Avatar Featurette Online

In a previous post today we have the International Avatar Trailer, but also released recently was this 4 minute featurette clip about the making of the film.

They refer often to Cameron’s vision of this film as something he literally dreamed up. They don’t talk about a script he wrote, but they talk about it like he was reporting back and retelling of this fabulous world he visited in his mind.

I really like the line “We are always trying to push the envelope, and this time we were trying to push the envelope and it pushed back. And then we pushed harder.” The sheer magnitude of the number of animated creatures, machines, vehicles, and animals is staggering.


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15 Responses to “Avatar Featurette Online”
  1. Moe says:

    I wonder how this is going to be recieved by the movie-going public. I remember “Waterworld” being trumpeted for its scope and size, only to be panned.

    Not saying that’s going to happen here, but we’ve heard so much about “Avatar”, maybe a letdown is almost inevitable?

    On another completely unrelated note, John has his own Wikipedia entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Campea

    • probitionate says:

      I see according to the Wikipedia entry, John was indeed, ‘born again’; in Nova Scotia *and* British Columbia. Quite the feat. LOL

  2. Matt S says:

    “They refer often to Cameron’s vision of this film as something he literally dreamed up.”

    I don’t know how many of you have heard of the controversy surrounding “Avatar” and Poul Anderson’s 1957 novella “Call Me Joe”, but people who “borrow” someone elses ideas and then act as if it was totally and completely their own idea (or that they dreamt it up) makes me sick. “Call Me Joe” is about a parapalegic, who transports his conciousness into an alien body so he can exploit the natural resources of Jupitor, through it’s primitive native race. He begins to go more and more native as he interacts with the race and begins questioning the moral of what he’s doing…… Oh, and the aliens are big and blue and look part cat.

    JEEPERS Cameron, give credit where credit’s due. Or else you look like a complete idiot (something he’s looked like a few times inthe past). There is nothing shameful with adapting a film out of another medium, but there is something shameful in calling something a completely original work when it isn’t. This is much more substantial than that Avatar rips off Delgo goofiness a while back.

    • Rodney says:

      He admits that his film is inspired by all the science fiction books he read as a kid, and the plot is familiar to many cross cultural stories like Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas too.

      Besides… a novella written in 57 is public domain now. He doesn’t have to give credit if he borrowed the idea. Just sayin.

      • Price says:

        Just because it was written in 57 does not mean it is automatically public domain. There are a lot or copyright stipulations that indicate whether the work is still protected or not. Initially the author (at the time this piece was written) was given 28 years copyright protection. If the copyright was renewed in the 28th year then the work is protected for another 95 years. If not it became public domain.

    • irastev says:

      Have you actually read the story? Ok, I read it years ago, but I don’t remember the alien creatures being catlike, blue, or even ‘race’ as much as ‘fauna’. And the morality of what Joe was doing wasn’t the main theme, as much as him leaving behind the civilized world that has crippled him in favor of giving in to the nature.

      And the Delgo thing was a big joke. Which part was the famous rip-off? The blue catlike creatures ripped off the grey catlike creatures? Or one creature standing in front of a predator? Or, two lovers facing each other?


      • irastev says:

        Have you actually read the story? Ok, I read it years ago, but I don’t remember the alien creatures being catlike, blue, or even ‘race’ as much as ‘fauna’. And the morality of what Joe was doing wasn’t the main theme, as much as him leaving behind the civilized world that has crippled him in favor of giving in to the nature.

        And the Delgo thing was a big joke. Which part was the famous rip-off? The blue catlike creatures ripped off the grey apelike creatures? Or one creature standing in front of a predator? Or, two lovers facing each other?


  3. Alex says:

    Sorry, but the aliens still look super fake to me :S

    Its not really the CG as much as its the art style and design they used for them…

    • Matt S says:

      I agree, the art style and design does make the these guys look fake to me, too. But, I must say, looking at this picture…


      …I see just how very impressive the CGI is on the characters. If you cover up the eyes of Jake it almost looks like someone wearing prosthetics and paint rather than someone created entirely by CG (again, almost). The detail in the pores, follicles, wrinkles and sweat is very impressive (a little too shiny for my taste but not incredibly). I DO believe that if the animation and movement is done accurately throughout this can look amazing.

      That being said I’m still worried about everything else, you know the traditional filmmaking aspects of Avatar, script, acting, etc. It would be a shame but I have that sinking feeling.

      • Alex says:

        The color of these guys is a big contributing factor as well, that shade of blue just dosent work well imo.

        Yeah, if the script and acting are bad than this movie will sure be a let down for us, however I don’t think that will stop it from being a hit at the box office, transformers 2 anyone?

  4. Soggie G. says:

    I don’t know Every time I see a Actual Person, and then a CGI Person, there’s still that lingering feeling that it’s a CGI character. Maybe if they tried to CGI up the actual people to make them look s little similar to the Animated one than maybe I’ll be happy and less distracted.

  5. Alex says:

    I wont judge this until Ive seen it all. I’m still hyped for it and I’ll be first in row to wait for it!! All you have seen are some pictures and some videos and yet you say it will be shit?? I dont get that… I mean when somebody has seen the movie and says he thinks its shit and he doesnt like it then its okay… just go and watch the movie or dont! but dont say it will be crap unless you have seen it

  6. meli says:

    I feel like I should be more excited for this movie, but honestly, it doesn’t heighten my excitement in the least. I think Pandora looks amazingly beautiful and I don’t mind the design of the Na’vi, but the story kind of turns me off because it’s a little too recycled. Maybe there is more to the story that we’ll see when the movie hits theaters, but if this movie is all about the 3D tech then it’s not really set up to be a good movie… and might not have staying power once it’s out of the theater. The only thing that has me excited is a sci-fi/fantasy film on the big screen.

  7. 420BAND says:

    Why all the hate?

    This looks very promising and BTW James Cameron is a BADASS when it comes to this stuff! This IS his arena.. Respect That and this new trailer does it more justice cause we get a little explanation and see the characters that are in this film… Also this is in “Cameron 3-D ” and should be seen and judged by viewing it in it’s intended presentation (A REAL HD THEATER SCREEN) not at some run down average movie screen where even 1st run movies look like crap! Watch it there and not online and then Judge it…

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