films with a blase attitude is to condone them, and live in a world of “Batman and Robin” rather than “Batman Begins”

    • Rodney says:

      Yes, it was a poor film, but it was still mindless fun.

      And yes, a movie doesnt have to be Shakespear to be fun. Its the mentality that everything MUST be cinematic perfection with deep insight and reflective themes to be entertaining.

      Sometimes blowing shit up is fun to watch. Giant robots blowing shit up is even more fun.

      And there is no reason to think that there is no hope for Transformers 3. It might just turn out to be the best of the series, and it might just be the worst. You don’t know any more than I do.

      • matty says:

        I hope TF3 is the best. I actually enjoyed the first one, but the second was just a let down . If it was FUN than I could forgive many of its mistakes, but IMO, it wasn’t.

        I left the first TF movie with a smile. I left TF2 with a headache.

      • chris....the real one says:

        i hate to say it but i agree with Rodney…transformers 2 was a movie with a stupid plotline, mediocre to horrid acting, awful pacing, and was sometime offensive….

        but when shit blew up it was great. the forest scene was amazing, i found myself smiling through the last confrontation, and the decepticons breaking into section 9 was awesome.

        it was better than a lot of really bad action movies (dragon ball evolution) and didnt make me want to walk out. its by no means a great movie, but not bad enough to condemn…at least to mme

      • Monty says:

        “I don’t understand the Bay Haters.”

        Bad scripts, bad acting, uninspired action (not a fan of just explosions and shaky cam), lame humor, just a bad movie with a shiny coat from ILM, not to hard to understand really.

        There is nothing new or interesting about “Bay’s version of awesome” that any other director with a budget couldn’t duplicate.

      • fritzilla says:


        I don’t think people are hating on a good popcorn flick that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s that there is SO MUCH POTENTIAL with Transformers and how good the effects are. I think the effect way outshone the actual plot, acting, script,etc…

        It was so out of balance that people actually wanted both movies to be better.

        People will put aside their critical hats if the basic plot makes sense. They will even forgive some dumb humor if the story or the characters are somewhat engaging.

        Transformers, like the Star Wars prequels, are judged harsher due to the potential that was no where near fullfilled. At least that’s how I take it.

        Really, just give me something coherent to watch ALONG with my AWESOME robot action. Something that doesn’t insult my intelligence. A leg humping decepticon robot insults my intelligence. Trying to convince us that a big sun killing weapon exists inside a Pyramid that we have long known the insides of insults my intelligence.

        Dust carried in a sock that turns back into a thing that you hit against the chest of a dead robot that brings about the robot gods that tell Sam they have been watching him so he can revive Optimus Prime insults my intelligence.

        Hell, we accept that the transformers have “souls” and that their motivations are similar to humans (power, greed, honor, etc…). So just give us a good evil enemy with believable motivations and set him on his way. It will all work out. Don’t create this lame Prime mythology that looses the audience and makes no sense.


      • Todd W in NC says:

        I totally agree with Matty’s original argument (not so much about the enjoying of Transformers 1). The “it’s not Shakespeare” is not a good enough excuse. And, I second everything Fritzilla said too. Good arguments, guys.

      • SlashBeast says:

        I agree. Can’t a film that spends several millions of dollars come up with something a bit more than a robot humping legs and action scenes so incomprehensible you can’t tell who’s fighting?

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        To this day I think ‘The Island’ was directed by someone other than Bay, for at least the first half of the film, anyway….

  3. fullmetal_medji says:

    It’s weird because I loved the first transformers movie, but was never excited about tf2. The action scenes were great, but it was just too much for me. I’m not hating on Michael Bay or anything because his films are enjoyable (bad boys 2 is my ultimate guilty pleasure). I hope the third film will actually have a little heart like the 1st one.

  4. MichoPower says:

    Man, I loved TF2. When I saw TF, I left the theatre thinking Wow, what a shitfest of a movie. I had low doubts about TF2. But I had to go see it because as much as I hated the first movie…watching them transform was some of the most amazing effects I have ever seen. I am excited now for the third one and will try to be first in line to see it!!!

  5. J says:

    I felt watching Transformers2 that Bay had the perfect chance to bring in Hot Rod. With the use of the Matrix of Leadership and that the basis of the story was based on the origins of the Primes.

    The whole “Only a Prime can defeat the Fallen”.. Optimus dies, then theres the Matrix, seriously could of entered Hot Rod into Rodimus Prime…

    Looking forward to it and already marked it in my calender..

  6. Nicolaas says:

    I liked the first and found it entertaining, the second was utterly boring tho and I was very disappointed. It had more dick jokes that an Austin Powers movie!!

