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Unique Star Wars Tattoo

By Rodney - September 24, 2009 - 10:29 America/Montreal

I just had to post this because… well I coudln’t NOT post this.

As I come within striking distance of a mid life crisis I think of a few things I might do that are considered irrational, and among those might be a tattoo. I just can’t think of something I would want to permenantly put on my body that I won’t regret later.

But no matter how big of a Star Wars fanboy I might be, I don’t think it would be anything Star Wars related. Well maybe… but it won’t be anything like this!

So yes, this V shaped illustration of two X-Wings converging on her Death Star might be super geeky in appeal, but even as a big geek myself I question the sanity of this girl.

Stay on target… Stay on Target….

This and other extreme acts of devotion can be found in the book Obsessed with Star Wars



  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    Wow! This is so badass and different too. I applaud her for having the guts to do this. However, this tattoo is going to stretch so much if she gets pregnant. Then it would just look more awkward than it is now.

  2. bigsampson says:

    i love me some SW but this is the last thing i want to see b4 i hit the money spot!…i wouldnt appluad her i would laugh and say wtf u dumb geek hoe.

  3. Meli says:

    Hmmm…a good tattoo in theory. I have one tattoo an outline of a sun on my left shoulder blade. It was my 30th b-day present to myself and I have no regrets, highly doubt I will.
    I’d love a Star Wars tattoo, but honestly I don’t think I could decide what I would want from the movies to be permenantly represented on my body. It’d have to be something ESB related since that is my favorite, but at the same time wouldn’t want anything terribly large or elaborate. Wearing a t-shirt is so much easier. LoL

  4. RobertCForest says:

    Too bad the tattoo artist wasn’t a better artist.

  5. LordThyBob says:

    Negative, Negative, it didn’t go in, just impacted on the surface.

  6. Lu Galasso says:

    Now let’s blow this thing and go home!

  7. Cinema Phreak says:

    LMAO her womb is the death star I love it….

  8. Andy D says:

    I hear that the only way to take this thing down is to go into the trench and shoot your proton torpedo into the exhaust chute round the back.

    Your buddy may cheer you on.

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