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TMB Halloween Costume Contest - Just for Fun!

By Rodney - October 30, 2009 - 11:18 America/Montreal

Halloween is likely my favourite holiday of the year. Frankly I think we deserve a stat holiday for it but someone felt that celebrating the founding fathers discovering America was more important and Halloween lies right between them.

Part of what makes me love Halloween is that its the only time of year a woman can dress like a whore and not be judged for it! A man can wear a dress and not be judged! Someone can dress like Zombie Michael Jackson and it has new meaning! Its a Halloween Miracle!

That’s what the holiday is all about. Expression and Understanding!! The compassion for your fellow man (or woman - slutty men just don’t work as well but still amusing!)

So this week instead of a Forgotten Friday I wanted to introduce a contest.

A Costume Contest!!

EMail Me a picture of your costume from any one of the 36 parties you were invited to this weekend along with your screen name.

It can be a group shot, a posed action scene or just you out getting dirty looks for being too old to go door to door.

On Monday I will review all the submissions and post the best picking out a winner.

And what does that winner get?

Respect! Fame and your picture right here on the best damned movie site on the net!!

So send in your shots, just for kicks! I will be posting my costume. Share your joy of this festive season. After this we just get snow and guilt laden family dinners under the guise of goodwill. This is the real holiday!

So what are you planning on wearing? Is it clever or just lame like the image at the top of this post!


  1. Mikano94 says:

    Today at school I won 1st place,$75 in the costume contest, I was William Wallace from Braveheart

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    I was at a relative’s Halloween Costume party about two weeks ago due to people’s schedules. Another relative (my sister) used to have an annual Halloween party but won’t have on this year due to personal issues; I might also be working this weekend (they were taking volunteers but may not need “everyone”) but while some employees may be wearing costumes, I don’t know if I will- seeing how if I’m working it will most likely be near close/after hours setting up displays.

    If I do dress up it will be fairly close to what I wore at my second cousin’s party a few weeks ago: The Phantom Of The Opera.

    • James says:

      Last year you had a pimp 2 Face one lol

      I think im going to be a telletubbie

      I have a shitload of costumes but i think il go wth telletubie

      • meli says:

        A telletubbie, James? That is so awesome!

      • James says:

        Thank you Meli! =]

        I changed halfway through to go to a different party, as Jackie Moon

        I was SO OFFENDED because no one knows who Jackie Moon is!!

        Hes Will Ferrel’s basketball character from the movie Semi-Pro

  3. meli says:

    I am going to recyle one of my costumes but not sure which one for tomorrow, probably a zombie. A bunch of friends are coming over and we’re going to hand out candy and scare the little kids brave enough to walk through my backyard of horrors! For the tiny tots I will have a candy bowl out front … I’m not totally heartless.
    At work today I am just festive wearing a purple fishnet top under my Evil Dead t-shirt and topped off with purple leopard glitter kitty ears. LoL

  4. Michael Banno says:

    Cause this is Thriller! Thriller nights!

  5. nbakid2000 says:

    I’m not popular enough to get invited to parties.

    • James says:

      Aw! loll
      throw your own! Facebook that bitch as an open party and a shitload of people will come.

      I did that last year, i myspaced it, facebooked it and 100 people came (and cops at the end, not good)

  6. nbakid2000 says:


    I’m also not popular enough to throw parties.

    We ended up going to the pub crawl downtown last night.

  7. NoLa says:

    I’m not sure if I have any good pictures but my best friend and I were Jessie and James from Team Rocket.

  8. Wolff says:

    Sent my 2 pics guess we will wait and see :-)

  9. Cinema Phreak says:

    I got kicked out of a Halloween contest for showing up as the anatomically correct Dr Manhattan. LOL

  10. Slushie Man says:

    My roommate and I threw a party and I was the original White Ranger, lol

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