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Dr Connors Confirmed for Spider-Man 4

By Rodney - October 23, 2009 - 06:08 America/Montreal

One of the things I love about the Spiderman movies was the quiet addtion of Peter’s college professor Dr. Connors, who comic fans are well aware later becomes Spiderman’s enemy The Lizard.

Well with all the speculation around who the potential villains could be for Spiderman 4, we throw another log on that fire as Dylan Baker, the actor who played Connors confirms he is back for part 4.

ScreenRant says

Dylan Baker, the actor who played the minor role of Dr. Curt Connors in the last two Spider-Man movies has confirmed that he’ll be in Spider-Man 4. Now, this doesn’t mean we’ll be seeing his scaly alter ego known as The Lizard, but it sure wouldn’t be surprising.

If they DON’T go with the Lizard as the villain, I would be shocked. This would be the longest buildup to a character appearance EVER. Especially considering the previous badguys have all been introduced and sprang to life within one film.

So Baker has confirmed that Connors will return, but not neccessarily The Lizard.

I would love to see the Lizard or Mysterio be the badguys, but only if it works. Multiple villains is not a bad thing if written well. But if you can’t make it work, I would sooner see Lizard instead of Mysterio.


  1. Jason Stanley says:

    Oh it will happen, they’ve been building for it and it would certainly be the right time. Well it would in terms of winning some fans back anyway…

    It will still make a ton of money no doubt.

  2. party marty says:

    As long as his lizard head isnt peeled back all the time to reveal Dylan Bakers face. I think Lizard and Vulture would be a good combination, or Lizard and Scorpion. Just pick out two animals and there you have it.

  3. Sardaukar says:

    I still like the idea (that’s been floating around out there for a few years now) of having the Lizard pop up and Kraven coming in to hunt him down, only to find a more formidable target in Spidey.

  4. MandarinOrange says:

    I remember reading a wikipedia article about the lizard and when I heard it was Dr. Conners I was started flipping out. I had no clue about it but now that I do it is like “AWESOME”!!!!! Let’s just hope they look at this correctly as “what did we do right in Ironman and what did we do wrong in SM3?”

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    I’m starting to wonder if Baker reprises his role as Connors…but another actor (Bruce?) plays The Lizard.

    • Rodney says:

      If they spent all this time establishing a professor with that name KNOWING its the name of the guy who becomes the Lizard only to get someone else to play it?

      Then Spiderman 4 will be worse than 3 (which I didnt completely hate, but find a hard time loving)

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Hey, it was just a thought. At least I didn’t suggest Bruce plays Stegron.

        I’m more like everyone else and thinking Mysterio (or more technically, “Quentin Beck”) but I’m also open to The Vulture (when Toomes scientifically reversed the aging process), the Clifton Shallot version of The Vulture….but I’d actually rather see Bruce play Alistair Smythe, if that role were in the film.

    • Price says:

      I don’t think they would use a secondary actor to play the lizard. If they are going to do a good job with bringing him to the big screen he will be all CG is my bet. But, bringing Bruce in as Mysterio (or I like the Kraven idea) would be a perfect fit I think.

  6. party marty says:

    Can someone remind me, did Connors have one arm at any point in the films yet?

  7. leeloo says:

    cliff robertson or fail.

  8. James says:

    I think that the Lizard is a given, but im sure theyll have 2 villains.

    Lizard, who isnt all bad, and one 100% bad mutherfucker.

    Say, Electro.

  9. krazie835 says:

    I hope they bring in the Lizard, but please I hope they actually have a villain that’s a bad guy. Not some good person, or someone who is just misunderstood turn into a villain.

    Bring an actual villain who is evil from the get go!!!

    • James says:

      Why arent YOU directing the Spiderman 4 movie??

      The only real villain these movies have had are Gobby and Venom.
      Everyone else was a fucking pussy.

      “Oh im only doing this to help my daughter”

      “Youre my best friend Pete, I guess ill help you”

      “Im not a monster, i must use my intelligence for the good of mankind”

      “The lizard is only my alter ego! In real life im a war veteran, biology teacher and i love puppies!”


      • James says:

        I’m just agreeing with Krazie and angered because all the villains had a muddy vagina, that’s all.

        Especially Sandman, hes supposed to be the biggest badass and he turned out to also have a uterus

        Sandman needed to queef the sand out of his Vageen and act like a real villain and…say… kill Mary Jane

      • AARON says:

        I should direct it, it would be nothing like 3.

        # 1 concern: LIZARD.

  10. Philipo says:

    Dylan Baker = Lizard. Bruce Campbell = Mysterio? Best bad-guys ever?
    Raimi did say Bruce would have a meatier role in 4 (if he meant ’sarky butcher that mistreats Parker’ I will be very annoyed).

    I always thought Kraven the Hunter was a cool character but 3 villians in 1 movie - not having that again thankyouverymuch. I cant be hurt like that again. I just cant…

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      It had recently dawned on me that just because Bruce has a bigger part that does not necessarily mean he’s playing a heavy.

      I know.
      I’m evil (dead)

  11. MADMAX_007 says:

    Screw all them weakasses: bring on CARNAGE!!!!

  12. Derek 8-Track says:

    Lizard and Kraven need to be in a movie together. Kraven the Hunter can hunt down the lizard And Spiderman. it would be absolutely fantastic!

  13. Audioout says:

    I don’t want to see another bad guy that is actually good. I want to see a bad guy that really is bad and totally because he wants to be.

  14. Lu Galasso says:

    I hope the directing knows what they’re doing and it all works out well!

  15. Dragon1964 says:

    This should have beendoen beforee but now if they do it right and with the advanced technology - the transformation would rock and he woudl kick ass - See any SPMN book with the lizard in it - Spidey gets his ass KICKED in every one. Mysterio is a joke. If they did this like real life (ie Dark Knight) it woud be taken seriously and just rock the movie world.

  16. B says:

    Mysterio, and then the lizard as the cliffhanger, like he helps spidey then it coruppts him?? Not cannon but bad ass

  17. party marty says:

    My only concern with Lizard is another damn failed lab experiment. Seems to be the only origin story they have in the Spiderman universe. Im surprised they havnt outlawed science the amount of trouble its caused.

  18. Lawrence says:

    I’m 100% certain that Dylan Baker will be given a larger role in Spiderman 4 as the Lizard. Throw in Kraven the Hunter (I highly recommend Liam Neeson) , that’ll be awesome. Imagine Kraven the Hunter hunting both Spidey and the Lizard as his prizes for a million dollar bounty .

  19. Ryan W says:

    Lizard is all I’ve wanted to see … and having confirmed him back, only brings the obvious into play. It is not … in doubt.

  20. 420BAND says:

    Kraven the hunter sucks as a villian, didn’t work for me in the comics and stay away from the flicks please he’s just as bad as Morbious

  21. hiddenheart says:

    I’ve been stewing on this for a while now, so I’m just gonna say it, even if it doesn’t matter at this point. Spider-Man 3 should have been about the Lizard, and maybe include “New Goblin”. Then, they could have used Peter Parker’s close personal relationship to both villains as a catalyst for his problems with the symbiote and its effect of amping up his aggression. That way, they could have ended the movie with the church bell scene, and Spider-Man 4 would be all about Venom. Ah, yeah…

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