“The Lizard” To Be The Only Spider-Man 4 Villain

This is fantastic news if it turns out to be true (but this is normally a pretty reliable source). The website Marketsaw is reporting that Spider-Man 4 is going to only have ONE villain… and that villain is going to be The Lizard.

You might remember that a couple of days ago it was confirmed that Dylan Baker was indeed going to be back for Spider-Man 4 as Dr. Connors… but it was never mentioned if he would become The Lizard or not. Looks like he will!

I think this is good news… especially the one villain part. What do you think?

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31 Responses to ““The Lizard” To Be The Only Spider-Man 4 Villain”
  1. GODFATHER says:

    Keeps the storyline simple, focused, and on track. I like it (mind you, I have NO idea about anything concerning the Lizard, but I’m OK with that). Just hope there isn’t too much of the Parker/Watson love crap. I know it’s a necessary evil (in movies/books) but I seriously hope it’s kept to a minimum!

  2. The Pope says:

    They need to redeem the series after the bomb that was Spiderman 3. Worse movie in recent history.

  3. Astrocreep says:

    This is awesome news, if it turns out to be true.

    Damn now I can’t wait for Spider-Man 4

  4. geoff pedder says:

    can’t be any worse than ‘3′, my guess is 4 will tank and a re-boot will happen in a few years once the dust has settled. I wan’t a Jim Cameron spidey movie!

  5. Brendan says:

    Awesome news!! Really looking forward to seeing this now. I thought the villain for Spider-Man 3 should have been the lizard and was really disappointed when I found out otherwise, hopefully this can bring the respect back to the franchise!

  6. SlashBeast says:

    NO! Now they’ll have more time to focus on that soap opera junk with MJ and Peter!

  7. krazie835 says:

    At least the storyline will be simple. I wonder if they’ll address the small sample of the symbiot that Dr.Conners studied.

    I guess this is another story of a villain who once was good but then turned bad because of a terrible accident. O_o

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      How to address the symbiote? Easy stuff. Pick one.

      1) It leads into the “Venom” spinoff;

      2) It is mentioned and/or seen but put under lock and key;

      3) It isn’t even given an honorable mention.

  8. War-Journalist says:

    YES! You just made my day, John.
    Perhaps now we can finally get the marriage out of the way. I just hope they use the classic Lizard look.
    I think that #3 was the big tangled knot in the rope of the movie series, and this one will be able to recover. If this is true, we’ve only got one villain, and it’s planned so we won’t have to worry about him getting the Venom treatment. Everyone else is dead, so there shouldn’t be an overly-complicated plot. But I hope Black Cat at least becomes an element, even if it isn’t explored.

  9. Cole says:

    Boo. Bruce Cambell as Kraven the Hunter was my hopes as a secondary or main. Lizard is a bit lame.

  10. James says:


    Less action and more story! YES!

    • James says:

      How much money do you guys wanna bet Mary Jane gets kidnapped by the Lizard at the end of the movie??

      • matty says:

        And that the Lizard starts crying at some stage ( Crocodile tears? ;p )

      • James says:


        “Im not really a bad guy! *sniff* im a good guy when im not a lizard *sob* please forgive me! pleeeeaase!!!!! *BAWLS*”

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        I don’t think that will happen. Maybe MJ will be part of the action, but it will be a serious blunder if she is kidnapped and bound yet again.

        As to Lizard having lamentations? When Connors isn’t himself, The Lizard will be lethal, tough, break shit, and get real nasty.
        The only way to stop The Lizard is to give him the cocktail, and smell his stinking breath while downing the tonic.

      • James says:

        I am SO 100% positive she will get kidnapped.

        What do you mean cocktail?
        I assume you mean the purple shots you have to inject into him in order to stop him?
        Yeah, i hope they have that in the movie. Supposedly, hes unstoppable as the Lizard unless ou inject that drug into him.

        Tobey Mcwire isnt funny enough to make fun of anyones breath, or else he would have done it on Venom.

  11. MJS says:

    I’m a little nervous about the idea of the villain being something that will probably be entirely CGI, but I do like that they’re trying not to over-crowd the story.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      sandman was all CG when he was in his massive form. same goes for venoms face. plus about half the time spidey is all CG.

  12. Michael Banno says:

    See, this contradicts reporst that say that The Lizard was NOT the villain in Spider-Man 4. Not that I’m complaining. I’m just saying.

  13. Hdpunk says:

    i dont know… i think a lizard movie would be perfect to bring in kraven the hunter, plus im a little nervous of having a CGI villain be the ONLY villain.

  14. Darren J Seeley says:

    The Seeler’s thought process:

    1- MJ isn’t snatched. There is an attempt to do so, but the claws of The Lizard accidently slashes her wrists to ribbons and she almost bleeds to de… uh, hurts her enough to put her in ICU.

    Don’t applaud me for that- I actually LIKE Dunst. Really I do.

    2- This makes a ton of sense. It would explain why there hasn’t been that much casting news regarding “new” characters with “new” actors to the franchise. (In other words, if Hammerhead was involved and you heard ‘Hugo Weaving’ up for a role or Black Cat and you heard ‘Alison Lohman reteams with Raimi’ etc.) The actor(s) would have to announced early if makeup and FX tests were needed.

    3- Where does this leave Bruce Campbell? Well, there was LOTS of speculation that he would play a Spidey foe, specifically Mysterio. I was on that bandwagon too until a week ago, where it had just dawned on me that it was just that. An assumption. In each of the films thus far his cameo has been slightly longer or given a few more lines. For all we know he could play…Betty’s ill-fated brother.

    4- So what about the bad guy who is “Very New York”? It could have been a character who was written out…or Raimi was simply pulling a teaser chain. Or he meant The Lizard, who takes over the Central Park Zoo.

    5- I would have liked a “non connection” to Peter Parker. But this is great news (one major foe), one that’s been built up a bit as well. You won’t hear me bitch.

  15. hiddenheart says:

    Like I’ve said, I think the Lizard should have been the villain in Spider-Man 3. That way, they could’ve really made Peter’s struggle with the symbiote intense since it would’ve been pushing him to act cruelly and aggressively toward someone who’s his friend. They could even have worked in the “New Goblin” plot line if they absolutely had too. At any rate, the movie would have ended with Peter getting rid of the symbiote, and Spider-Man 4 could have been all about Venom.
    That’s how it SHOULD have been, anyway. As things stand now, I’m not expecting too much from Spider-Man 4. I think they probably peaked at Spider-Man 2, and it’s just downhill from there.

  16. leeloo says:

    oh good. more screentime for dancing parker.

  17. Derek 8-Track says:

    lets add one more villain…

    Lizard is born. Destroys New York. Kraven Hears about it. Moves to New York to hunt Lizard. Spiderman has to save Conners from Kraven. Kraven Finds Spiderman a more worthy Hunt… I’ll let Raimi decide the Ending.

  18. Dragon1964 says:

    THANK GAWD - It is about f’n time - now as long as Rami does not have the big L going into a song and dance routine it should rock!

  19. Lawrence says:

    It’s great that they finally let Dylan Baker portray the Lizard. It’ll be more interesting if Kraven the Hunter was added , and have him hunt BOTH the Spidey and the Lizard as his trophy prizes.

  20. Thos says:

    One villain = awesome! I didn’t even bother watching Spidey 3.

  21. Lu Galasso says:

    Everyone here probably won’t agree with me but I prefer more villians plus other superheros to support Spidey. To me it seems more exciting to have multiple people involved and to see how they work as a team.

  22. Gigan300 says:

    FINALLY, some good news regarding this film.

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