  7. Schulzy says:

    I…I loved Transformers 2 oh god please don’t hurt me…

    • Jeff says:

      Dude, so did I. People need to take the TF series WAY less seriously. It’s a movie based on a cartoon based on a toy line…really people. If you really sit down and think about it, TF 2 essentially played out like an episode from the G1 series. NONE of it made sense (Why does Optimus have the power to stop The Fallen while all the other Primes couldn’t do it combined? Why does Jetfire have a Scottish accent? Shia goes to robot heaven? Fucking human Decepticon? etc etc.) But even though the plot made no sense at all, the movie was still awesome. Going into the movie, I told myself that I would accept anything and everything the movie threw at me. Anytime some absurd explanation was used, or some senseless plot device was used, my brain went “Yeah sure” and I continued to watch. The TF movies are big retarded fun. TF1 didn’t have enough action, what did Bay do? Make TF2 essentially 2 hours of robots fighting robots with half hour bullshit human interaction. If you ask me, there’s nothing wrong with that.

      • Monty says:

        Can’t a movie be written without absurd explanations or senseless plots, the writers are getting paid millions of dollars, they could at least pretend they give a damn.

      • SlashBeast says:


    • Dragonslayer says:

      I liked it, but it was terribly flawed.

  8. Lawrence says:

    I want the following for Transformers 3 :
    1.)Dinobots - the entire lineup. I want the voice actor for Grimlock in the G1 cartoon series to be used here.
    2.)Ultra Magnus , Omega Supreme playing prominent roles .
    3.) More combiner robots like Superion, Bruticus, Menasor. Forget Devastator. He was messed up real bad in TF2.
    4.) A better story and a less dizzying pace .
    5.) No Twins please. They were a nuisance .

  9. dax says:

    it’s spelled Citizen Kane.

    I hate when people say “it’s not Citizen Kane” or “a movie doesnt have to be Shakespeare”. Since when did movie audiences even liked things like Citizen Kane or Shakespeare. Nobody except film students watches Citizen Kane, and nobody cares about Shakespeare anymore. Shakespeare is high school homework!

    • dax says:

      For TF3, i would just like a shorter, better paced movie without a lot of unnecessary shots. It shouldn’t have sluggish parts that drag the story. Also i would like less ugly looking robots. Less stupid comedy. I want robots that we can tell apart instead of looking like scrap metal stuck together. The robots should have more variety of weaponry and special moves that they can use. It seems the the TF robots only have 2 types of guns, missiles and bullets. they should have lasers, fireballs, electricity, ice-beams, and more.

      • dax says:

        in other words, i want Michael Bay to watch some Gundam/Macross and learn from them. I think the Gundam/Macross robots are much cooler/sleeker looking than the ugly-ass TF robots. They have better design and the action scenes seem faster paced.

  10. SlashBeast says:

    Bay listens to the fans alright. He took everything that was good about the first Transformers and made it 10x better. But he also took everything that was bad about Transformers and made it 10x worse.

    We got tons more robots, but most of them are nameless and indistinguishable, are reduced to cameos, appear only to be destroyed in seconds and have no personalities beyond a mass of stereotypes.

    I don’t have any real hope for Transformers 3.

    • Gigan300 says:

      One thing I want to see fixed is less robots. Hell Arcee, Scorponok, Devastator, and many others were wasted, and could have been cut from the film.

  11. Thos says:

    The first film was okay, I passed on the second one. Probably won’t see the third one either.

  12. Andrew says:

    Hell, I’m excited. I’m probably one of the only people on this site that still has faith in Michael Bay. I loved the first one, but I thought that the second one was better. Yeah, bite me. I’ve been a Transformers fan ever since I was a kid growing up in the mid-90s watching reruns of G1 on TV and the 1986 animated movie, it was my dream to see a live-action Transformers movie, Bay delivered, and I will forever be in debt to him for that. I loved both films despite the flaws.

    • Gareth says:

      same here Andrew same here.

    • Alex says:

      and the same here. As I said before I just saw TF3 in german 3 times now and all of them in the movies :D yeah Im a VFX geek so it was AWESOME. The twins didnt annoy me at all. they were ok in german I’ll watch it in english then I’ll know what guys all ment. Uhm I didnt really care about a great storyline or whatever. When i go to watch Transformers i want to se robots kick other robot’s asses thats it. :D if the rest of you dont like bay or dont like the movies then dont go to the movies and shut up. I will be there opening day and some days after. It will be Visual Eye Sex! ILM rulez!!!

    • Alex says:

      i mean i watched TF2 of course sry :D

  13. Grave says:

    I dont understand why so many dont want Unicron. I understand if they didn’t want Galvitron but, I love to see Unicron. Im sure done right he would be an awsome character. Of course that is if they get some talented writers for a change.

  14. Darren J Seeley says:

    The only robot I don’t want to see again is the one known as Megan Fox.

  15. Ifaz says:

    I agree with Rodney, I mean, come on, for heart-touching and other sensitive stuff we have great directors, but sometimes we need something ‘fun’ and that’s where Bay comes along. I don’t want Transformers or Bad Boys directed by Rob Marshall.

  16. Gigan300 says:

    The sad thing is that this series is in much need for improvement, but the only thing I can see them actually improving is the special effects.

  17. the_almighty_smack says:

    they have to land at universal studios where they have all those robotic dinosaures that way they can bring in the dinobots and the insectobots.

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