Corey Feldman talks Lost Boys: The Thirst

After last week when we heard some more news about Lost Boys 3, we got conflicting news about the title but heard confirmation that The Frog Brothers were both back and Corey Haim as well.

Now we hear right from the blog of Corey Feldman (the more vocal Frog Brother) and just how involved he will be, first confirming the title will be Lost Boys: The Thirst.

Shock til you Drop quotes Cory Feldman:

I am very excited to get started. The title of the film will be Lost Boys: The Thirst and I am excited to say it will be a full scale return of the Frog Brothers(that means Jamison Newlander). Not like the tease in the last film. I would say this will be much closer to the comic book series.I do not want to tell you too much about it other than I have been lucky enough to be asked to Executive Produce the film for Warners. What that means is that I will have more creative involvement than ever before. I promise to do my very best to give the fans what they want this time around.

I don’t know if I think it is a good thing that Feldman will be more in control of this third chapter or not. But at very least he is trying to gain favour saying the series will be more “what the fans want” which I have to assume there will be more that deals with the fate of the other Frog Brother as well as seeing Corey Haim facing off against Feldman.

What I do hope is that this doesn’t become a staring role for Feldman, and he lets the Frog Brothers be supporting cast like they were in the first film. They were backup to the stars, and the movie dealt more with Haim’s character tripping over their world.

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12 Responses to “Corey Feldman talks Lost Boys: The Thirst”
  1. JAMES (Hazmat) says:

    i LOVE the Lost Boys, but the 2nd one was such a piece of shit

  2. Kaneda979 says:

    Heh, I didn’t even know there was a Lost Boys comic book, that’s cool. I wonder if it’s any good though since he said The Thirst will be more based on it. I kind of like how Feldman has more creative control this time around, but I also don’t really know how creative he can be and how much the Lost Boys series is just a pay check to him. Guess we’ll see.

    Is Haim sober now? Last I heard he was pretty mest up, it’s amazing how far that kid let himself go, even his voice is weird, along with a pretty shitty attitude. He’s really damn lucky he’s got a friend like Feldman to try and keep him going.

    I hope that he is finally sober, sober enough at least, so he can be a main character in this new one. but if not then it’s going to be real disappointing not to see him show up as a bad ass vampire version of his old character and duke it out with the Frog Brothers.

    Here’s hoping that all goes well.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    ” I promise to do my very best to give the fans what they want this time around.”

    Talk about a red flag.

    Whenever I hear/read a statement like this, it never surprises me much when the film “for the fans” is just as bad if not worse than the previous film. Furthermore, it is something that Feldman cannot possibly deliver. If there is a fanbase for Lost Boys, then they would probably like to see at least cameos from Jason Patric or Jami Gertz. We know it is not going to happen. We were teased of a Corey reunion. We are not going to get it (could be a blessing, but still…) So we get The Frog Brothers. Better than nothing. More on this in a minute.

    “I would say this will be much closer to the comic book series”

    The comics Feldman refers to may be the 4 ish miniseries “Lost Boys: Reign Of Frogs” by Wildstorm (yes, dammit, I looked it up, having been just as clueless as the rest of the int’l friends) If this is so:

    Let’s have a look at that, shall we?

    * The Thirst could take place between Lost Boys 1 and Lost Boys 2. The short lived comics series does.

    * Michael and Star (played by Jason Patric and Jami Gertz in the first film) are the parents of Chris and Nicole in the second film. Michael and Star also had died in a car accident.

    * The comics were written by Hans Rodionoff. He’s a comics writer and a screenwriter, responsible for penning the Man-Thing film a few years ago …oh yes, he also wrote the previous Lost Boys film. Aren’t you just tickled pink?

    So, what should we make of this?

    “For the fans”


  4. Lu Galasso says:

    Was not aware there was a Lost Boys 2. Um. Huh.

  5. David Lopan says:

    Some things need to just be let go…

  6. joedy says:

    Bring back Jason Patrick and Bam you have a hit. They need to start making good basic simple movies like they did in the 80’s, i miss those movies?

    • drewb09 says:

      i completely agree, i was born in 1995 but everyone in my family and myself, i’m the youngest, agree that 80’s were the best decade for movies eg
      Stand by Me
      The Lost Boys :)
      Weird Science
      Teen Wolf
      Back to the Future 1,2,3

      etc etc

  7. James (hazmat) says:

    The Lost Boys has one fact that Twilight forgot about…the thirst always wins. Thats one of the few things I dont like about Twilight.

    (Always count on me to de-rail a subject into Twilight…sorry)

  8. drewb09 says:

    i think this film will be awesome, im 14 so only saw the first film (The Lost Boys) when i was around 11-12, fell in love with the film straight away, so i soon as i heard there was #2 on the way, i knew it wouldnt work, so when it was released to DVD, i went and bought it the day after, i live in england by the way so was released later than USA, wasnt as dissapointed as i thought, yes the story has hardly anything to do with the first movie, maybe a couple of references, eg, stars feldman as edgar frog, and the ending and alternate endings star haim and newlander. but ye to get my point i am looking forward to seeing lost boys 3 hopefully wont be as shit as others expect, bring on no3 :)

  9. Samantha says:

    I love the lost boys. I didn’t like how the second one was cheaply made and how the vampires looked either because they didn’t look like that in the first one so I hope the third is more like the first movie.

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