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New Images From “The Box”

By John - October 19, 2009 - 13:30 America/Montreal

I’ve been really interested in the new Frank Langella/Cameron Diaz flick “The Box” ever since I first saw the trailer. I dig movies that pose interesting moral dilemmas to the audience and the premies of this one seems to fit the bill.

From what I can gather, Diaz and her husband (who have a kid) are in some financial trouble when Frank Langella shows up with a box that has nothing but a button in it. He tells them that if they press the button, they will instantly get $1 million dollars… but the catch is that someone, somewhere in the world…. a person they don’t know…. will DIE. What do you do hot shot?

Anyway, the trailer can be seen here… but the good folks over at i09 have also put some new stills of the movie online. 26 of them to be exact. You can take a look at them here.



  1. Will the GMan says:

    I want to be excited, because I loved “Donnie Darko” so much. But “Southland Tales” was so bad I just can’t get pumped for “The Box.” Richard Kelly needs to redeem himself.

  2. cloud720 says:

    Anyone else thinking they would push the button?

    If I don’t know you, you might as well not exist. Yea its probably a good thing Frank hasn’t knocked on my door.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      In the words of my roommate, “How many times can I press the button and get the financial reward?” *taptaptatptaptaptaptaptaptaptap….*

    • Monica Dickey says:

      haha hate to say it but I probably would, and hey once you do it one time, might as well go for a nice round 10 million right? haha

      I don’t see the huge moral dilemma. 1 more person randomly dies along with the usual 300000?

      Maybe I’m just a broke jerk :/

  3. Jeremy K. says:

    Richard Kelly told me grasped my attention with Donnie Darko. Left me wanting more and looking forward to seeing what his future prospects held for the future. Finished watching Southland Tales and was left with the question, “What happened, Mr. Kelly?” The genius of Darko just did not shine through for me on Tales. Though The Box is not an original story by him, I hope this movie is a return to his ability to grasp my attention. Despite the disappointment I had in his second outing as a director, I find myself still excited to see what he does with The Box.

  4. Hate this movie says:

    I hate that they made this movie, it was originally a fantastic short story, there is not enough substance in it to make a full scale movie. and all the action in the trailer was not in the original story.

    it has a m. night shamalon worthy twist at the end too…..

    • Matt S says:

      Yup, awesome Twilight Zone episode, and an awesome twist at the end. It’s a Hitchcock worthy twist…. and an M. Night (first few movies) worthy twist.

  5. AtlasMason says:

    Wasn’t this an old Twilight Zone? Or maybe just a Twilight Zone short story? Either way, the short story was fantastic, but I agree with the previous poster about it not having enough substance to make a full scale movie.

    The twist at the end is quite good though. Read the book… Don’t wait for the movie.

    • Matt S says:

      Yes, it’s an old Twilight Zone episode, a really great one! Judging by the trailer my guess is the movie differs quite a lot from the original story. I wouldn’t expect too much to be the same, my guess is they keep the ending though.

  6. carl says:

    I would like to see Cameron Diaz’s box.

    Does she get nude in this film?

  7. Charles says:

    @ AtlasMason

    That’s what I thought, too. I totally remember this being a Twilight Zone episode. It worked perfectly as a little vignette. If there’s great characterization, and ONLY if there’s great characterization, I could see this being a great two hours. Here’s hoping!

  8. Ryan says:

    This movie looks absolutely terrible…that’s all I got.

  9. Astrocreep says:

    I like Frank Langella but this movie doesn’t look interesting to me. I’m can’t stand Diaz though. When Langella shows the button to Diaz I wanted to hear him say “deal or no deal?” lol.

  10. David Lopan says:

    It’s a good thing I’m not the main character. The movie would go like this…

    ::opening credits::

    Me - Honey, we’re broke

    Wife - What do we do?

    ::Skeletor walks in::

    Skeletor - I have the solution, I’ll give you a million dollars to push this button, but someone you don’t know will die after.

    Me - Is that all? Sweet, easiest money I’ve ever made. ::I push the button::

    ::Skeletor smiles::

    Skeletor - Wise decision

    ::end credits::

  11. NoName says:

    Death note is better movie than this

  12. Matt S says:

    I swore in the original trailer Fank didn’t have a poor man’s CG two-face style hack job, but now in the TV spot I saw the other night half his face is gone. Does anyone remember if he had all his face in the first trailer or was it chopped off like it is now???

  13. Ifaz says:

    As I said before, James Marsden is the most underrated actor of hollywood. Even John wrote:
    ‘new Frank Langella/Cameron Diaz flick’
    “Diaz and her husband”.- See what I mean. He actually nailed every role he was in and doesn’t even get recognised.

    And I think Cameron Diaz is a horrible pick.

  14. Joe says:

    This is from an old 80s “twighlight” zone episode (if it wasnt TZ then it was one similar in nature) exact same thing.

  15. T says:

    I remember this from a tv episode of something. The movie probably fills out a lot more of the
    story… but the person who dies is the last person who had pressed the button.
    Anyone else remember this tv episode??

  16. Kaneda979 says:

    Few cool pics. I didn’t realise til just now that Frank Langella (Cyclops) was in this.

    I loved Donnie Darko, so naturally I am curious about The Box. But I’m also wondering if a story like this can be stretched out to 90mins and be good all the way threw.

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