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Movie Quality vs Movie Enjoyability

By Rodney - October 23, 2009 - 06:54 America/Montreal

A clever little webcomic online called xkcd often tickles me, and today’s strip embodies exactly how I feel about the scale of Movie Quality vs Movie Enjoyability.

Everytime you look back and wonder if there was ever anything worse than JarJar in the Star Wars films, remember the Holiday Special. George Lucas denies it exists for a reason.

He still accepts that JarJar exists even though he knows it was not his best idea!

So what are your “So-Bad-It’s-Good” films??


  1. thematticus says:

    Toxic Avenger. Classic.

  2. Roguepirate says:

    The Core!

    “Feel free to throw up. I know I did”

    • Daniel says:

      I enjoyed ‘The Core’, I don’t understand why people hate it so much. The acting was decent, the visuals were impressive, and the characters were pretty solid.

      • John says:

        Because the science was just ridiculous, and the plot and dialogue were predictable to the word. In short, great fun! Watched it with my flatmates and we were quoting it for the rest of the year…

  3. Aaron says:

    Cabin Fever

  4. SlashBeast says:

    It’s strange that I’ve never seen a movie that I thought “it was so bad it’s good”. I guess I just don’t view movies in that way.

    • Anti-Septic says:

      I can totally agree with you on that mate. The whole idea of so bad it’s good seems crazy to me.

      I either like it or I don’t.

      • SlashBeast says:

        So I’m not insane after all!

      • James says:

        NO ONE hates a movie so much they hate it.

        Theyre just confused.

        Allow me to correct them.

        They saw a shit movie that was supposed to be say- a horror. But it fucking sucked, however… it was extremely funny and ridiculous in an Evil Dead sort of way. So they laughed and loved the gore, but it wasnt the movie they expected, and it obviousy was a fucking horrible movie.

        So they hated it, but admit it had good things going for it, which ended up being really good (the humor, for example) but it failed at being what it was supposed to be, a horror, and the story was dog shit, therefore it sucked kitten balls.

      • James says:

        I meant to say “No one hates a movie so much they like it” =p

  5. Rosey says:

    Joh Carpenter is the master… “They Live”

  6. dave says:


    The Last Dragon

  7. KevinTheMP says:

    Bloodsport with JCVD is one of those movies for me.

  8. townes says:

    From Dusk Till Dawn 2-3

    AWESOME ;)

  9. probitionate says:



    Is that anything like ‘So-unappealingly-unattractive-that-they’re-hot’?!?

    Ew, ew…ew.

    Movies hold such a strange place in the lives of some.

  10. Louis says:

    Movies are attempting to make us believe in a story and get us immersed into it. When they fail at it miserably, we can get laughter out of how pathetic the attempts to make us emotionally respond turn out to be. We’re not laughing with it, but we’re having a great time laughing at it.

    Same for the worst contestants in talent shows who still make it on TV. Human nature has no mercy for piss-poor performances blended with a genuine conviction to achieve something great.

  11. darkknight100 says:

    any of the pokemon movies!

    So bad its good is like “So unfunny that its hilarious!”

    • David says:

      i cant agree with you on this, they’re kids cartoons. They’re great for what they are and there by no means good movies to the general pop. but to put them in a so bad its good category i wouldnt agree

  12. Jeremy K. says:

    The way I view the statement “so bad it’s good” is much like how I view the “guilty pleasure” statement. You know the movie is bad, you know you should not like it, yet for some reason you like it anyway. Is that an accurate description of that?

    Remo Williams would fall under this category for me.

  13. "Julianstark" says:

    I think that G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra, for me at least, could get to “so bad it’s good” status.

    Plan 9 from Outer Space is definitely the King of All Bad Movies that are Good.

    Others are The Covenant and Pathfinder

    For my Razzie ballot, I’m gonna check out some films that may get there one day, like Obsessed

    And I’m gonna try to check out that awful Star Wars Holiday Special just to laugh at it haha

    • AARON says:

      I personally liked GI Joe, just me.

      It was ok, but I felt like it was great because my expectations were so low

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      I don’t know how the rest of the year will pan out, but so far in my view, ‘Obsessed’ is the worst film I have laid witness to so far this year. Beyonce better stick to musicals, because she can dance and sing; she cannot, however, act. That film also wasn’t bold, daring, engaging or suspenseful. It could have went the ‘Fatal Attraction’ route; but it lacked tension. It could have went ‘Disclosure’, but it dropped that angle of he said/she said.

      The big hype was the catfight.
      And it was short, but not sweet.

