Nathan Fillion’s Firefly Tribute on Castle

Castle fans were eagerly watching for Nathan Fillion’s suggested Easter Egg in last week’s episode, but it was anything but hidden. Fillion’s character in the show is anything but his persona from Firefly, but he relishes in his “Space Cowboy” costume before being shot down.

The true Easter Egg in this not so subtle tribute to Nathan Fillion’s Firefly character is a prop on the shelf just to the left of the screen that you can’t see very well in this clip. It is the “It’s a nothin part ’til you dont got one” from the Firefly Episode “Out of Gas”

And her line “Didn’t you wear that five years ago” was clearly a nod to the last time Fillion wore the browncoat in 2005’s feature film Serenity.

Sigh… I miss Firefly.

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15 Responses to “Nathan Fillion’s Firefly Tribute on Castle”
  1. Maggie says:

    I love this so much! I was so happy when I saw this Monday night!

    Good catch on the easter egg!

  2. Daniel says:

    *Spoiler-ish, I guess…?*

    I was very disappointed that he was not dressed as the “space cowboy” for the ENTIRE episode. Unrealistic…but who cares! I know I don’t…not when it comes to being dressed as Captain Mal Reynolds.

  3. Anti-Septic says:

    It was a fun episode altogether. He looked very natural wearing his Mal (Firefly)getup again.

    It brought back many found memories once again.

  4. Ryan says:

    As much as I’m sure that’s meant to be an easter egg for Firely, the costume is actually much more like Vash the Stampede from Trigun (though, I’m 99.9% sure Firefly was just a live action version using elements from Cowboy Bebop, Trigun and Outlaw Star).

    All that said, Nathon Fillion rocks and Castle rocks. People should watch it, if they don’t already.

  5. Daniel says:


    That was Awesome, I miss Firefly so much.

    • Joe says:

      that was my reaction for easily like 10 minutes when the show start. And i jumped and clapped… and screeched like a school gi-… i mean man.

      Had to pause and explain firefly awesomeness to my girl who only knew of Serenity but didn’t recognize it.

  6. John says:

    haha, reminds me of this:

    I wonder if Nathan Fillion really does dress up as Mal all the time? Who am I kidding, of course he does.

  7. Geno says:

    When I saw this episode I thought it was great, absolutely loved it! I never did get a chance to see Firefly or have gone and bought the series. I saw serenity and enjoyed the film very much.

  8. Roman says:

    SO PISSED I live in Philadelphia and they showed the F’n Eagles game on ABC and didn’t show Castle this week! Do they have these Episodes onLine?

  9. Meli says:

    Oh man, I geeked out hard on the opening of Castle this week, I even gave it a 2nd viewing last night. This show is a mega fun show and I love, love all the geek references in each episode.

    • Joe says:

      geek-asism’d so hard i had to pause it and explain it to my girl so she didn’t think i was crazy. lol

      • meli says:

        LoL, that is funny….I had to explain it to my kiddo who never really watched Firefly, something I am trying to correct. I did have a girlfriend I was able to text and share my excitement - we were like two teenage girls.

  10. Lee says:

    :) this got me excited too. At first I thought it was a bit of a jab at the (obsessed) fans “don’t you think you should move on.” But, then I realized that Nathan never would have done this scene and stir us all up into a frenzy unless he kinda wouldn’t mind doing the character again too. In any case the shout out to the fans was quite a cool thing for him/them to do.

    I would love it if another firefly movie could be made, frankly the only character that is needed to make it would be Fillion, he “makes” the show. Incidentally he has “made” this new show too. If Castle were canceled now I would fight for it just like Firefly. Castle is currently my favorite show of 2009.

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