Avatar Game Footage Online

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 09. 2009in News Chat

Short of the full on Trailer, this gameplay footage of the console game based on James Cameron’s Avatar is the closest peek we will get into the fantasy world of the alien conflict.

The game looks pretty much like any third person view first person shooter game I have seen, but it does give us a peek at the kind of action and fun tech we will see in the film. And the game looks to let you play both factions, so player vs player matches are a certainty!

I just hope the effects are better than a console game. Still looks fun.


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17 Responses to “Avatar Game Footage Online”

  1. Jeremy K. says:

    “third person view first person shooter”

    It’s easier to just say “third person shooter”. :D

    But ya, I agree… I would most definitely hope the movies CG is better than the games…. but that is always the case. I am a bit sad, though. Originally, many years ago when Avatar was project 880, the talk about the game was that it was going to be an MMO taking place in the same world. Wonder why they went all third person shooter single player game on us.

    • Kaneda979 says:

      To me the trailer makes the movie look like an MMO, but like the most expensive and massive MMO ever. I wish this game was an MMO too, would be so much better. Oh well I guess.

      There is still hope though, there’s lots of movies that came out first, then they made an MMO out of them. There’s a Stargate MMO in the works right now. There is also a Pirates of the Caribbean MMO that came out after the movies and there was a failed Matrix MMO, also made after the movies came out. And of course Star War Galaxies.

      So maybe they’re just waiting to see how much they can make off the Avatar movie, then use part of that to make an MMO. That would be nice anyway. :)

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Oh the Matrix Online, so much potential and yet such a failure.

        Stargate another with so much potential, yet apparently a nightmare in development. They are almost bankrupt and begging for change to finish the game from what I’ve read. Employees not even getting paid, craziness.

        Star Trek and Start Wars: The Old Republic on the horizons, will be interesting to see how those end up.

        The world of Pandora in Avatar is quite beautiful and lush, would be fun to explorer in a party with fellow friends. Hopefully the movie does amazing and perhaps an MMO future may be viable.

        For now, I have Aion.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Basic supply and demand. More people are willing to accept and play a first/third person shooter rather than a more complex and time consuming MMO.

  2. Jeff says:

    That footage looks like a jumble of Dead Space, Crysis, Turok, Mechwarrior and WoW.

    No, he’s not ripping anyone off (sarcasm). If this is what the movie is going to look like that I gotta say WTF has happened to James Cameron? He use to be original.

    • Rob D. says:

      Looks nothing like any of those. Just because it takes place in a jungle type area and has a 3rd person view makes it just like Crysis Turok and Dead Space? Where the hell does WoW come in? By your own analogy you could say Crysis is just like Doom 3d. If you want to say the game is like anything. I would say it looks like Lost Planet. More specifically Lost Planet 2.

      The game doesn’t look like it’s bringing anything new to the 3rd person shooter genre. But in all honesty. Is it suppose to? I mean its a game based on a movie. Telling the story of the movie but allowing you to interact and be more involved.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Ironically, Dead Space takes heavy influences from Aliens, a film directed by James Cameron.

    • EZELL says:

      Is the only game you guys play wow. This looks like WOW if it had graphics that were made in this day and age and maybe the whole blue guy thing Turok and Mechwarrior I see for sure.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      “WTF has happened to James Cameron? He use to be original.”

      James Cameron has always used concepts that existed before his works were created. What makes them original is in their presentation and in story. You think he was the first to make movies about Aliens, Androids, super spies, and Titanic?

      Sure Avatar has aliens, an alien planet, military type characters, floating islands, and whatever else that has been seen elsewhere; however, that does not mean his presentation and storytelling will not be somewhat original. Yes, he claims the story is similar to that of Dances With Wolves, but his presentation of the story will be fairly unique making it its own experience.

  3. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, my fav part is when he’s shooting that big rino like monster in the butt, looks so ridiculous.

    Well, it looks very nice, the graphics anyway. A very pretty game indeed. But it reminds me too much of Halo. I mean I like Halo, but after part 3 I just got burnt out on it. And you just aimlessly blowing the crap out of pretty looking aliens on there home world seems silly to me.

    I was hoping for a whole lot more from this game. Oh well, at least you get to play as the main aliens in the story, so that might be kind of fun. Still over all just seems to lack total originality. Thankfully the movie will be so much better, I hope anyways.

    Lets just hope they make an even better game later on, maybe even an innovative MMO.

  4. chris....the real one says:

    looks like lost planet 2…

  5. Louisgamers says:

    i was playing the lost plannet 2 demo and it is just like this but in the snow and slightly better looking

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