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Roman Polanski Arrested in Zurich

By Rodney - September 28, 2009 - 04:05 America/Montreal

Because most people don’t really care, and this all took place over 30 years ago I simply find it interesting that they finally were able to arrest filmmaker Roman Polanski for charges set against him in 1977 that he fled to France to avoid.

FilmJunk reports:

Now, today, it appears that authorities have taken steps to resolve the case once and for all. After arriving in Zurich, Switzerland to attend the Zurich Film Festival, he was arrested. Festival organizers had planned to present Polanski with a lifetime achievement award, but now he is being detained with the possibility of extradition to the United States.

I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, but the fact that Polanski has dodged this legal issue by simply staying outside of the United States is suspicious at very least.

Polanski has not offered anything to my DVD collection, so he will hardly be missed while he serves his 83 minutes in jail. However he isn’t exactly as “influential” as some of those short lived criminal jail stays. I just hope that justice is met, and the punishment fits the crime.


  1. Ranting Man says:

    Good. About bloody time some country arrested him. Why hasn’t Hollywood shunned him or his work over the last 30 years?

    If found guilty he should be given 83 minutes for the crime itself and 30 years for absconding police bail!

    One rule for all! that is the only way civilised society can work!

    • Rodney says:

      “Why hasn’t Hollywood shunned him or his work over the last 30 years?”

      Considering all the “hits” they have put out of his… I think they have!

      • BobaFett says:

        Absolutely true. And feel just a little bit for the guy…his pregnant wife was killed by the Crazy People.

    • Jenny says:

      Umm, he raped a 13 year old. Admitted to it, so there is no innocent on that count.
      I don’t think he should ever see the light of day. No sympathy and no mercy for those who rape children.

  2. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL! As soon as I saw his name it reminded me of this skit from Family Guy.

    Lois: What’s going on down here?

    Stewie: Oh, we’re playing house.

    Lois: That boy’s all tied up.

    Stewie: Roman Polanski’s house.

  3. Bill says:

    Didn’t he plead guilty and ran because he did not want to serve the additional 45 days or so his sentence had?

    • Bailey says:

      Yes, he plead guilty to sodomizing a 13 year old girl and then ran before he was sentenced. Case closed, the man is doucheholster.

  4. LordThyBob says:

    Hey Rodney, there is no “innocent until proven guilty” in this case. He already pleaded guilty, then ran.

  5. Prof. Abronsius says:

    “Polanski has not offered anything to my DVD collection,…”

    Your missing some very good movies…

  6. Tim says:

    What the guy did was sick, disgusting, and fully deserving of punishment. The fact that people continue to support him sickens me.

    If he drugged my daughter and forced her to do the things he did, I would want more than 45 days in jail. He is a coward and should not be allowed to make another movie till he finally confronts what he did.

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    Don’t mess with The Swiss.

    Yes, Polanski is and always has been a wonderful director, The Pianist was a great piece of cinema, and he has a great body of work that spans decades. He is still well liked and respected by many.

    In 1977, he had sex with an underage girl, was arrested, confessed and charged and fled. If he ever set foot in the US, he would be taken into custody. Everyone knows this. Over the years, the person he violated had forgiven him, but the law still stands. Polanski is not above the law.

    Will Polanski get a slap on the knuckles as Rodney suggests (”83 minutes”) ? I don’t know about that. If I sound like a heartless guy here, that’’s what I’m going to sound like- but he’s been thirty years avoiding the law.

    I expect at the least, his original sentence to be enforced;

    I expect that if regardless if he is given a lighter sentence or not, he has to be registered as a sex offender;

    I expect solitary confinement and/or a minimum security prison to be given to him regardless of how much time he serves

    That seem rough? No? How about this:
    I give him 15-20. That’s hours, days, weeks and years

  8. David Lopan says:

    “Polanski has not offered anything to my DVD collection”

    really? No Rosemanry’s Baby, The Pianist, The Tenant, Fearless Vampire Killers, Chinatown, Repulsion, Knife In The Water? Those are all amazing classics.

