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Terminator Rights for Sale

By Rodney - September 29, 2009 - 05:17 America/Montreal

Here is a listing you might not see on Craigslist. The rights to Terminator are going up for sale.

The reasons why this property is available stem from producers Derek Anderson and Victor Kubicek filing for bankruptcy less than two years after purchasing these rights and less than four months after Terminator Salvation was released. The producers claim that Terminator is worth about $60 million, but this one is probably priced to move because of the bankruptcy.

So perhaps Anderson and Kubicek didn’t get that bailout over their financial difficulties that they were hoping for, and like any business that gets in over its head sometimes closing doors or selling off assets is the only way out.

Personally for me the Terminator thing has more than run its course. Maybe if the last two films even held a candle to the first two I might feel differently, but I don’t see a need for anything more from this universe.

Hopefully whoever buys these rights does something with it to reinvigorate the franchise. I was all pumped to see the war that was only talked about in the previous chapters, but I was less than impressed with the story and characters.

Unless something shiny comes out with the Terminator name on it, I would be hard to get excited about beating that dead horse.


  1. Lawrence says:

    If any who would save this franchise, it should be the Governator, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnie should be the one to buy the rights to the Terminator franchise. And ask his old buddy, James Cameron, to continue the directing the franchise, even if ol’ Jim says he isn’t interested. People know Cameron still has Terminator stories left in him and was in fact, going to direct either Terminator 3 or Spiderman in the mid 90s, before settling on Titanic and having his 12 year hiatus before launching this December’s Avatar flick.

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    I could cross my fingers and hope James Cameron and/or Gale Ann Hurd buy the rights back. Not so much as to make another picture or series, but rather making sure nobody else gets their greasy paws all over it.

    Well, I KNOW it won’t happen like that but I also said one can hope.

    As far as I’m concerned, the story is done. #3 had issues, but there are some things it did right, such as ‘postpone’ Judgment Day and the ending which had to happen if The Terminators were to be sent back.

    Future War wasn’t really needed to be seen, but it was, and despite me liking Salvation to a point…most of it due to Sam Worthington and his character…as far as I’m concerned, it’s an interesting chapter, had some nice stuff, but that’s it. There’s nothing more to see or tell.

    The Sarah Connor show had some potential especially in the latter half of the second season, but the show overall was irritating in the presentation (Recap, long commercial breaks, short acts) …

    Yes, it’s time to stop now.

    Unless someone wanted to remake restart reboot the whole thing

  3. michael says:

    No matter how bad / just okay the last two were, I would like to see the plot line end. I think cameron should be drafted back for one last movie, send the franchise off with a bang instead of a whimper. At least Salvation left a decent set up to work with.

  4. Lawrence says:

    I don’t think James Cameron will come back for this. He’s moved on to other things now, like Avatar and the upcoming “Battle Angel Elita” movie that’s being touted for several years now.

  5. Blaze says:

    Why do people latch onto franchises that should have died ten years ago? Maybe it’s time to create new icons, instead of just reinventing old ones. Is Hollywood just that lazy now. No new Terminator or Pirates of the Caribbean. WHO CARES! Nightmare on Elm street and Friday the thirteen we’re better when I was a kid. Leave nostalgia alone.

    Also why do we absolutely need trilogies. Why not have stand alone’s. Why make a franchise out of every movie. They will get your money anyways, so why not get some entertaining value in something new?

    We have the responsibility to ask for better product, not rehashes of old used stock.

  6. Jeremy K. says:

    Funny, I just read the following on a different site, which happened to also be posted today:

    “And according to Halcyon, the next Terminator movie is already in development, unaffected by the company’s financial situation.”

    • Rodney says:

      Current deals are not affected, but this doesn’t mean they can make more after it.

      The rights being sold will likely take impact on any future projects.

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Ah, interesting. Bet they will slapping themselves in the face if they get the rights sold and if they manage to get the next movie release it does amazingly well.

        Studio: “Huh, interesting, perhaps we should not have sold the rights to the franchise while making this.”

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Ok, that was some sloppy writing, let me try again:


        Ah, interesting. Bet they will be slapping themselves in the face if they succeed in selling the rights followed by there next movie doing amazingly well; that is if they manage to complete/release it.

        Studio: “Huh, interesting, perhaps we should not have sold the rights to the franchise while making this.”

  7. R1ZE says:

    Whoever buys it, just get an actually talented director to do the next one.

    Just give us T0 - the story of the final assault on Skynet where Reese gets sent back. That’s all we need. Keep Bale and Yelchin - they were perfect for their roles.

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