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First Look at Seth Rogen as Green Hornet

By Rodney - October 2, 2009 - 06:48 America/Montreal

Yesterday we got a set shot of The Green Hornet costume but it was just the stuntman in the outfit.

Well now we get our first look at Seth Rogen all spiffed up in the full classic Green Hornet digs.

Looks like they haven’t strayed at all from the original look. And Seth looks dedicatedly slim compared to his previous portly persona.

Looks good to me!



  1. Ty says:


    He looks real good!


    Damn, he did it. I thought that chubby bastard didn’t have the “phisique” to be the Green Hornet. I guess he’s evolving, laying off those mentally challenged comedies.

  3. alex says:

    FRIGGIN BADASS!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Grave says:

    Cool a Green Arrow movie now we just need a Wonder Woman film then Warner Bros can have their Justice Leage.

    • 3R!C says:

      this is Green Hornet

    • James (hazmat) says:

      WB said they wont be making a Wonder Woman movie. Or Flash.

      And, although they are talking about a Green Arrow movie, i dont see it ever happening….DC never gets shit done, those people fucking suck.

      Unless of course, they get Batman and Supermans balls out of their mouths and start reading some OTHER comic books besides Batman/Supes

      • Rodney says:

        WB isn’t making any of the DC Properties anymore.

        DC Entertainment is.

        I haven’t read anywhere that they have completely abandoned any properties.

      • James (hazmat) says:

        Oh right, DC said it. Whatev lol

        Yeah they said they wont be doing Flash or Wonder Woman.

        They announced it right after the whole DC Entertainment thing blew up

      • SlashBeast says:

        Where did they say that? I can’t find any such statement which claims that.

    • Grave says:

      Ohhh K guess I forgot to write the “Just Kidding” part.

  5. Jeremy K. says:

    Call me impressed. Every time I tried to imagine this I picture an overweight Rogen busting at the seams of his costume. Wonder what diet/workout regime he went on to make such a change. He actually looks pretty awesome in that image.

  6. Katie says:

    Hmm… he’s kind of a hottie. :D

  7. chris....the real one says:

    dont know why people expected this to fail…im excited for this

  8. James (hazmat) says:

    Does this movie take place in the present?

  9. Meli says:

    I don’t have too much interest in this movie, but Rogen looks really good! I’m glad they stayed with the classic look.

  10. THE FOOL ON THE HILL says:

    He’s lookin’ like Matt Dilon, I don’t know why.

  11. bjon86 says:

    that looks badass!!

  12. theRZA says:

    What is going on with his left hand? it looks like a prosthetic.

  13. Hartnett says:

    I just want to know who the random foot in the upper left corner belongs to.

  14. SlashBeast says:


  15. joe says:

    what be this will be the movie that willget back into like seth rogan i acually did like him at first but then lost it so who knows

  16. Snake Eyes says:

    Very impressed and surprised, he looks good physically, now let’s see how he actually plays the character. For the life of me, I still have troubling not laughing when I read “Seth Rogen is the Green Hornet!”

  17. Brendan says:


    Looks quite convincing and truly awesome.

  18. David Lopan says:

    All the buzz (good or bad) never phased me, I’ve been looking forward to this movie since I heard about it. I know some people were upset about Rogen being cast, but I like his funny films and I’m always up for actors branching out. He could be another jim carrey that’s capable of drama or anything else that just isn’t silly humor…you’ll never know.

    • Methos84 says:

      ditto. I’ve been championing this flick from the start. Buddies of mine have been less than kind in regards to Rogen as GH, but by golly, this photo has got to at least soothe over some naysayers.

      • David Lopan says:

        The effort on Rogen’s behalf is showing in the photo. I guess you and I are the only ones excited methos, haha!

  19. Methos84 says:

    …simply awesome…

  20. BamKazaam says:

    right.. so who is in this movie again?? really i mean i dont even know who plays kato anymore.

  21. kanthan says:

    Who the fuck is the green hornet, I mean really, and Sure he looks ok what… whats with all these ‘awesome’ statements get a grip people

    • Methos84 says:

      Individuals who are familiar with Green Hornet are excited over this picture because Rogen actually LOOKS like Green Hornet. The general concern was as to whether or not the plump funny man could convincing pull off the action hero role. What’s awesome about this photo is that Rogen looks good, allaying some of the fears. Also the costume doesn’t deviate much from the original outfit of the TV series, again much to fan’s delight.

  22. Ifaz says:

    I………might wanna see it.

  23. DG Music says:

    OOOOH YEAAAHH!! That’s fucking awesome…good man, Rogen.

  24. lowell says:

    What’s with the lazer gun?

  25. Darren J Seeley says:

    As one of the few on the net who were willing to give Seth Rogen the benefit of the doubt, and unlike John and Rodney I had my fingers crossed. But as much as I was pulling for the man, after looking at this still shot I must confess that even I didn’t think he’d look that great.

    But now I’m beginning to wonder…

    Could the “setbacks” of the film that the net seems to gloat over about in the last six months be better for the film? What if Rogen and Gonrdy’s vision for the film is to have an action-comedy but not to take it over the top?

    When we hear of an genre film being delayed from a target date we will give that film a pass because it will give the filmmakers more time to improve the film in one way or another. But when “Hornet” falls in the same boat? What did I read?

    ” The film’s in trouble!
    The film’s in trouble!
    The film’s in trouble!”

    Or something to that effect.

    Could this be the snapshot that helps turn the tide, the above comments seem to support that. Maybe this pic isn’t the disaster many have made it out to be.

  26. riggs says:

    holy shit, seth rogen isnt portly anymore!?!?

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