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Clancy Brown to play Lobo?

By Rodney - October 29, 2009 - 07:19 America/Montreal

Clancy Brown is one of those “Oh yeah, that guy” actors. I bet he could walk down the street and no one would even ask for an autograph. And if the rumour is true, he may be the top contender to play the DC Comics antihero Lobo.

Fused Film says:

A source close to production told them that Brown might be the man. Apparently with the amount of special effects needed to create the character, there isn’t too much concern in bringing in a high profile name to lead this project.

“Ultimately regardless of whether you do it all CG or its a guy in a suit, with CG, you’ll still end up doing a lot of CG animation. So do you need a celebrity? Do you need a name or do you just get someone who is good and who’s gonna nail it?“

The very idea of a Lobo film perplexes me. It can go one of two ways. They take this very two dimensional character and create something very cool for him and make a great film. Or they realize there isn’t anything to do with him and just fart something out hoping to bank on the incomprehesible popularity of the character.

I agree that you don’t need to go A-List to cast him, but I wonder if they are going to CGI Lobo entirely? Sgt. Zim and the Kurgan both had physical presence on screen, so they could use him. But no one is as impossibly proportioned as Lobo is, and the die hard fans that are going to want to see this will just moan if he isn’t 400 pounds and 9 feet tall.

I would really like to be surprised by this film, and see something that makes me want to see it. Casting Clancy Brown might be a good plan, but I still don’t see why this guy is getting a movie when there are so many other worthwhile characters in the roster with actual stories.


  1. Lawrence says:

    If there’s any DC Comics character that Clancy Brown is born to play for, it’s Lex Luthor. His booming voice, plus having to shave his hair bald, he’ll be the perfect Lex. Brian Singer should’ve cast this guy instead of Kevin Spacey in his Supes flick. Lobo? nah.. maybe a CGI version is a whole lot better than having Brown portray him.

    • Rodney says:

      Clancy voiced Lex in the recent Batman Superman Public Enemies direct to DVD feature film.

      Just sayin.

    • Andy D says:

      He actually plays the voice of Lex Luthor in the current DC animations. I agree he would have been far better than Spacey.

      I’ve always loved this guy, ever since I saw him play the Kurgan in Highlander. The dude has amazing screen presence.

  2. James says:

    Who the hell is Clancy Brown?

    Doesnt he play for the Bucs?

    • Rodney says:

      He was The Kurgan in Highlander, Sgt Zim in Starship Troopers and a whole heap of voice acting stuff too.

      He has been around a long time.

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Everybody talks Highlander, which is nice…but he his Frankenstien monster in 1985’s The Bride? Priceless!

    • Riggs says:

      and the only good part of pet semetary 2

      • Rob D. says:

        Everyone forgets his major role on the HBO series Carnival. Maybe because it just wasn’t well perceived. I thought it was a great show and his character is one of my favorites of his of all time.

  3. digitaldrew says:

    Concerning Lex, Id prefer Clancey to stay in the animated world, he is perfect, but for the animated universe. Dont want to ruin a good thing, same with Mark Hamill as joker.

    Clancy has also been on Lost, and voices Mr.Crabbs on sponge bob.


  4. Colin says:

    Captain Hadley from The Shawshank Redemption? utterly terrifying in the role!

    Though my personal favourite performance of his was The Kurgan, scared the crap out of me when I was alot younger watching it!

  5. SlashBeast says:

    I believe that Lobo would be used more to “test the waters” for larger DC properties.

    I’m excited to see this. Guy Ritchie’s style is perfect for this.

  6. stormlight says:

    If they’re going to go with a voice for the presence side of things then use BRAD GARRETT.

    He voiced Lobo in the animated series (Superman & Justice League). He has the height (6 ft. 8) to pull off the size on set while he’s wearing the green/blue suit, and he’s a veteran actor too.

    I agree Clancy would be a better Lex.

  7. nbakid2000 says:

    He was also in Carnivale as the preacher.

  8. RPM says:

    Also,he was a recurring character(a few times anyway)on Lost.

  9. RobertCForest says:

    Clancy Brown is very good at what he does. I hope that they go a more del Toro “HELLBOY” makeup routine route with this movie! Clancy in a Pearlmanesque way would be able to embody LOBO given the write Make-up. Don’t over CG the Shit out of this. I think that Guy Ritchie will make a good Lobo film. Just hope he sticks to his guns and does what he’s good at doing and doesn’t delve into too many over the top CG moments.

  10. Darren J Seeley says:

    The studio will most likely despise the filmmakers with such a possible choice. Clancy is a terrific character actor, and has been in nearly every genre known to mainstream cinema. Sometimes it is said that great underrated actors are great even in stinkers. Brown is one of those actors, but he mostly winds up unsung in terrific movies—such as The Shawshank Redemption.

  11. BobaFett says:

    My favorite Clancy Brown performance is an older one from before Highlander, in the original Bad Boys with Sean Penn and Esai Morales.

    In fact, I feel confident in saying that he channelled that performance while playing Hadley in Shawshank.

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