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Bomb Scare on Green Hornet Set

By Rodney - September 30, 2009 - 05:34 America/Montreal

Speculatively overheard on the set of Green Hornet:

Crewman: Sir, we think there is a Bomb on the set.
Security: The movie’s a Bomb? How do you know? Its not even done yet!
Crewman: No sir, a bomb. A real bomb.

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the LAPD bomb squad had to be called to investigate a mysterious bomb-like object that the crew found around the set. LAPD rushed onsite and used a remote-controlled robot to blow up the unidentified metal object, which later turned out to NOT be a bomb.

That must be one of the hardest calls to make on a set if you think someone is trying to maliciously attack people. How does security decide that this could be a legitimate bomb threat?

Yes, we checked the prop inventory and there were no “bombs” on it. 6 dozen fake firearms, 18 rubber hand grenades, a gallon of harmless flash powder.. but no bombs. So that ticking box over there that no one seems to know where it came from? Could be a real bomb. Make the call.

It seems that Green Hornet is doomed from the start, and sadly hearing that there was a bomb threat on set is not a surprise anymore. I think they have scheduled a tornado for next week’s interuption.

My only hope is that the film turns out awesome and all of these setbacks and hiccups end up as a DVD feature.

And of course this is where all the clever commenters already predisposed against this film make bomb puns:


  1. Slushie Man says:

    Better safe then sorry when people’s lives are at stake. They made the right call.

  2. besley says:

    It was probably a copy of the script . . .

  3. thematticus says:

    Wouldn’t it be great if this movie won an Oscar?

  4. Darren J Seeley says:

    If the on-set pyrotek guy says “That’s not one of ours”, and the stunt and safety people says “That’s not ours”…then I agree. Better safe than sorry.

    I don’t consider it a “setback” however. If it had been real and it went off, taking out some stuff and maybe injure those around it (or worse) that’s a different story.

    And if the cameras were rolling, they could have gotten some extra production value…

  5. Ty says:

    They shouldve just called in Jack Bauer…

  6. SlashBeast says:

    This is all just foreshadowing the inevitable.

  7. AARON says:

    Dang! It’s like everything’s against them to make this thing

  8. Hiland says:

    everything on this project is going to disaster haha

  9. James (hazmat) says:

    They should make a comedy ABOUT the making of this movie.

    Starring Seth Rogen. And id laugh in the part of the movie in which Nic Cage leaves

    “We had Nic Cage! Fuuck!”

    And then the stupid stunt man (Played by Christian Bale) crashes the Black Beauty and starts yelling at the guys that where supposed to make the car right
    “what the FUCK are you DOING!? Do I come around and trash your lights? Why do you need to ruin my CAR?? It doesnt even TURN! You and me man…where fucking done professionally”

    And then have this bomb threat, freaking hilarious

    THAT would be a movie id watch.

  10. Tim "Cloverfield" says:

    I know I despise this project and the Hack that is Rogen….but I promise this was not me. Sounds like a stunt for the DVD release….again..NOT FUNNY ROGEN! ( as usual)

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