      It didn’t deliver.
      …and for gosh sakes, if a hot gal like Ali Larter is going to play vixen, she should actually be convincing…

      I must stop now, before I rant away…..

  14. cloud720 says:

    Waist Deep with Tyrese.

    That movie got so bad that by the end of it the entire movie theater started laughing.

  15. MEDavidson says:

    Pieces and ‘The Room’

  16. Matt S says:

    Damn I thought this was going to be an in depth debate about analyzing the merits of movie quality vs. movie enjoyability. I was preparing for war as I clicked the link. Oh well, another day.

  17. James says:

    That doesnt exist, if a movie is bad, it fucking sucks. Period.

    I hate it when people make that excuse, Drag Me To Hell gets that “Oh it was so bad i kinda liked it a lot”

    No, that movie was fucking horrid, it was SO BAD that I hated every secound of it.

    Maybe theres a bad movie that had good stuff in it that you like? Thats different, but never is a movie “So bad that I liked it”

    10,000 BC was so bad I grabbed my neighbors baby and ripped her hair off.

    • RobertCForest says:

      You’re wrong James. Technical aspects of a movie can be well executed but the movie overall can still be unenjoyable … and vice versa. Just because a Movie Is Technically “Bad” doesn’t mean that it “fucking sucks”.

      • James says:

        I know that, i basically said that on a comment response up top ^^^^^^

        What my point is: No movie ever sucks so hard it magically becomes good.

        Maybe you likes something about it and hated something about it…. so that makes it an OKAY movie, not a bad movie yo loved.

        Instead of complicating things and saying “I hated it so much, that out of hatred, i loved it a little”
        just say “It was meh”

      • RobertCForest says:

        …and as for “Drag Me To Hell” there was nothing “Bad” about it. It was flawlessly executed and very well put together, plus it was also enjoyable and entertaining. But The Last part is an opinion … Subjective from one person to another.

      • James says:

        Lmao okay. No movie is loved or hated by everyone.

        Have you ever watched a movie that was so bad you found YOURSELF embarrassed around people watching it with you?
        That was me while watching it. I even whispered “I am so sorry” to my family for recommending it to them.

        Last time ill ever listen to the TomatoMeter

      • RobertCForest says:

        Well, James … I don’t believe any of these people are saying anything about a movie “sucking so bad that it suddenly becomes good” … just because they word things differently than you isn’t a proper reason to mildly attack the way a person states something. People aren’t always going to say things in your range of stating them. Maybe instead of criticizing the way others word things, just let them write it and read (or don’t read) what they right. Just a hint. It’s less aggressive and sounds more adult.

      • RobertCForest says:

        obviously I meant … write instead of right … I do that type of thing a lot. Sorry.

      • James says:

        1) Im not attacking anyone

        2) Im not being aggressive to anyone, Its hard to see this because youre reading it instead of listening to me, if you were listening to me youd understand my tone, thats just how i usually talk (completely irrelevant)

        3) “So-Bad-It’s-Good” is exactly what everyone here is saying. Its just another way of saying “It sucks so much baby balls it morphs into a good movie id recommend”

      • RobertCForest says:

        Using cuss words is generally interpreted as anger in diction. This comes off as aggressive behavoir. Every line you write, for the most part sounds angry. You may want to consider that when writing then … because I don’t think that even though you “didn’t mean to sound aggressive or angry” it still comes off that way. But what do I know. Sorry for missinterpreting your statements.

        …and your #3 comment makes zero sense at all while being very vulgar as well … but if that is the way you choose to project yourself … who am I to criticize?

      • AARON says:

        I must disagree, a movie can be so bad it’s good.

    • Shane Hero says:

      The phrase “so bad it’s good” does not literally mean that. It basically sums up when someone finds they enjoy something despite the fact that by all rational analysis, it really does lack what they would normally categorize themselves as liking.

      Often film buffs like ourselves who visit sites like this and give a lot of thought to films can give a really good explanation of the type of movie we like. We can describe the technical aspects of what makes a quality film. But from time to time there will be a film we still enjoy, despite the fact that on paper, we really wouldn’t expect to.

      You’re saying that if a film is technically bad, yet still enjoyable, we should describe it as “meh”. No, that’s when a movie is mediocre. If we really enjoyed it, then we really enjoyed it. The “so bad it’s good” part comes into describing why we liked it, when you really can’t justify it by any rational means like ‘good script’, ‘great acting’ or ‘fantastic effects’.

  18. chuck86 says:

    I know I’m gonna get bombed on this one but, “Howard the Duck” has got to be one of my favorite “its-so-bad-that-it’s-good” movies.