    Even his somewhat misses like Death And The Maiden and The Ninth Gate, have a certain charm to them. He’s an accomplished director, without a doubt.

    • Rodney says:

      Rosemarys Baby is the only one worth my time and even thats not a sure win.

      Nothing else ever so much as turned my head, though I have watched many of them.

      I don’t own a single title with his name in the credits.

    • Matt S says:

      First off, regarding Rodney’s “Polanski has not offered anything to my DVD collection”, you should really check some of them out. “Chinatown” would look great on your shelf, sandwiched in between “Girls Just Want To Have Fun” and “Solarbabies”.

      Secondly, yes Polanski has made some truly great films. Classics if you will (by the way what’s with all the hating on classics now adays [sigh]). Also, Big Sampson, not all of those movies listed were really old at all (so is it that you “don’t care” for those movies, or just haven’t found the time to watch them between watching so many recent masterpieces like Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Transformers 2, and G.I. Joe?)

      Lastly, admitting that someone is a talented filmmaker is not the same as condoning a crime that they have committed. So you can just calm down. I don’t think anyone here is impressed with your display of anti-pedophelia heroics. Most everyone is anti-pedophile. It’s just rare to find someone who can express it in such eloquent words, as you have.

      • David Lopan says:

        Agreed. Also, The Pianist is easily one of the best films that I’ve seen in the last 10-15 years! I’m surprised Rodney didn’t like that.

      • Rodney says:

        I found it dry and slow. I didnt care for it at all. I saw it to see what all the buzz was about and found nothing in it that appealed to me.

        Just not my cup of tea.

  9. Ricki says:

    Did any of you see the doc on HBO about Polanski and the whole situation? The hell he went through with the fucked up judge? He already served his time that the judge sentenced him! The judge was a media whore! Check your facts people! Not saying what Polanski did was right. But what about the screwed up mother of the girl? She took her to his house knowing fully what kind of situation she was involving her daughter in. Like taking your daughter to a sex/drugs party and then wondering why she got violated and wasted? = stupid! Polanski spent something like 90 days in jail undergoing psycho treatment.
    His movies are great.

  10. jackbauer says:

    I’m glad I finally found a blog where the visitors aren’t filling up the comments section with support for this pedophile. Really, when you look at some of the comments by people (”His wife and child was murdered…”, “His victim forgave him…”, “It’s been 30 years…”) you wonder how anyone can be so sympathetic to a man who drugs then rapes a 13-year old girl. 13-YEARS OLD!!!! Imagine what you were doing at 13, and imagine your sister at 13, or your child, or your friend. 13-YEARS OLD!!! And he has not paid for it one bit. He continues to live the high life in France, and has for the last 30 years. I just can’t fathom how anyone can even begin to have sympathy for this guy, but reading some of the other movie blogs out there, I never felt so disgusted in my fellow movie fans. Thank god for the MovieBlog and its readers. Really, guys, bravo for not sticking up for this rapist.

  11. Jess says:

    I’m sick of this whole Polanski business. Even the victim wants the charges against him to be dropped. She has already sued Polanski, and the judge who tried to go back on the plea bargain and add time to his sentence (which was the real reason he fled-only 45 extra days I think, but whatever) is now dead. What he did was beyond wrong, but he’s old and repentant and he’s suffered enough in his life.
    That said, it was incredibly stupid for him to go to a country that would arrest/extradite him, and I’m interested in seeing how this all turns out. I haven’t seen a single one of his films so I have no real reason to sympathize. I just feel like giving him jail time at this point would be beating a dead horse.

    • David Lopan says:

      I agree, he’s proven to regret his stupid mistake. The documentary about the trial showed his reasoning for leaving the country; not that I’m condoning his actions, but after 30 years? Be serious…especially since the girl involved and even her family doesn’t care. Just so you know Jess, he’s actually traveled to Switzerland on a few occasions over the years and he even owns a property there. When he was on his way to the Zurich Film Festival, I don’t think he was expecting that. Especially after the fact that he was going there to receive an award for his career as a filmmaker, talk about bad timing.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      You don’t have to see Pianist, Chinatown or Frantic. You don’t even have to hunt down Pirates. The facts are the facts, he drugged up and raped a 13 year old girl, confessed, was charged, and fled.

