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James McTeigue talks Superman Reboot

By Rodney - October 1, 2009 - 05:17 America/Montreal

James McTeigue has been rumoured to be heading up a Superman Reboot, with the Wachowskis to produce, and recently he shared a little about his vision with that.

Worst Previews quotes:

“I think I would be interested in doing it if they let me do it the way I wanted to do it,” he started. “I would say that, if you take the Richard Donner Supermans and the last Superman [from Bryan Singer], I think that Superman is probably ripe for a bit of a change up.”

McTeigue continued: “I’m not saying you do the ubiquitous dark Superman, I’m just saying that I think there are some things that you could excise from the Superman mythology, if you took the world that he was in and changed that a bit, and maybe even project that into the future a bit.”

“I think you don’t really have to play into the origin story anymore. I think there’s a whole bunch of things you could do to make that film more alive and exciting again.”

Now the site claims this confirms his involvement, but then says immediately in his quote that he is “interested in doing it if they let me do it the way I wanted to” so this is hardly a confirmation.

But despite the knee jerk reaction that Superman would instantly become a mashup of Speed Racer and the Matrix, can you see this team taking on the Big Blue Boyscout?

I think it would be an interesting match. As he suggests you really have to do something different after there have been so many takes on the character already. Even DC itself, which has lost the rights to Supes origin story launched a new Superman Miniseries this week spelling out his origins.

I just hope that whoever does it, does it justice, and that Brandon Routh returns.


  1. cloud720 says:

    I not going to discuss whether or not I thought Brandon Routh was a good Superman or not.

    It would just be too confusing using him for a reboot and unrealted new superman movie. If it were a sequel it would be one thing but how could it be? it seems like the majority of people didnt like the story of Superman Returns, why build on it? Can they even? Didnt they lose the rights to Lois and the Daily Planet?

  2. Josh says:

    “But despite the knee jerk reaction that Superman would instantly become a mashup of Speed Racer and the Matrix”

    My fear exactly. I hope they can steer clear of the Superman in a black vinyl suit, but at the same time we need not to go and tell his origin again. The whole WORLD knows it. Just dump us into the middle of him fighting another super powered being. Superman is like a sports car or a thoroughbred horse. We have to see what he can really do every once in a while. The stories where he is fighting Lex are a fun Sunday drive, but now we need to see him at full speed.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    Well the “team” was also behind V For Vendetta, a pic which everyone loves except for one person. That person would be me.
    (okay, there are others, but it feels like I am alone on this)

    McTeigue is correct in saying that a reboot does not have to revisit the origin story. It is a given that the masses basically know all that. He is correct in saying that there are ways to make the character exciting again. That could be said about any character in any franchise, reboot or not. I, of course, am NOT for a reboot, which isn’t really needed- on top of that what is there to reboot if you aren’t going to retool the origin story? Worse comes to worse, a retcon would be better, having Superman visit the wrong Earth, where the “right one” is without the Kid.

    Also, WB can still use Supey as we know him, so long as they give the Siegel estate their cut.

    • D.P. Gumby says:

      I think you are alone, friend. V for Vendetta was awesome.

    • alfie says:

      you are not alone darren.

      between the horrendous acting from EVERY SINGLE PERSON ON SCREEN and the TERRIBLE storytelling I would like someone to explain to me what’s good about the film.

      it was a piece of wretched wretched shit and if ninja assassin is as bad as I am hearing then mcteigue can continue to dream about superman but that is all it will ever be.

      a dream which is better then reality of him making which would be a fucking nightmare.

      although you would have to be useless to an almost unheard of degree to make a film worse then singers.

  4. Lawrence says:

    I’d say if DC and Warners were to re-hire Brandon Routh to be Supes again, he needs to be bulked up a little more. Yeah, James McTeigue is right in saying that the origin tales are no longer necessary. I’d say create a Superman flick within the same vein as the animated DVD feature just released a few days ago, “Superman/Batman:Public Enemies”. That’ll really get people into theaters.

  5. Lawrence says:

    Metallo and Brainiac are villains that are long overdue to appear in a Superman film. Enough of Lex Luthor. I’m tired of him. I’d say have Metallo go “Terminator” on Superman and that Brainiac pulling his strings.

