Predators Plot and Character Synopsis Online

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 09. 2009in News Chat

Because the image of Trejo with Machete’s is taken, it looks like he will be an Uzi weilding badass druglord in Rodriguez new Predator reboot.

And now more is revealed on the plot of the hopeful revival of the alien action flick.

Horror Yearbook says:

Royce is under the surveillance of a Predator. He is snatched up and taken to the jungles of the Predator’s home world along with seven others. These aren’t your ordinary people being abducted. These eight are the most highly noted killers on the face of the Earth.

Danny Trejo is said to be playing a drug cartel named Cuchillo with double Uzis he straps to his back. Other characters include a Russian with a rotary machine gun, a French woman named Isabelle with a sniper rifle, Stans, a prisoner from San Quentin, Mombasa, an African leader in the Sierra Leone squad, a Japanese yakuza enforcer named Hanzo and a FBI wanted criminal named Edwin. There is no world who Royce is - but from the description of him just killing someone and then being abducted, I image he is some kind of serial killer?

I really like the dynamic of bringing violent humans to a Predator world like some sort of training excercise. Maybe the Predators have to graduate before they are permitted to travel the cosmos looking for worthy prey.

I also like that all the dangerous humans appear to be criminals, but I have this nagging feeling that Royce will turn out to be some good guy cop who kicks badguy bums and just saved a sack of kittens from being thrown into the river when the Predators scoop him up. Inevitably he will play out to be the “Hero” we can root for.

I’d prefer it was all criminals. Who do you root for then?

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Rodney who has written 7952 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “Predators Plot and Character Synopsis Online”

  1. Slushie Man says:

    Sounds badass and its great to know its an actual sequel and not a remake.

  2. Methos84 says:

    Let’s not forget the alien Predator dogs, falcons, and the “Black Super Predator!” And with a Dutch cameo written into the script, sounds fun!

  3. BamKazaam says:

    sweet! Predator jungle! i wonder what kind of sick-nasty alien creatures are there in the Predator Jungles? (i hope not aliens LOL) well you know what i mean :p

  4. Josh says:

    Whoever wrote that pullquote needs to study English a bit more.

    The synopsis seems kind of obvious and I thought they would come up with something really impressive.

    • Jake says:

      Obvious? How so? My assumption was that there would be a war between the humans and the predators. That would have been obvious.

      This is a cool idea. Looks character-oriented. Plus, not only are the main characters lost in a vast, deadly jungle, but they’re on a planet that’s probably millions of miles from home. That’s quite a predicament.

  5. DirkAnger says:

    Goddamn now that sounds like a storyline that I’d actually pay money to see. Sounds like Desperado meets Predator on their own turf. Sign me up.

  6. Ty says:

    Sounds almost like a mix between The Condemned and Matthew Reiley’s “Contest”.

    Great book, terrible movie. I have faith though :-)

  7. The Dude (original) says:

    Of course, I give this the benefit of the doubt, but at this stage it doesn’t sound too hot. So what will happen when the lone hero survives the Predators in the Jungle? Do they give him a medal and send him back to Earth? Oh wait, first they mark his forehead with a stupid symbol and then send him home. Sounds pretty bad.

  8. War-Journalist says:

    Well, I can’t imagine any other concept for the movie. And this is pretty close to the script written years ago, except the captured people were soldiers in the future. But I really like the change. Hopefully they’ll make more good changes from here on out (NO speederbikes please!).

  9. SlashBeast says:

    I still have no hope for this.

  10. Klendathu says:

    Agreed 100%

    Black Super Predator? Jesus….

  11. SNOW37 says:

    Good thing the 8 most highly noted killers on the face of the Earth are also so diverse.

  12. Geno says:

    Ok so Trejo’s character is being called “Cuchillo” which is spanish for Blade/Knife/Knives, but yet he is strapping uzi’s apparently? Doesn’t seem right to me. Hate to say it but I am putting money that he is one of the first to die in this flick.

  13. Kaneda979 says:

    Wow, sounds badass, I love it.

    I’ve wanted to see in detail where the Aliens come from from the Alien films for a long time now. But, while I don’t know if I’ll ever get that, seeing full on the Predator’s home world is just as good. Maybe even better. Can’t wait, they’re wild life has to be just insane, the Predators themselves are nuts as it is. To see why they are the way they are, because of their world, man oh man, makes me giddy.

    And them taking our best “hunters” to fight them, oh hell ya, I can’t wait!

    Just hope it has a really good budget to pull all this off just right.

  14. EZELL says:

    No NO nO no NO I want a man who kills with no mercery I want a film where we want to see action and violence I don’t want redeeming qualities I want a real ass whole we all loved the Joker so why cant we cheer on the mad crazed blood thirsty man who kills all with a smile on that face.

  15. Roderick says:

    I’d rather this movie be without any humans at all. Why can’t we have a predator as a main character. And we can have translations or whatever for their language.They seem like a noble race. it should be a movie about the hierarchy of the predator world, and one predator defies their laws or whatever… and at the end of it all, cliffhanger, the humans arrive.

    its a storyline that has always worked and it would be kickass with the predator world with all predator characters.

  16. THUNDERBEAR says:

    Predators sounds reallllly cooool ..I cant wait to see it looks like its gonna be a good one ..I dont like or agree Topher Grace in it ,,i think he is week ,but hopefully they kill him off soon..Danny Trejo is a great addition to the movie,and brings a macho tuff guy esence.Everthing else sounds really amazing but i wouldnt mind seeing a Predator Girl or Kid ………………………

  17. Logan says:

    What I don’t get is, after seeing the preview, that this movie seems to take some elements from ALIEN VS. PREDATOR, and it dosen’t even sorta look like the first two PREDATOR movies. What about people who want to stay true to the old films?

  18. Danny says:

    They should have made another movie set in the 90′s, but you can tell that it’s set in the future. Now people are gonna wonder why the Predators didn’t use whatever new tech they have now in Predator 1 or 2, or in the AVP movies.

  19. lamo says:

    the man royce not a good guy also a killer a mercenary to be exact

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