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Paranormal Activity Screenings go Viral

By Rodney - September 25, 2009 - 07:38 America/Montreal

Paranormal Activity appears to be building popularity at a viral rate. I have to say I have never been creeped out about a trailer more than when I saw this one.

Well the film is on limited release based on demand and if this is any indication, then there is CLEARLY a demand.

Bloody Disgusting was host to an event that screened the film to a small group of RSVP’d fans. When 4500 people showed up, they knew they had some problems!

We were told to get to the theater around 10pm to start getting ready for the onslaught. Andrea and I park around 8:15pm to go walk to a local bar, grab a drink and some food. There’s already a line all the way around the front of the theater. By the time we returned around 10, the line was down the street!

It immediately washed over me that this was really happening.

Then there was midnight, don’t even get me started about midnight. Apparently, there were over 4,500 of you horror fiends in line. People who were in line three hours early were turned away. Some of you were in the lobby screaming, others freaking out. I got a kick out of the groups of people who showed up at 11:59 asking to “check in” like they were just going to waltz on in to the theater.

Paramount was pretty rad as instead of screening the film for one lucky group of individuals, they spooled up three prints and ran it in three separate theaters – all packed to the brim with screaming horror fans.

It was epic, and I have never seen anything like this… EVER.

This is pretty amazing. Everyone I know is talking about this film. People haven’t been this a buzz since Blair Witch. I can’t wait to see this!

If you missed our post about the Trailer or don’t know what this is about, here it is again:

Visit the Official Paranormal Activity website to demand it in your area!


  1. Nero says:

    this movie looks frickin nuts!!!

  2. Movie Enthusiast says:

    I know it is getting plenty of attention, however I just don’t find it scary at all.

  3. linda says:

    Why oh why must we be lame by not having the movie here in Yuma, AZ?

  4. me says:

    I love this type of film. Is it real, is it not, Could it happen, all of it! I get a kick out of being scared. But you do have to be into it to truely enjoy it. If you refuse to do so; you’ll be dissapointed in all films like this. That’s they the outcry after teh Witch; people not wanting to admit it was a cool and original film, well, of course you’re going to hate it dude! Take it for what it is and there’s no reason that fans of suspense and horror wouldn’t like these films. I would love to see it if it comes Philly’s way….

    • BooBoo says:

      I agree with ya man, people tend to see movies like this and they already have a large opinion about it and ruin their experience of the film. I love being scared shitless and the only way to do that, at least for me, is to make myself think this is real or it has to be, it makes your experience so much better.
      Blair witch, watched it, couldnt sleep for 2 weeks loved it

  5. Stevie says:

    I’m down with this one! They’re showing it here in Austin, Tx at the Alamo Drafthouse… four screenings… groovy baby!

  6. scoville says:

    I showed up at 10:00 for the 12:00 show last night in Seattle. The line was way too big, so I skipped it.

  7. townes says:

    i dont get it.
    this trailer is boring as ****.

  8. Mike Mai says:

    i dont understand all this hype. it’s really a shitty trailer

  9. Ross says:

    OK ! so the trailer looks pretty good , but Blair Witch was made by 2 guys with VERY vivid imaginations……just saying

  10. Dragonslayer says:

    I can’t wait for this movie!

  11. Tomi says:

    I saw this 2 nights ago at a midnight screening in Chicago - barely barely got in. Not exactly worth the sheer amount of hype it seems to be getting, but then nothing really could be.

    It’s definitely good though, a really simple, well done and decently scary horror movie. I really liked it and had a great time, I absolutely recommend seeing it if you get the chance!

  12. Salbert says:

    Fake reactions are fake. Besides that I really want to check this out

  13. Ty says:

    Kinda neat that it’s getting enough of a reaction to have Yahoo! talking about it.

    Also..didn’t The Ring have the “audience reaction” in their trailer? Or at least in their TV spot?

  14. Darek-T says:

    I think that the perfect ending for this movie would be if you never find out what the “thing” is and it kills both of the people. Then, under the sheet, it attacks the camera and for a brief fraction of a second you see it’s mouth as it tries to eat the camera. Then the camera gets knocked over as the sheet slowly comes down to completely cover the camera. Then cut to black and the question “who will it strike next?”.
    Then credits.

    • Kindahuge says:

      Hmm… No, that would undermine all the work the director did to make us fear the unseen, and boost the cheesiness of the movie by about 4000%.

  15. Kindahuge says:

    Saw the screening in Houston last night, where they used the two biggest theatres at an AMC near downtown. Wow… this movie even got a crowd full of Mexicans to be quiet and watch, and that’s really saying something.

  16. Sunny says:

    saw the movie at arclights in h’wood last week….they had 4 shows on thursday friday and saturday each….after 12 midnight….the one I went too was completely packed….
    I know it wasn’t real but if you get in the movie….its pretty freakin scary and that’s all that counts. Another cool thing that separated this movie from blair witch (other than the shaky camera bs) was that you actually build a bond with the characters….and when shit starts happening, that makes it even more scary

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