  6. Iceberg says:

    Honestly, how can you have a Reboot w/out the origin? This won’t (and I repeat) wont work. You’d think DC would use ‘Batman Begins’ as a blueprint for Superman. I don’t care what stories they are cooking up, the Origin has to be included in the Reboot…hell even the New Hulk touched on it (briefly) in the opening credits.
    Just when you thought it could get worse then Superman skipping child support, here we go with this mess.
    This is another disaster waiting to happen

  7. War-Journalist says:

    1. I think Brandon Routh looks too young to play a prime Superman, so a remake with him would be an okay idea.
    2. Superman is such a perfect character, as they have built him to be, that it’s difficult to do anything new with him. I mean, how can you make something challenging to the most capable character since Jesus? (No offense to religious types). I don’t think we need a new flashy Wachowski take on him. I think we need to dig deeper into his character; the things about him that make him human, and contrast that with the fact that he’s f*cking Superman and have him kick some ass Mortal Kombat-style.
    3. I would agree that we don’t really need an origin story again, but it would be nice to have it just as a formality.
    4. We need a real Superman villain other than Luthor. Someone he can go toe-to-toe with. Perhaps we need the Wachowskis’ vision to do that, but I’m just throwing things out there.
    5. PLEASE no more kryptonite. I’ve seen enough stories about that to last a lifetime. Bring light to the fact that he is HUMAN(-ish) and that he has the same weaknesses we all do (as mentioned in #2).

    • 3R!C says:

      They already did that with Superman Returns. The writers came in and gave him a more personal struggle, with Lois and her article about him, feeling he’s alone in the world due to not finding any other Kryptonians, and finally finding out he had a son. Those were all pretty much the problems he was dealing with the whole movie. I agree with Lex though, it’d be nice to have a new villain. Doomsday or Brainiac, or even Titano. I remember reading a while back before they started production on Superman Returns that they were going to have him fight villains in mid-air, but they felt too much that it would be the like the Matrix.

    • SlashBeast says:

      You’re obviously not well-aquainted with Superman’s rogues gallery if you think no one can pose a threat to him.

  8. LAgirl says:

    Personally if they do a remake anytime soon on Superman,the most important thing you could do is get a cast that works with the reboot. And I’m sorry but Brandon Routh, Kevin Spacey, and Kate Bosworth is not a good combination. Brandon would only work if he has fitting characters to work with. People that complement each other as actors. It worked for the new Batman, I think it could work for this too.

  9. dave says:

    Well one out would be to skip to Superman as an old man, with him retiring or dying and handing over to his son as the new Superman.

  10. SlashBeast says:

    I’m dying to see Superman back on the big screen. The main problem with Superman Returns is that there wasn’t enough action! Superman’s got so many villains and opportunities for some awesome action sequences, let’s tap into that potential! I also believe that the next villain should be Brainiac.

  11. hecticstairs says:

    Make superman what he is: a bizarrely human, emphatic, superpowered alien that saves mankind from some kind of action-packed threat, plus lex luthor

    For the villain I’d vote for brainiac, I mean, come on, that kind of character is just ripe for the Wachowskis

  12. Grave says:

    The Wachowskis are you frickin kidding me? Of all the people at WB to choose from they picked them? I rather have Bay producing then them.

  13. TMS says:

    Simply I hope we don’t get another Superman movie. Why try and reboot a franchise which really should be left alone and concentrate more on new super-heroes instead. Any attempts to breath life into the franchise is most likely going to struggle because Donner’s Superman is such an iconic character that newer versions which change the feel of the character are going to fail in comparison.

  14. Lawrence says:

    Just bring on Doomsday, Brainiac, DarkSeid and Metallo with Toyman as supporting villain in the next flick. That’ll shake things up .Yeah, enough of Luthor.

  15. Ryan says:

    Honestly, Brandon Routh was fine. Not that many saw the last one, so I don’t think it would be confusing. If they want to recast, that’s fine, but if they keep him, that’s fine too. I just want a good movie. As long as they stay far, far away from the plot of the last movie, they’re golden. They can call it a “reboot” or whatever. They could simply declare the last movie non canonical (if, indeed, anyone could come up with definitive Superman Canon — as even the comics “reboot” themselves every few years). I say give it the Star Trek treatment: cool, hip, sexy and fracking awesome, fun from beginning to end.

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