  19. Jenny says:

    Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
    Sooo worth watching, especially if you are slap happy.

  20. Jeremy K. says:

    I’m impressed with will people beliefs that movies are either black or white. That there is not a single movie that you find enjoyment from that is generally and overly bad movie.

    Like Teeth, a movie about a vagina that bites, sounds like a horrible premise for a movie, yet was entertaining, and quite cringe worthy, none the less.

    Or, for me anyway, Dude Where’s My Car… where the majority of viewers hate it because it is so stupid, and I know it was stupid, yet for some reason I have found enjoyment in watching it just because of how stupid it is.

    It’s like comparing the two Street Fighter movies. Both of sucked horribly; however, the first one sucked so bad that it will be remembered forever. Whereas the Legend of Chung Li sucked of so much mediocracy that it will be forget within a year or two. That’s why one has a following and the other nothing. I personally hated both, but I do recognize the following the first one has. Despite it horribleness there is no denying it did something right.

  21. LordThyBob says:

    Gamera! I grew up watching MST3K, so watched a lot of horrible movies made funny by them.

  22. Philipo says:

    can I throw any Arnie classics into the ring? Commando is, in my opinion, The Best-Bad Movie Ever Made.
    Terrible acting/dialogue (Arnie:”I LIED!!!”)
    effects (blatent dummies getting blown up)
    story (what? go there, get daughter, kill everything)
    music (steel drums for every occasion!)
    bad-guy (Freddie Mercury’s lost brother!)

    …but, its entertaining as hell!! Utterly hilarious! Raw Deal should also maybe go on the list.

  23. Mykrantz says:

    Last Action Hero and The Last Boyscout.

    As for the debate “so bad it’s good” is the same as “guilty pleasure”. You know the movie has flaws, but you love it for some reason…

  24. leeloo says:

    plan 9 from outer space ftw!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. Derek 8-Track says:

    Sister Act 2

  26. Sterculius says:

    Killer Klowns from Outer Space



    Bad Taste

  27. AtlasMason says:

    A very guilty favorite of mine that definitely falls under this category is Gymkata… Horrible movie from the 80’s that makes me giggle and cringe. That scene in the town of crazy people and the pommel horse? That alone makes it worthwhile.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Hahaha, I almost mentioned that up above, but chickened out and put Remo Williams! Sure sign that it falls under so-horrible-its-good.

  28. jaffahut says:

    I only saw about 30 minutes of it, but I started feeling entertained by Caddyshack 2.

  29. Ryan says:

    Starship Troopers, Waterworld

  30. Lizzy says:

    I put my love for dance movies in here… ie Stomp the Yard… I just cant get enough of that movie.

    and Sky High? but I’m not sure if I even think it is bad hahah

  31. Corey B. says:

    Norbit is most likely the worst movie I have ever seen.

  32. MichoPower says:

    Have any of you seen Black Sheep? Not the one with Chris Farley…the one made in 2006 about a failed genetic experiment that turns the sheep into maneaters!! Now that is a great movie! The effects suck, the actings sucks, but the idea of the story is so damn hilarious that I LOVED IT even though it was terrible. I recommend you go out and rent it tonite!!!

  33. VulGerrity says:

    Starship Troopers

  34. Hiland says:

    Try to watch a movie called “Hard Ticket to Hawaii” now that movie is HILARIOUS. And also, it should be made a FACT that Drag Me to Hell IS AWFUL…

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      The late Andy Sedaris was behind those intentionally high camp DTV series that featured various Playboy playmates w/automatic weapons, and WMDs of another sort. Cheap, cheesy and gave new meaning to the word exploitation.

      I used to dig’ em, the L.E.T.H.A.L. series. Used to.

  35. nbakid2000 says:

    Black Sheep is really a funny movie. I showed it to my brother’s friend and he was laughing his butt off.

  36. nbakid2000 says:

    KISS Meets the Phantom of the Park is so bad it’s good. *loves that movie*

  37. cloud720 says:

    Wicker Man.

  38. Ryan says:

    One of the worst movies ever (even according to Rotten Tomatoes): The Covenant. I was in the mood for a mindless action sci-fi flick when it came out though and, without reading the reviews, made my friends go see it (despite protests). We laughed so freaking hard at how bad it was, throughout the entire thing. Truly an epic failure, though with moments that were so bad it was, well, not good… but at least unintentionally hilarious.

