Star Trek Deleted Scene Online

As we anticipate the DVD and BluRay release of Star Trek next month, Spike TV snuck out one of the deleted scenes.

RamaScreen describes:

below is a deleted scene, via Spike, from the movie showing us a masked ruffle-headed Klingon interrogating Nero played by Eric Bana, trying to get information from him about the future. Nero fights back, lets his right hand man go and says ‘The wait is over’ the line said in the trailer but was missing from the theatrical cut.

I really wish this was in the film, as I found Nero a little lacking as a superior force. Seeing something like this could have helped enforce his character as a powerful leader. I kind of felt Nero was wasted in the film while we spent too much time re-aquainting ourselves with the heroes. It does introduce the Centaurian Slug which Nero uses on Pike later. Obviously an homage to the Ceti eel.

In spite of all that I loved the film, but I didn’t love Nero. Just liked. He said he would call for a second date, but I don`t see it happening.

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5 Responses to “Star Trek Deleted Scene Online”
  1. thematticus says:

    I agree, would have been better with this scene to flesh out the character more.

  2. thematticus says:

    And don’t worry, he didn’t call me either. Admittedly after a couple of drinks, I do get kind of gropey, so…

  3. Valis says:

    this scene would have helped but I still feel the same about the movie. (I hated it btw)

  4. Liszt says:

    So how and why was Nero in a Klingon prison? I mean, it was implied in the movie, but I think the fact that they left it out was a mistake. It would have gone a long way to explain where he was for 25 yrs. So what happened? He came through the black hole…destroyed the Kelvin, and then was captured? How? Since his ship was so powerful….there’s a lot missing here…I hope there’s a Director’s cut one day.

    • Michael Banno says:

      The Kelvin damaged his weapons array. It is then said that they were captured by the Klingons and he was then put in Rura penthe.

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