      Yes, the victim in question has forgiven him and wants to move on. That is a bold thing to do. There’s a lot of people who break the law, Jess who are doing time. In some cases the victim or victims do forgive those who stole from them in one way or another, be it goods, life or innocence. Should those criminals be freed because of that? No. They continue serving their time, not a day less.

      Same thing goes for those offenders who *are* guilty (Polanski’s guilt is never disputed) and still at large. When arrested, if the victim(s) says ‘I forgive them’ does that mean we let those offenders go free? No. They still have to answer to the law.

      “What he did was beyond wrong, but he’s old and repentant and he’s suffered enough in his life”

      Aside from the contradiction in that statement, the latter half of it is not an excuse. The contradiction, of course, is saying that what he did was “beyond wrong” but he should not be punished for it. Which is it, Jess?

      • BobaFett says:

        This is like a debate over Crime and Punishment.

        Prison is for people to rehabilitate NOT to be punished, considering Polanski hasn’t done anything like this in the 30+ years since…drop the whole thing…EXACTLY how much has this debacle costed us taxpayers over the years…FOR NOTHING.

      • Darren J Seeley says:


        While prison can indeed be a place for some inmates to rehabilitate, to say that prison isn’t “a place for punishment”? What planet are you on?

        “Polanski hasn’t done anything like this in the 30+ years since”

        Why is it that everyone wants to ignore the fact that that statement is IRRELEVANT. . If is was just that, the Swiss would have looked the other way, the US would not have the open charge on him AND most importantly Roman Polanski would no longer be on the run.

        A fugitive is still a fugitive. It does not matter if they cleaned up and never committed another crime; he was still on the run. If if was no big deal, he could have turned himself in at any time.

  12. Klendathu says:

    Give him a cell next to Charlie Manson.

    • David Lopan says:

      That’s a little harsh man. That guy is responsible for killing his wife and unborn child. Polanski’s fuck up isn’t even in the same ball park.

      • SlashBeast says:

        That’s uncalled for. Yes, his crime is inexcusable, but he lost both his wife and unborn child in an act of murderous violence. I’d never wish that on anybody.

      • BobaFett says:

        You obviously are NOT a parent. I’d not only castrate and disembowel Manson if this happen to my wife and unborn but that MF would WISH for death before I stopped. In the words of Marsellus Wallace, “I’d get medieval on his ass.”

  13. Tomi says:

    I think if we start deciding what art we’re going to buy/see/listen to/look at by the quality of character of the people involved in making it, we’re going to get in trouble fast.

    For me, while his actions are obviously criminal, and he is surely deserving of his due punishment, they do not dissuade me from watching his movies. Certainly it’s all context for the films, but I just think if we started boycotting every movie with a questionable person involved, we’d be seeing very few movies. Unfortunately, disturbing behavior can all-too-often run hand in hand with creativity.

    • Rodney says:

      Not saying you cant like his films even if he is an admitted pedo.

      But I still haven’t seen anything that I think makes him deserving of the attention he gets.

      • Tomi says:

        I agree - I like Rosemary’s Baby but he’s not my favorite director either. I’m just don’t think his actions mean his movies shouldn’t be watched, for those comments in here that are very against supporting him.

      • David Lopan says:

        My brother hates Oliver Stone because he’s “friends” with Fidel Castro after Stone did the filming of the Castro Documentary. He gives me crap all the time for still loving Stones films, I’m sorry but his political beliefs don’t stand in the way of me enjoying movies like Platoon, JFK, Midnight Express (I know he wrote and not directed, before someone corrects that haha), and countless others from him. Sean Penn has ties with Hugo Chavez, doesn’t change the fact that I think that dude can act his ass off either. Like Tomi said “I think if we start deciding what art we’re going to buy/see/listen to/look at by the quality of character of the people involved in making it, we’re going to get in trouble fast.”

