Abrams talks Superman Reboot

MTV asked JJ Abrams that since he isn’t doing Mission Impossible 4 anymore, perhaps he would be interested in rebooting Superman?

Worst Previews quotes Abrams:

“No one has talked to me about it,” said Abrams. “Writing that script was a long process. It was a very passionate character for me. As a kid growing up it meant a lot to me. It would be wonderful and fun to see that brought back. I don’t know what Warners is thinking or what their plan is. It would be a blast.”

I have all sorts of faith in anything JJ Abrams does. So if he was handed Superman, I would be more than eager to see what he has in store.

His script was rejected, but we don`t know exactly why. At one point Kevin Smith was writing a script, and there were countless other scripts during the struggle that finally brought us Superman Returns.

Personally I could see a Superman that continues from Returns, and should they contact me about writing it (snicker) I would opt not to reboot but rather just yank it into line with the rest of the DC films (both happen to be Batman) and make Supes “real”.

But no one has asked him and they are just as likely to review any other scripts they already bought than go with his. It all depends on what works.

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14 Responses to “Abrams talks Superman Reboot”
  1. cloud720 says:

    Wasn’t his script the one with the kungfu fighting superman and the lex with super powers? Or was that another one of the scripts?

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Okay. So nobody’s asked him.
      So why is he talking about it?

      • Rodney says:

        Its in the post Darren.

        MTV brought it up speculating that the job is open and he isnt doing MI4 anymore. Combine that with the fact that he once wrote a script for Superman, and its a question worth asking.

        Would anyone question MTV for asking if he suddenly confessed that he WAS working on it?

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Well, then they can talk to ANY director (or, in Abrams case at the time, writer) who was connected at one time during the development time.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Haha, that sounds like a Wachowski Bros. script.

  2. Munshun says:

    In my very humble opinion, and because I really dig the story (at least the first 5 books), JJ should focus on The Dark Tower and bring on Frank Darabont into that production.

    I can dream.

  3. Anti-Septic says:

    I would be in favor of Abrams doing a Superman movie of course, but I have to confess that another reboot would just kill me.

    The public is tired of the same formula, Superman vs. Lex Luthor! Yes I know he is Supes greatest nemesis but that doesnt mean I want to see the same movie over and aver and over and it supposed to be ok cause its told a different way? You have to put something fresh out there including villain or don’t even bother, you are just wasting money if so.

    Do something fresh and then when the sting is finally gone from the last Superman Returns film, worry about an Origin film then.

  4. SlashBeast says:

    I don’t care, as long as another Superman film gets off the ground. I’d prefer a reboot of the franchise.

  5. 420BAND says:

    Mark Miller had it nailed for Supes in his vision of the character…NO MORE LEX LUTHER ALREADY!

  6. thematticus says:

    I like Rodneys idea. You should write this.

  7. Grave says:

    I feel Abrams at this point is like a zombie. He is looking for movies to do so he can eat the brains of of them.

  8. 420BAND says:

    Never argue with a drunk Irishman!

  9. Gwailofilms says:

    I’ve read the Abrams script and it’s an absolute ball-sucker. The Smith one is pretty bad, but the Abrams one is just horrific.

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