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Abrams not Opposed to Shatner Appearance in Star Trek 2

By Rodney - October 23, 2009 - 06:33 America/Montreal

With Star Trek 2 a foregone conclusion the questions arose as to just who would be in the film. One name we thought was forever lost to the franchise was William Shatner since his character died in Generations.

Well what would Star Trek be without a time travel plot device? Someone really has to put a lockdown on that tech … seriously.

Get the Big Picture quotes Abrams:

“The problem was his character died on screen in one of his Trek films and because we decided, very early on, that we wanted to adhere to Trek canon as best we could…the required machinations to get Shatner into the movie would have been very difficult to do given the story we wanted to tell and also to give him the kind of part that he would be happy with.”

Adds the director-producer, “It was this thing where it would have felt like a gimmick in order to get Shatner in the movie, which would have honestly, to me, been distracting.” But the past, as they say, is prologue. And now that the story can go new directions, Abrams says he’s “open to anything.”

So while Abrams is open to the idea, it doesn’t mean it will happen but this is a nice reminder that with Trek effectively getting a Reboot with this sequel, there is no reason we can’t see Shatner involved.

I could see them having Shatner appear, but he wouldnt neccessarily be the exact older James T Kirk that we all know from the original series. Perhaps he makes an appearance as future Kirk that shows Pine-Kirk what became of him later in life due to a choice he is about to make. Maybe Shat-Kirk will be the Kirk who comes back in time to change his own history… again.

I kind of hope they don’t go that way JUST to have Kirk involved. Let Shatner play Pine-Kirk’s grandfather or something like that just to suggest the family resemblance.

I want this new Trek to move forward, not bury itself in its own past.


  1. thematticus says:

    “It was this thing where it would have felt like a gimmick in order to get Shatner in the movie, which would have honestly, to me, been distracting.”

    Kind of like Kirk being banished from the enterprise, only to land on the one planet that has Spock. Within a mile of him, no less. Nope, no gimmicks there.

    • Schulzy says:

      Eh, Spock dumped Kirk on the nearest available planet when Vulcan Imploded and Nero wanted Spock Prime in a place where he could see Vulcan implode, so I buy the same planet thing.

      The within one mile thing is less believable (especially so close to Scotty, too), but I don’t want to nitpick it to death.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Lol, the “one mile” thing was conveniently convenient.

  2. townes says:

    “I want this new Trek to move forward, not bury itself in its own past.”

    How Dare You?

    How Dare YOU??

  3. Grave says:

    I feel this whole reboot/sequel was a gimmick to begin with. Instead of starting with a new cast of characters they decided to use the younger versions of the orginal crew. Then for added gimmickry they get Nimoy into the film. Now Abrams likes the idea of putting Shattner in the next movie….

    • Rodney says:

      “likes” and “not opposed to” are completely different.

      If it suits the story and makes sense Shat may have a role. But its not like he is going out of his way to make this happen.

  4. BamKazaam says:

    “I want this new Trek to move forward, not bury itself in its own past.” - AGREED!

  5. Soggie G. says:

    Am I the only one whose thinking “Time Travel… TIME TRAVEL!!!”


    They should leave time travel alone for a while, cause I think I’m the only one who realizes this, but… they did that in the first movie!

    I would just being sitting in the theater, enjoying the movie than BAM! “The Shat Blaster” (Just being funny) shows up and says he came back from the future. HUH! You mean just like what Spock did in the first one!!

    Old news dude!

  6. leeloo says:

    so spockprime goes back to his time, and finds that because he changed the space time continuum, shatkirk is alive but now shatkirk is now brundleshatkirk.

  7. lagirl says:

    I think it is kind of J.J. to say he is not opposed, but really, it’s time to move on to the next chapter! The new cast are not babies, they don’t need their dopplegangers holding their hands for each movie! We need to see something totally fresh and inventive with our new cast of eye candy!!

  8. BobaFett says:

    My idea is that at the beginning of the movie, Earth or somewhere where social security Kirk is, is attacked by Romulans or whomever, it reminds old ass Kirk of another time when he was younger, and we “flashback” to the past with the new cast for the journey, and then we come into the “present” again, and Kirk saves the day with his experience.

  9. Marc says:

    After all of Shatner’s whining about not being in the last movie, I’m not sure the studio or any of the producers are going to want him in this one. I doubt he’d even be happy with any role they saw fit to give him.

  10. anon says:

    he doesn’t have to play kirk…he could be an alien.

  11. Marie says:

    i hope they don’t use time travel again…just re-watched ST:enterprise and they use time travel to death. i thought the idea of going back to the younger versions of these characters again was so they could explore new stories.

    the new star trek cast also held their own in that movie…i dont believe original spock added anything extra to the movie…they dont need shatner.

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