  39. Iam Wright says:

    The only way a “So bad its good” film is enjoyed is when you are watching it with a bunch a friends and able to heckle it together. Uwe Boll films would go into this category as well as the Mortal Kombat films and Street Fighter with JCVD. Actually, Street Fighter might hit the top of the list.

    As for sitting alone, All of Peter Jackson’s early work and Cannibal: the Musical.

    Ricki-oh is a real good one, too.

  40. AARON says:

    Movie Quality is definitely more important

  41. ultra-magnus says:

    Evil Dead as a series. they are SO bad, but i can never lose my love for them cause they just make up all the plot consitinces by being entertainging as hell. i finnaly got the first one on dvd

  42. bunnyhero says:

    ‘night of the lepus’ is one of my favourite bad movies of all time.

  43. Melee says:

    Mr. Jingles I believe falls in the category of so completely and utterly stupid that it’s hilarious. Horrible acting even worse effects and a demonic killer clown, What’s not to love?

  44. Jesse says:

    “Mother’s Day”

  45. Crimson Sin says:

    Mean Guns. It has probleams some of the acting is a little off and they do this weird “speed up” thing with the film during one of the action parts and it looks weird and even laughed the first time I saw that part. But I love this kind of cheese action film and I would recommend it to any action fan.

  46. Darren J Seeley says:

    The topic crops up every so often, and it’s always fun to talk about. Some of the int’l friends know my lists of the brain twists, but here’s a recap:

    - Blue Monkey

    Old guy wants to pick up an old gal; he checks out an exotic plant in her greenhouse, and infects him. A short time later, a giant maggot emerges from his dead body. The maggot grows into a mutant man eating giant female preying mantis. The hospital is under quarantine, and the authorities kill more folks than the bug. Steve Railsbach and Susan Anspach hunt the bug down.

    I still have my VHS copy; I would like to find a DVD somewhere..

    - Only The Strong

    Acting’s bad. The story is paper thin. But Mark Dacascos has some charisma; he’s this ex-Special Forces dude who helps get the dope dealers out of a Miami high school. How? By teaching the misfit students martial arts, specifically capoeria. Also noteworthy is the film’s soundtrack, which I have. You all have heard one tune from it at one point or another and not even known it.

    Here’s a hint: “Zoom. Zoom. Zoom”
    Think about car commercials

    - No Mercy

    It got a bad rap because Richard Gere drags Kim Basinger through the bayou in handcuffs for a few minutes. And the film opens with Gere stopping a drug bust and getting all soaked in suds for his effort (bust went down at a buggy wash) but there was some good action and…Jeroen Krabbe as Lasado was a total BADASS.

    - The Return Of The Living Dead.

    More brains. Send more paramedics.
    Nuff said.

  47. Alain Alfaro says:

    I know many people have commented this one but any Jean Claude Van Dam movie!

  48. Nick says:

    The Stuff and Night of the Comet

  49. Thos says:

    “Hawk the Slayer” and “Condorman”

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Condorman is all kinds of awesome. Cannot agree with you more. I’d also like to add to this list with Who’s Hudson Hawk!

  50. newt says:

    ‘BMX Bandits’ with an early nicole kidman…also ‘RAD’

  51. Ty says:

    Idk….Evil Dead?

    Planet Terror?

  52. Kyr says:

    Under the category, “it’s so bad that it’s fun to heckle with friends” would have to be
    Deathstalker 2.

    The first movie (a sword/sorcery flick) is bad, but the second one set out to be intentially bad — horrible acting, same 5-6 guys as the goons just dressed up in different ways for different fights, very low production values, and no-talent playboy centerfold playing both the heroine and the heroine’s evil twin.

    Best part? Outtakes at the end. Including outtakes of the sex scene.

    And now that its on DVD? They’ve even got a commentary mocking themselves.

  53. nbakid2000 says:

    Since we’re on the topic of sports movies, how about “Thrashin’” with Josh Brolin and a cameo by early Red Hot Chili Peppers?

  54. Lu Galasso says:

    You’re all going to think that i’m insane but I’ve always loved the movie Bio Dome even though I know it’s such a horrible film.

  55. Jim says:

    What about Last Action Hero? Was it so bad that it overshot the “it’s so bad, it’s good” mark? That movie still stands out to as one of the worst ever.

  56. jimf says:

    Attack of the Mushroom People - Matanga, the Fungus of Terror.

  57. David Lopan says:

    Oddly enough, two of them are with Dolph Lundgren

    So bad it’s good movies:

    - Showdown in Little Tokyo
    - Masters of the Universe
    - Deathbed: The Bed that Eats
    - Burial Ground: Nights of Terror
    - Quick Change

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