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Fox to pick up Bond Distribution and Marketing?

By Rodney - October 6, 2009 - 07:37 America/Montreal

MGM looks like it might be the virtual garage sale as the future of each franchise it holds the rights to are all being called into question. Seems it is business as usual for The Hobbit, however this is the first news we have heard about Bond, the “other big name” that MGM owns.

WAMG says:

“A source close to the dealings has let We Are Movie Geeks know that Bond is alive and well, and will be settling into his new domicile for marketing and distribution at 20th Century Fox.”

I am waiting for the fanboy rage to kick in and comments drooling how “Fox will ruin the franchise” start spewwing, but this is just distribution and marketing rights. It isn’t like the franchise will no longer be produced by MGM, just that the financial burden of advertising and distribution will be left to someone else.

Should MGM fold, I would think this puts Fox in a solid position to make a bid on the franchise, but I still don’t think that would ruin it.

Of course this is just a “source” and no official announcement has been made.


  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    I really don’t get the big deal is. Fox isn’t going to change the Bond movies. However, I have a question I’ve wanted to ask for a long time. Why is there so much hate towards FOX. Can anyone tell me?

    • SlashBeast says:


    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Love or hate FOXNews, Slashbeast, your response is idiotic. Yes FOXNews does have some controversies, but there’s one basic thing wrong with your response.

      It is neither here nor there. FoxNews has NOTHING to do with the making of or marketing of motion pictures. They have no say in what the film division does.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Good point. Also, it wasn’t my argument. I was just supplying information towards his question of why people hate FOX. Although, not the film division.

  2. DON says:

    Because most of their comic book adaptations and sci-fi flicks in general have sucked. They don’t hire top talent for comic book flicks and rush them out with 90 minute run time.

    Hell X3, F4 & F42, Daredevil, AVP, AVPR, Eragon, Dragonball, wolverine.

    Bottom line is that they don’t handle fanboy driven franchises properly.

    Also, Chud, AICN and several movie websites absolutely hate Tom Rothman who is responsible for churning out shitty flicks.

    Personally I think they are okay studio. Yes they have fucked up comic book flicks but hopefully in the future they won’t repeat the same mistakes. The chances of that happening are low.

    • Rodney says:

      That’s just it… people focus on the negative. Fox does nothing different than any other studio, its just fashionable to hate on them for it.

      Every studio “gets in the way” of properties. Some for their own benefit and some not.

      Fox has more hits than misses.

      • The Incredible Suit says:

        Yeah, but Fox do like to bugger stuff up and they are run by a complete and utter mentalist. This would not be good for Bond in any way, shape or form.

    • melbye says:

      The Broccoli-family have complete creative control over the franchise, much like Lucas and Star Wars

  3. Slushie Man says:

    I hate Fox’s TV station, but I have no problem with their Movie branch. I’ve enjoyed many of their movies and have loved almost as many. As Rodney said, they don’t make any more bad movies then any other company does, its just popular to hate on them so people focus on their bad movies more then any other company’s.

  4. Andrew says:

    Well, I’m one of the only people who actually liked Daredevil,like John, and remember, Fox distributed the first two X-men movies, and those were pretty damn good. So, if Bond goes to Fox, I think of this as in the same boat as the Marvel being bought by Disney event. Has Fox ruined Bond yet? No. Has Fox saved Bond yet? No. Can you see into the future? No. Can I see into the future? No. Has anything good or bad happened with this deal yet? No. So, as far as I’m concerned, this is not something worth worrying about. The most involvement they’d do is if Daniel Craig leaves is that they will cast the star of Lie to Me in his place, and I don’t think that he would be a bad candidate for the role if Craig were to step down.

  5. Bobby says:

    They can still fuck up the marketing as they have for plenty of films and that’s a huge aspect if a film gets a huge opening week-end or a lousy one.

  6. MJS says:

    Didn’t Sony/Columbia have a finger in the distribution of one or both of the Daniel Craig movies? I would have thought they were the natural choice to be doing something like this.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      That’s what I was thinking. Hell, they pushed for it long enough, and even currently share production/distribution costs. If anything, it would go to them. It would make them happy.

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