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Wolverine BluRay and Sequel News

By Rodney - September 11, 2009 - 08:08 America/Montreal

During an interview with X-Men Origins Wolverine’s Gavin Hood and Producer Lauren Schuler Donner spilled about the 2 disc Bluray release of their film.

Aside from pimping all the special features and deleted scenes, there was some talk about the Wolverine sequel, presumed to cover Logan’s experience living in Japan.

Latino Review quotes Hood:

I just think that the Japanese story is so iconic and beautiful and could be so visual. That’s the one and I’m reluctant to talk about others because I know Len [Wein]’s writing others now. And honestly, here’s the truth: if the Japanese story works, there might be another sequel. And if it doesn’t, there won’t be. You can get ahead of yourselves by sort of stirring up rumors of what might be. I’m not going to even go there.

I don’t even know if I would be involved. Right now I’m not attached. Nobody’s attached. They’re developing a script and we’ll see where everybody is. I’m hoping to be shooting something next year and I don’t think that ‘Wolverine’ will be ready for next year. I haven’t been approached one way or another. The studio is obviously very cautious. They want to see how Wolverine does on DVD.

No word if the special edition bluray will also feature corrected special effects shots, and while the intention is there to make another Wolverine film, there is no official movement on the project just yet.

During the interview I found it somewhat ironic that Hood says they had a great respect for the source material, yet they made Logan and Victor half-brothers and then mislead us about the character of Deadpool (I still hold that Weapon XI was not Deadpool and that Wade Wilson is still out there waiting to take on the title) Also when the plot set up a perfect excuse for Logan’s memory loss, they dodged it and opted for Stryker magically knowing an adamantium bullet would erase it for him. Because that made more sense?

I would be interested to see more as there really is only one way to go with this franchise. Up! Listen to the fanbase and overcome the mistakes. Its a perfect formula for success.

And for the Love of Zod, hire better effects monkeys and give Wolverine some believable claws to kill a bathroom with.


  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    Wolverine is such a one dimensional character. I don’t read the X-Men comics, but there has to be other characters better than wolverine. I heard there is going to be a Magneto movie, which is great news to me. However, if the people want Wolverine give it to them. Personally, I think they need to replace Gavin Hood as the director. I loved Tsotsi, but whatever.

    • Rodney says:

      Yes, clearly you do not read the comics or you would see that Logan is not a “one dimensional character”

      I agree that the director needs to pull up his socks, or get out. And I too am very curious about a Magneto film!

  2. Roman says:

    Man this movie was sooooo bad i mean it was a horrible butchering of one of marvels great characters. Deadpool aside it was such a hodgepodge job, the plot made no sense and the effects were wretched. This movie will bomb in DVD sales, the movie is so bad even in the dvd adds they are pushing the special features because the film can’t stand on its own. I fear the sequal will be in doubt because DVD sales will not be good.

  3. Samiam0605 says:

    I really hope they do the Japan story. It by far one of the best Wolverine storylines ever. They would have to change some parts to it but I think it would make a great movie. The sad part is I thought the samething about the first film. Heres hoping
    ps. thanks for calling out the aweful bathroom scene

  4. Josh says:

    I didn’t think the movie was terrible. I mean I found it entertaining. It just wasn’t what it could have been. I don’t know if I’ll ever fully understand why these studios, writers and whomever think its always a good idea to play so extensively with already proven characters and storylines.
    Yes, the story has to be condensed for something like an origin. That’s clear. But this movie seemed like they showed them a picture of the character and told them a little about his personality and said “go write his origin”. And then added “here is a list of mutants we want to see in this movie” with no regard to whether it had any bearing on his back story.
    I am aware that the cg was pretty bad in some spots too, but I don’t want to rant all day.
    So, yes do a sequel. Just try to stick to the story this time.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      The movie is so bad even in the dvd adds they are pushing the special features because the film can’t stand on its own

      Josh, by that yardstick, there is a load of bad movies, including, but not limited to any film that has lots of special features. The early bare bones WB releases, and the DTV product First Look Media tosses at the masses? They should be safe.