      • Matt S says:

        “But I still haven’t seen anything that I think makes him deserving of the attention he gets”

        That comment got me thinking, has the movie blog ever done a favorite directors of all time list/post? To my knowledge you guy haven’t (if you have please point me in th right direction). I LOVE directors and I think that would be a fun post to have (well, fun until the message boards blow up). You and John can each have your own lists and give personal reasoning why their films have touched you so. You guys post plenty of other lists but I’m intrigued by this one. It’d be great! Bring it up at the next “The Movie Blog” board meeting.

      • Rodney says:

        I don’t love directors, I love films.

        Any director has the potential to put up a stinker, so I don’t automatically love films looking at a director (though it could affect my anticipation)

  14. SlashBeast says:

    I guess I should never look at a Caravaggio painting again.

  15. Josh Brunsting says:

    Here’s th deal. Roman Polanski was ordered by a judge after the crime was commited and he was arrested for it, to serve 90 days in Chino under surveillance. However, the judge ended his stay after 42 days, thus ending his court case. However, the judge then fell under media pressure, and ordered him back in court, which he then made a deal allowing Polanski to leave the country, if they made him stay a day in prison, as a front for the media. So, yes, he commited a horrible crime, but this is bullshit, because it’s basically double jeopardy. He’s served his time, and while it wasn’t a sufficient punishment, that ISN’T Polanski’s faul, it’s the judicial system.

    Also, in 1997, an LA judge brought the two side’s lawyers into court, stating that he would no longer hold Polanski in custody, if he would return to the states. However, the judge wanted the court date televised, and the two sides couldn’t agree, so nothing happened. This is all really really shady stuff.

    See Roman Polanski: Wanted and Desired for a full cover of the case.

  16. Josh Brunsting says:

    OH! And Repulsion is fucking brilliant. Polanski is a brilliant film maker. Just saying.

    • David Lopan says:

      Hell yes it is!!! I’m glad someone else recognized that movie. His early stuff like that, knife in the water, the tenant, and fearless vampire killers were genius!

      • Josh Brunsting says:

        I love his early stuff. I personally think his threesome of Knife In The Water, Repulsion, and The Tenant are as good of a triptic as a film maker is likely to have. Sure, The Ghost, his new film, didn’t look brilliant, but Polanski is really a genius film maker, and the Criterion of Repulsion is a MUST own for any film fan.

      • SlashBeast says:

        I agree, Repulsion is fantastic.

  17. jackbauer says:

    Looks like I spoke too soon. The Polanski apologists have now arrived. Well done. You have actually apologized for a man who has RAPED A 13-YEAR OLD. Congratulations, now pray to God you don’t ever produce a daughter.

  18. SlashBeast says:

    “Polanski has not offered anything to my DVD collection, so he will hardly be missed”

    That’s a shame. I guess his films aren’t going to appeal to everyone. I think he’s a brilliant filmmaker.

  19. Todd says:

    That’s pretty sad that Chinatown isn’t worth your time…..

  20. townes says:

    hope this pedophile gets hardcore assraped in jail haha

  21. Kristina says:

    I don’t care what movies this guy made or how talented he is. He drugged and raped a 13-year old girl.

    Come on guys, if that was your daughter, your sister, your friend, would you let it go just because, “Well gee willikers, he’s a fucking rapist, but he’s a TALENTED rapist!” If this was some random guy and not a famous director, people would be cheering in the streets that the guy was finally caught.

  22. Antariss says:

    The hypocrisy by some on this forum is AMAZING! Just the other week people were bashing Michael Jackson on here calling him a Pedo and all sorts of nasty things when it is documented fact that he was set up and proven NOT GUILTY on 10 counts. Heck,there are even books and articles on how the ‘93 case was a set up by ironically, a dentist father who wanted $20 million for his movie script deal. Yet Roman Polanski, who ADMITTED to SODOMISING a 13 yr old CHILD should be seen as a ‘victim’ because it was 30 years ago, blah,blah,blah. The guy is a criminal who avoided his punishment, even if the system was corrupt he should have felt remorseful enough to see jail time.By the way i think he made great movies but a crime’s a crime.

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