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Invictus Trailer Online

By Rodney - October 27, 2009 - 20:52 America/Montreal

Among my top ten films of all time I list The Power of One, which has Morgan Freeman in a movie about standing against the wrongs of Aparthied - the segregation of blacks and whites in South Africa.

Morgan Freeman is returning to that theme in a story about Nelson Mandella which seems to have a strong paralell to Power of One, which instantly makes me downright inspired to see it.

Collider gives the nutshell:

If you aren’t familiar with the film, “Invictus” tells the true story of how Nelson Mandela (Morgan Freeman) joined forces with the captain of South Africa’s rugby team, Francois Pienaar (Matt Damon), to help unite their country.

Check out the Trailer here:

This looks amazing, and has a great cast in it too. Damon looks amazing in this, and Freeman is channelling Mandella to perfection.

I can’t wait for this.


  1. "Julianstark" says:

    Looks amazing

  2. Jimbo says:

    I smell Oscar’s..

    SA winning the world cup in SA with Mandela in the stands and Pienaar captain of the winning side is close to the best sporting moment of all time. I got chills when the lifted the cup.

    Cant wait to see this, I cant see it being a bad movie.

    I cant stream videos at work, does Morgan pull off the accent?

    Rodney - good call on the power of one, I love that movie… boxing, love and choirs jeez who would have thought that would work…lol

  3. bobsyeruncle says:

    btw, one “l” in Mandela.

  4. Jimbo says:

    wow pedantic much!

  5. Kleino says:

    Looks absolutely amazing, my only criticism (and it’s a small one) is that Damon is far too small to be Pienaar, the guy was huge. But at least Damon can act which always helps. I’m really looking forward to this movie.

    • Rodney says:

      I will take a buff actor who can act over a HUGE guy who might look the part a bit more who can’t.

      Damon is freaking buff in this. I didnt realize he was that muscular even from previous stuff.

      Sure he is only 5′10 to Francois Pienaar’s 6′3, but Pienaar was only 240lbs, so I don’t know that he was “massive” considering Damon looks to be about 220 in this and nearly half a foot shorter.

      Close enough I say.

      • Kleino says:

        I agree, but as a South African I’ve heard a lot of chatter about “Hollywood” ruining a defining moment in our history and this is one of the things that people will probably make a really big deal of. But like I said, to me it’s a small thing and at least Damon can act, and pull off a South African accent, which isn’t easy!

  6. SlashBeast says:


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