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    Okay, here’s my overall two and a half sense:


    The film itself wasn’t bad. On a par with the X-Men films overall, it is average. Unlike Rodney, I also feel that characters can be respected from the source material yet still have a few changes when adapted to live action. In Rodney’s case, I give it 50/50 (” yet they made Logan and Victor half-brothers and then mislead us about the character of Deadpool”) Since I do feel that Weapon XI wasn’t ‘Deadpool’ even if Logan sniffed his essence. I’m positive it will be explained in the future Deadpool film…


    “Another sequel” if the Japan story works out. A third Wolverine prequel? I should say that’s neat. I should say I love that possibility. I won’t ‘cuz I don’t. I’m still one of those people- one of the many- who would much rather have a storyline that follows The Last Stand Besides, after the Japan stuff, what else can be done with Wolverine? Department H?

    2 1/2-

    “(Before they commit to a Wolverine sequel) The studio wants to see how well the film does on DVD”- Hood


  6. Roman says:

    Actually i am not using that criteria to rate movies as a hole when released just this movie in particular. Have you seen the tv spot for the DVD it is completely about the special features. NEW ORIGINS, NEW SCENES, NEW REVELATIONS, NEW DELETED SCENES… BECAUSE THE ORIGINALS SUCKED SO HARD YOU WOULDN’T BUY THIS OTHERWISE!

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Many films that go to DVD and Blu-Ray boast many special features such as deleted and alternate scenes. Perhaps you might be more justified if it was redited into a hard core “Director’s Cut”.

      There is most likely the following:

      * The young Storm footage.

      * Few extra war scenes

      * More Blob.

      * Both stingers, the one with Weapon XI and the one with Logan in Japan bar.

      * Small talk

      Granted, I bet there’s a couple of fluff pieces too. But so what? Many films that get DVd and Blu-Ray have that stuff. They all hype it, especially Blu-Ray features.

      ‘Sides, hopefully there’s an A/C or two- so we can discover what the heck were they thinking. Or do we really want to know?

      I been noticing a lot lately that some studios release a mildly packed DVD edition of any given film, then have a Two/three disc (one being digital copy) and/or Blu-Ray which the special features are packed to the rafters.

      And I probably will buy it.

  7. Darek-T says:

    You said that the plot set up a perfectly good excuse for memory loss, what was it?

    • Rodney says:

      Just before he was about to do the Admantium Bonding process, he suggests wiping his memory and Logan insists they leave his mind intact.

  8. Nathan says:

    As far as I remember, Wolverine and Sabertooth are brothers in the Wolverine Origins comic. I could be wrong.

    • Rodney says:

      In the comics there is no genetic relation between Creed and Logan. Though on a number of occassions Creed did try to play with Logan’s head insisting they were related.

      At one time he insisted he was Logan’s father (we later find out he is Nightcrawler’s father)

  9. ultra-magnus says:

    i still dont think it was the antamantium that made him forget. i think it was just the fact that bullet peireced his brain and that the brain would regrow but the memories wouldnt

    • Rodney says:

      And how can anyone know that. Typically a bullet to the brain is pretty fatal, but not to Wolverine. He would heal… how in ANY WAY can he know that his memories wouldnt heal with them??

      Stryker is warned that even an adamantium bullet wont kill him and he automatically knows that no matter where in the skull he pops his cap, it will wipe his memory.

      That was weaksauce.

      • Darren J Seeley says:

        While I agree with Rodney on the magic bullet idea, the only reason for it being in there in the first place is because we get this “neat-o” scene where Stryker uses the gun while Wolverine is charging, jumping in mid-air.

        Great shot!

        And yeah, he could have saved himself the trouble by erasing some (or all) of Wolverine’s memory anyway without Logan’s permission to do so…or how about the concept that Logan’s process could have caused a chunk of memory loss?

        Lots of possibilities. Instead, cool looking action FX scene with a jump and a magic bullet wins the day. (Note: a bullet in the head could knock out Logan for a minute or two…they’d still have the action scene)

  10. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m refusing to see it…

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