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Jessica Alba may join Little Fockers

By Rodney - September 29, 2009 - 19:24 America/Montreal

The franchise that seems most to be following the “First comes love, then comes Marriage, Then comes Mammy with a Baby Carriage” is the Fockers films, soon to be a trilogy introducing a third generation of Little Fockers.

And signing her body over to the whims of the director may be Jessica Alba!

Risky Business Blog reports:

The actress is in negotiations to join the Ben Stiller-Robert DeNiro comedy “Little Fockers.” She’d play the role of an attractive pharmaceutical rep whose looks wreak havoc on male characters in the story.

Say what you want about Jessica Alba, but she’s easy to look at. So when the role of a character who’s role seems to be “you’re hot and distract men” I can see why they might go with Alba.

As for Little Fockers, I think that its about time to return to the Focker world for more of Ben Stiller’s awkward charm. I just hope they don’t have babies talking like Look Who’s Talking, and just have a family comedy about the next stage in their lives.


  1. Michael Banno says:

    I totally agree. I’ve yet to see Meet the Parents, but I did see Meet the Fockers and thought it was a good film, so I have to see the first, and I’ll no doubt be seeing the third.

  2. Kristina says:

    She needs to gain a little weight. She’s been looking skeletal lately. The only thing distracting about her looks these days is the number of bones I can count on her, when she used to be curvy by Hollywood standards.

  3. Kaneda979 says:

    Oh man, I’ve been enjoying not seeing her in movies for a while now. ;P

    No, seriously. I mean, yes, she is one of the hottest girls to ever live, but it’s been a while since I’ve seen her in a movie and her acting didn’t just totally make me cringe. And she’s not funny either, so I don’t know why she keeps popping up in comedies, other then her looks, to get guys to fill those seats.

    But I like the “Meet the Parents” series, so I guess I don’t have much of a choice. Hopefully she wont be that bad, or maybe everyone else in the movie will be funny enough to throw her bad work off. And there is still a chance she wont get the gig at all.

  4. M says:

    Eh, not a great actress but if it is a small part, I guess it will be ok.

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    This is great news. Why?

    1- She is joining an established film series.

    2- She won’t be the center of attention

    3- She’ll be mixed in with a good cast

    4- Teri Polo is hotter.

  6. SlashBeast says:

    Meet the Parents was hillarious, Meet the Fockers was painful.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Interesting, personally I personally preferred Meet the Fockers, but that has to do more with Dusting Hoffman and Barbra Streisand than anything else.

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Uhggg.. scratch one of those “personally”.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Their presence alone didn’t add anything for me. The overload of cringe-worthy and unfunny sex jokes just made me wish I haden’t even watched the movie in the first place. I liked the first one though, it actually aimed a bit higher with it’s humour.

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Ahh, well, despite seeing most of Ben Stiller’s movies, I’m not a fan of him. That means there presence was a breath of fresh air between the two for me.

        I did like Dodge Ball though, but I contribute that to his part being minimal and some great supporting characters.

      • SlashBeast says:

        Like Chick Norris!

      • SlashBeast says:

        Woops, that would be CHUCK Norris. I’m now in fear for my life.

  7. Gigan300 says:

    Another reason why I don’t want to see this film.

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