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Thorton and Johnson join Faster

By Rodney - October 28, 2009 - 04:37 America/Montreal

I am all for another Dwayne Johnson action film. He always excels in those roles. However his co-star in an upcoming heist revenge film called Faster.

RamaScreen says:

Thornton has signed on to co-star in this revenge actioin/drama/thriller about an ex-con bent on avenging the death of his brother, murdered 10 years earlier when the two were double-crossed during a heist…

Things get even more complicated and intense because while hunting down the people responsible for his brother’s death, the ex-con (Johnson) is also being pursued by several guys who want him dead.
Johnson’s character is called Driver, the guy hunting him down is simply called Killer. They haven’t hired any actor to play that role yet. While Thornton is set to play Cop, a veteran policeman who trails Driver as he races to settle with those responsible for the murder.

I think my lack of anticipation here stems mostly from Thorton’s accusation that Canada is “all potatoes and no gravy” that he spouted out while promoting his musical career earlier this year. I know he made the remark to get at a radio show host who was instructed not to mention his acting career, but it forever made me see Thorton in a different light.

Maybe a trailer or more info on this project will change my mind, but right now his involvement alone is enough to turn me off of it.


  1. Bamkazaam says:

    what does he mean by “all potatoes and no gravy”? what was the topic about?

  2. nbakid2000 says:

    The topic was about how Canadian audiences are really reserved and basically not very exciting to play for during a concert.

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