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International Avatar Trailer is Online

By Rodney - October 29, 2009 - 06:56 America/Montreal

Its been floating around a couple days, but I didn’t want to post it until we got the real one, but to hell with it.

Here is the International Trailer for Avatar:

The aliens do look very real, and the eyes do not have that creepy look to them. The aliens do have a bit of a cartoony look to them with the bold blue skin. That kinda of makes them look a little “fake” but I don’t mind. Their whole world seems to be filled with vibrantly coloured creatures and plantlife, so it works.

I also like that the trailer spells out the story a little better, though it is as we presumed. Human takes an alien “Avatar” form and infiltrates the indigenous population and becomes sympathetic to their plight in the process.

If a better version comes online, I will be sure to post it!


  1. Lawrence says:

    I think this movie will become a franchise, potentially with sequels. Might be the movie of the year.

  2. RonSalon says:

    I think this looks amazing. I can’t wait. This is everything I want in a movie.

  3. AARON says:

    Am I the only one that thinks it looks good but still not epic?

  4. alex says:

    Has epic written all over that trailer!!!

  5. James says:


    If anyone here went to see Saw 6, you saw this in a theater sized screen.
    Watching this trailer there gave me goosebumps like 2 seconds in.

    I hated the 1sr trailer and considered this a fail, till i went to see Saw 6. It looks SO RAW in the theaters.
    Everyone I was with was like “holy shit…”

    ONE thing though, this movie kinda reminds me of Star Wars… and the Wookies

    • thematticus says:

      Totally right. I saw this in the theater and was blown away. Computer moniters don’t do it justice. Agree with you on the Star Wars thing too.

    • James says:

      When I saw it at first I was like “Oh its that videogame shit movie, Avatar”
      Then half way through it all my friends were like

      “Jesus Christ dude!”

      And the trailer alone was like 10000 times louder then the Saw 6 movie. And the Na’ri looked so fucking real.

      I think (im 100$ serious) im going this weekend to see Saw 6 just for this trailer again, walk out and skip over to Law Abiding Citizen.

      I did that with Superman Returns twice to see the Spiderman 3 trailer.

  6. Jano says:

    Holy sh…!!

  7. tzaylor says:

    Ok I was wrong. This looks really good.

  8. miles says:

    i actually really prefered the first trailer. i liked how it let the images do the talking, instead of telling you word for word what the story is.

  9. nbakid2000 says:

    Am I the only one who smells bad acting all over this thing?

    • Phil Gee says:

      Not all over sir; Worthington is the only one I’m concerned about. He’s not proven his acting chops to me yet.

      But I am dying to see this one. I get my ticket tomorrow.

  10. Alex says:

    Sorry, but the aliens still look super fake to me :S

    Its not really the CG as much as its the art style and design they used for them…..

  11. JDH says:

    CGI is still iffy in my eyes. The story sure looks like a retread of Dances With Wolves.

  12. 420BAND says:

    This shit just made George Lucas Cream His Pants!

  13. Katie says:

    It looks good… but I hate it when they tell you the whole plot of the movie in the trailer. LAME!

  14. vargas says:

    This movie looks awesome!

  15. bla says:

    looks cool, but is lame

  16. The Honch says:

    Visually looks great…I didn’t realize it was Pocahontas in space until now…that concerns me a bit. :)

  17. bcreek says:

    Seriously, name one video game that looks half as good as this. I can understand the argument that its not the life changing CG that it was originally hyped to be, but comparing Avatar’s visuals to a video game is just ignorant.

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