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Fact Of The Day: “The Princess Bride” Frigging Rules

By John - September 24, 2009 - 08:37 America/Montreal

Last night I had an amazing opportunity to shoot out to Anaheim and catch a big screen showing of the 1987 classic film “The Princess Bride”. It’s not often that you get the chance to catch some of these great older films in a theater anymore, but there is one place right beside Disney Land that does these once in a while.

We got there about 20 minutes early and the place was already PACKED. I honestly thought there might be a chance it would be mostly empty… seems the glory of “The Princess Bride” is alive and well.

It’s been a couple of years since I’ve watched the movie, and I never saw it when it was in the theaters. The print they used to screen it was an ORINGINAL 1987 print. It was glorious!

Ok… to “The Princess Bride”. This movie is 5 shades of fantastic. So beautiful. So simple. So charming. Just a wonderful, innocent and magical story that reminds us here in 2009 that a movie doesn’t have to be “dark” to be cool, or “violent” to be exciting (I forgot how great the sword fight between Westly and Inigo was).

*sniff* I miss Andre The Giant

This isn’t a full on review of the movie, I was just giddy seeing it on the big screen for the first time and wanted to gush a bit about how great the movie is. That is all. Have fun storming the castle.


  1. Brandon B says:

    One of my favorite movies of all time

    • Anti-Septic says:

      Also one of my all-time favorite movies, this movie is nothing short of spectacular.

      I am sure I will enjoy this movie just as much 20 years from now ass I do know!

  2. Aaron H. says:

    Great film. I have it on VHS and DVD for my self to watch as well as my niece.

    Favorite part are the rodents of unusually size

  3. Phil Gee says:

    I wish I could have come but I have my wife to murder and Gilda to frame for it. I’m swamped.

  4. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, my girlfriend and I just watch The Princess Bride last week together. We both like the movie allot.

    That’s awesome you got to catch it on the big screen John, your a lucky guy. And ya, I miss Andre The Giant too, he was so cool in this movie.

  5. Meli says:

    LOVE this movie and will always remember the cool $1 theater that I use to go in near my grandma’s house, it’s where I first saw this movie.

    Hey John: I know Costa Mesa is further of a drive, but the Regency Theater across from the South Coast Plaza has classic movie night every Wed. They show some great movies! Here’s the link: http://www.regencymovies.com/main.php?theaterId=17

  6. SlashBeast says:


  7. Tyson J. Hayes says:

    It is a spectacular movie, so quotable and a spectacular story.

    Anyone want to start a betting pool on how long it’ll take for someone to try and remake it?

  8. Ann Ora says:

    A remake? INCONCEIVABLE!

  9. Tony says:

    Footnote: Same guy who wrote the original screen-play for The Princess Bride (William Goldman), also wrote Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid. He also, did some major rewrites for Good Will Hunting, but that’s a different story. Read his book “Which Lie Did I Tell,” if interested.

  10. Meghan says:

    Absolutely adore this film. I actually saw this movie in the theatre when it first came out (and we never went to see films in the theatre when I was a kid, so this was special). It wasn’t until years later when I bought my own copy that I realized we’d missed the first scene of the movie (we must have been late)! So even without the farm boy set up I still LOVED the film (now that’s a sign of a great film!!).

    I rank this as my number one favourite movie of all time. The writing is brilliant, the directing is spot on, and the performances magical!

  11. Ross Miller says:

    I never understood the big deal about The Princess Bride if I’m honest (I know I’m going to get attacked by saying that). Watched it for the first time a couple of years ago, and didn’t find anything great about it. Watched it again, and still didn’t get it. I thought it didn’t know what it wanted to be: a fantasy tale or a romance (I know some people will say it’s those and more all that the same time, but I didn’t think it accomplished a good balance).

    One of the more overrated films I’ve seen.

    Okay, let the attacks begin :P

    • Jake says:

      It’s not the end-all be-all, but it’s really entertaining, and very unique. People do overrate it a little, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fully awesome. It totally rules.

      However, I don’t understand why people call it the best movie ever, either. But what exactly were you referring to when you said that the film didn’t balance the elements of fantasy and romance well?

    • bigsampson says:

      its such a great movie cause of the timing in the comedy and the words each character spoke are basically legendary..i have done school reports on this movie and would consider myself a huge fan of it….have u ever played D & D or any fantasy game…well this was like watching a quest for glory (if u remember that game series from back in the day pc games) i mean billy crystal alone was so funny…. here are a few more reasons

      1. “as u wishhhhhh”
      2. R.O.U.S.
      3. “my name is inigma montoya…u killed my father prepare to die
      4. andre the giant is such a lovable guy


    • SlashBeast says:

      I just love how it’s so genuinely intended to be good-natured fun. it doesn’t try to impose or be anything it isn’t.

      Oh, and Andre the Giant was in it, which is all sorts of awesome.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      You will be attacked alright, by a six fingered man and a Rodent of Enormous Size….

  12. Jay Pyatt says:

    The reason that I take your reviews to heart is that you and I totally agree on this movie. Despite the fact that Tom Hanks thinks that Godfather is the I Ching, this movie really is. “I am not left handed.” “Never go in against a Sicillian when death is on the line.”

    Imagine what someone could do with a bigger budget on an idea this great. Although I am sure that “Asteroids” will totally top this (bleeding eyed sarcasm).

  13. MandarinOrange says:

    I am pleasantly amazed at the number of people who like this movie. This is probably one of the best movies of ALL time. I say that not just because I like it but because it is a very popular movie that people in who enjoy just about every genre can, and do, enjoy.

  14. Shinobi says:

    A timeless classic for me, much like Labyrinth!

  15. Luis says:

    There is a strip club just down the street from there, which I find odd. But on the theatre, what is the room like there? I heard that it is supposed to be really nice in the old movies area. Also, that theatre is a 21+ place, so you can watch films without having to worry about kids.

    Love Princess Bride also.

  16. Ty says:

    The book was a little disappointing though. I got the “abridged” version with commentary from the writer…and idk…it was kinda weird….

    But the movie rules!

  17. dogbone says:

    A Great Movie!!!
    Brilliant script, wonderful actors, and an unforgettable cameo by Billy Crystal as Max the Magician(?)!
    I envy you John for seeing this in a theater!

  18. Justin says:

    Hello my name is Aldo Montoya you killed my father…prepare to die!

    And that sword fight between Aldo and Wesley my jaw was on the floor the entire time I mean it’s probably the most memorable sword fights of all time next to the lightsaber fights between Luke and Vader in Empire and Return of the Jedi in my opinion.

  19. probitionate says:

    The book was far better than the movie…I’ve given out about four dozen copies to friends over the years…which I found incredibly disappointing. (I’d read the book when it first came out, so the adaptation failed for me.)

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