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Depp to Quit the Pirates Franchise?

By Rodney - September 28, 2009 - 18:39 America/Montreal

Wild speculation has been littering the web lately that Johnny Depp is less than enthusiastic about returning to the Pirates of the Caribbean after his buddy was let go from Disney.

Latino Review says:

Disney CEO Robert Iger got rid of Dick Cook. It turns out that Dick Cook and Johnny Depp were tight and Cook’s departure took place days after Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides was announced. Depp went public saying his enthusiasm for the franchise had waned since Cook left and everyone panicked.

I have been hearing this for a couple days now, but honestly I think there is little to it.

Are we honestly lead to believe that Depp would give up on the character he repeatedly said he loved because his friend is no longer with the company making the films? Sure Dick Cook may have been the connection that put Depp on the deck, but was Cook on set every day cheering him on from the sidelines? Was Cook the reason for him to come back to the character 2 more times?

I recall Depp claiming his love for the character and claiming he really loved playing Sparrow.

This just sounds like Depp expressing his disappointment over Disney’s decision. I don’t think this means he will abandon the franchise.

I know he can write his own ticket and he doesn’t “have” to be in any film he doesn’t want to. But he has said before he loves playing Sparrow, and I despite appreciating who put him there I don’t think that’s going to change because someone got fired from a studio.


  1. SuperK says:

    I say Depp does one more Pirates, then keeps his slate clean to play the Riddler in next Batman!

  2. Patrick says:

    Who names their kid Dick Cook?

  3. Kristina says:

    Should have stopped at one, anyway.

  4. AARON says:

    I don’t think he’s out, seriously.

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    I don’t think there is much to it either, unless a rewrite makes a younger Jack Sparrow and the role is recast for Pirates 5&6.

    Isn’t Depp signed / contracted for at least one more? If so, he’ll honor the contract.

  6. BobaFett says:

    omg…show me the money excuse anyone? Gee I wonder if Mr Depp wants 30M vs 10%.

    • John says:

      Either that, or it’s “Gee, now my friend’s lost his job I’m not so sure I want to make you millions of dollars… I mean maybe if he was rehired I’d consider it….”

  7. leeloo says:

    its capt jack or nothing.

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    For the love of all that is good and holy in this world, NO!

  9. thematticus says:

    This franchise is stale to me. Seriously, do we really need or want another one? I know some people will, but I’m sure the general public interest has waned to the point hat the budget soon won’t be justified. This will be the last one, regardless. I’m surprised Depp is even on board for this one. Seems like he is more of an artist than that. I never thought I would see him just keep playing the same guy so many times. Edward Scissorhands was a great character, but he hasn’t kept doing that. And don’t give me that crap about the character had more story to tell, because no one has 4 or 5 movies worth of story that HAS to be told. Like Rodney says, it’s all about money, and they have a contract.

  10. Brooks says:

    Johnny could get whatever he wants. I think 30M/10% would be minimum. He could probably get 50M/20% at this point, if not more.

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