Comparing The Careers Of Michael Jackson And Anakin Skywalker

Man… i know it’s still soon… but Justin sent this to me and it made me laugh so I wanted to share it with you guys. Check it out:


It was originally found here.

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21 thoughts on “Comparing The Careers Of Michael Jackson And Anakin Skywalker

  1. My life is alot like anakins I never had a dad strangers came to my house and I befriended them I have a robotic arm I am 10 my mother died when I was 6 my friend I call him “obi-wan” he is my legal gardian

  2. I expected something where it shows them starting off, one black, one white. Then when they die the black one is now white, and the white one is now black. Sad they didn’t. Still funny.

  3. How about other similarities…

    Committed Crimes Against young boys…

    Disfigured while trying to achieve success…

    Had a thing for meditation and oxygen chambers…

    Spent much of early adulthood wearing one glove…

    Talked funny…

    Both black…but ended up pasty white dudes…

    Each couldn’t keep a wife…

    Bad relations with family, went out on their own…

    Shrouded in mystery and seclusion…

    Hair caught on fire, causing a life of severe pain…

    Had a lot of surgeries…

    Hung out with a super hot chick when they were younger…

    Loyal followers hung on every word…

    A voice you know when you first hear it…and it brings back found memories from the 80’s…

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