John’s New Gig: Senior Editor Of AMC Theatres New Blog

Hey there guys! This post is more for our regular readers who have been following The Movie Blog for a while. You may have noticed that over the last few months, I haven’t been posting nearly as much as I usually do and that Rodney has been picking up most the slack. Well… there is a very good reason for that:

A few months ago I was contacted by AMC Theatres and agreed to become the Editor for their brand spanking new movie news blog “Script To Screen”. Since that time we’ve been working on getting the site ready for launch… and yesterday, the new AMC site went LIVE! You can see the new site here.

I’m joined by my new associate editor, the immortal Kellvin Chavez, who is also the Editor n’ Chief over at Latino Reviews, and by our contributing writer Christina Warren of Mashable (you’ve been hearing her on our podcasts a lot lately). We’re adding more writers in the coming days as well.

First of all… I’m not going anywhere. I’m going to continue to do The Movie Blog as a place for my thoughts and opinions, and I’ll be doing AMC STS for news. Now that the STS site is finally up, you’ll be seeing more from me around here on The Movie Blog.

This is going to be a great arrangement for The Movie Blog, and I’m really looking forward to getting the ball rolling!

Sorry for my absence, but it’s been a hectic couple of months and we’ve had to keep quiet about it. But now we’re live. Thank you for all your continued support and encouragement!

As a side note, today I put up my first video for AMC. It’s a quick interview with our old friend Milo Ventimiglia from Heroes about his new movie Armored coming out next month. You can see it here:

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27 Responses to “John’s New Gig: Senior Editor Of AMC Theatres New Blog”
  1. Dragonslayer says:

    Cool, John, cool. Hope you do well.

  2. Mikano94 says:

    For a second there I thought you were just being lasy.

    • John says:

      haha… I know there were probably a lot of people thinking that… but I wasn’t allowed to say anything until the new site launched.

      • Mikano94 says:

        Anyway, Congrats on the site it looks great and well worth the wait. BTW, does this mean that you’ll start posting more regularly on this site and as equally on the new one?

  3. AARON says:

    Awesome John that’s an amazing opportunity

  4. Meli says:

    Congrats! I did skip over there yesterday after you tweeted about it. One selfish thought…great, now I have another site to visit each day! hehe

  5. Astrocreep says:

    Congrats John, I look forward to the new site and seeing you back on TMB more often.

    By the way, how are things going with The Anniversary? We haven’t heard anything about it since you had the screening.

  6. GODFATHER says:

    Quite honestly, I was thinking to myself earlier today, “John’s not around TMB much anymore. Wonder what he’s cooking up”. I thought you were trying to get The Anniversary out to us that haven’t seen it yet (and anxiously awaiting), but this is great news John! All the best with the new gig, and I hope this means more inside stuff that you get to go to!

  7. Brendan says:

    Hey congrats John, I liked the interview as well.

    Look forward to seeing more stuff (From the movie blog and AMC!)

  8. hecticstairs says:

    Congratulations John! All the best from your friendly Canadian hecticstairs

  9. Darek-T says:

    I have a feeling this is going to make the MovieBlog better because now that you’re doing a news site you’ll be able to know more and post more on the movie blog because of it.
    Am I right in my assumptions?

  10. bobsyeruncle says:

    Good fer you, maestro. How much power remains to be had before you are officially “absolutely corrupt”?

  11. 46and2 says:

    Gratz, John! Thanks, Rodney!

  12. War-Journalist says:

    Congratulations, John. You did great in the interview.

  13. James says:


    How do you know so many fucking famous people?

    Are you like best friends with Seal or something?

    (im really curious)

    And congrats on the move!

  14. Darren J Seeley says:

    Congrats, Gio!
    And it’s also neat that TMB isn’t going anywhere.
    We wouldn’t want a panic…

  15. Rocket says:

    You’re living the dream Campea. Best wishes.

  16. Tony says:

    Congrats on the new job and welcome back.

  17. tzaylor says:

    Way to Go man, we were missing you around here! (We love you too Rodney). Sorry for the emotions I’m watching the biggest loser right now…sniff

  18. Monty says:

    Congrats John!

  19. King Jonny says:

    That’s pretty cool! Congrats and I hope the AMC blog does well!

  20. Yamo says:

    Congratulations John hope all is good

  21. nbakid2000 says:

    Congratulations, John. This is great news.

    However, Milo doesn’t seem to have a CLUE what his own movie is about during that interview.

  22. Lucky says:

    He congrats John!!!! Hope this will bring more better prosperity for U…..

  23. Moe says:

    Hey John,

    Congrats on the gig!

    Do you know that you have your own Wikipedia page:

  24. Ty says:

    Congratulations John :-)

    I gotta agree with whoever said it first…stoked to have another site to visit.

  25. Phil Gee says:

    Very nice; best of luck sir.

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