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ET’s Iron Man 2 Coverage Online

By Rodney - September 25, 2009 - 09:14 America/Montreal

Remember back when we were just hearing bits about Iron Man, and every little shred of news was just made of the purest gold and made you more and more excited about seeing Iron Man come to life?

Well its happening again. And everything I am hearing sounds great. So for a first peek on set Entertainment Tonight sent Captian Jack Harkness to the set to check it out.

Scarlett looking sassy, Paltrow looking classy, Cheadle looking downright serious, and of course RDJ living the dream, loving this as much as we love seeing him in it. This video has me hyped already.

Cheadle says it: “Revered Silence” Nice.



  1. Josh says:

    It looks like this is going to be one amazing action flick! Everyone involved seems so into it.

  2. James (hazmat) says:


    I hope theres no fucking Iron Man suit in that briefcase.

    Please god dont let that be the case.

    That would be so cheesy.

    I pry to god theres nothing but paperwork in that briefcase.

  3. Eeno Neemo says:

    the feeling of not being able to wait til this gets out, gets worse

  4. TigerClaw says:

    I really hope that The Black Widow in the movie speaks with a Russian accent.

  5. War-Journalist says:

    It’s Natalia, not Natalie, you fools! Okay, putting the nerd back in the cage, this looks excellent so far. Can’t wait to see it. But I do have to agree with Lames (Hazmat) on the suitcase. Please, no! Don’t do the Superman routine where he hides in a phonebooth or car to put the suit on! But then again it sounds somewhat acceptable.

  6. Kristina says:

    She could be posing as an American named Natalie when she gets her job with Stark, but her real name is Natasha and it’s revealed later on when she’s the Widow.

  7. frank says:

    iron mans not very appealing to me

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