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Attack of the Show Spoofs Twilight

By Rodney - September 30, 2009 - 18:30 America/Montreal

Sometimes you have to let a small detail slip to allow for the rest of the plot. Sometimes in the earliest moments of a film the entire franchise can be averted with one simple decision.

The gang at Attack of the Show illustrate how different Twilight really could be.

But it just goes to show how highschool girls love to go after that guy that just isn’t good for them while the ones who would treat em right get tossed aside. (no, I’m not bitter)



  1. JimmyBoots says:

    “Now its time for the ritualistic sex”

    Its from Idle Hands

  2. Channing says:

    “Here, always use protection.” F*cking hilarious!

  3. James (hazmat) says:

    Ridiculous! A wooden spike would never go through Edwards diamond sparkly shiny skin! Its unheard of! >=O

    The makers of this video failed to see this! Their plan would have failed! His mind reading abilities would have warned him of their presence and their faulty and futile plot! >:/

    This video is extremely flawed. >=[]

    I see the Twilight spoof video madness continues!


  4. War-Journalist says:

    Hilarious. “Use protection, alright?” XD

  5. Trent says:

    arent we beyond the twilight spoofs. Its like a comedian telling a george bush joke.

  6. Dragonslayer says:

    I love these guys. This is hilarious. Best Twilight spoof yet.

  7. Josh says:

    Kind of funny.

  8. frankwoltown says:

    I know a few girls I have to show this to now!

  9. Roman says:

    I love how Kevin kept stabbing his corpse freakin classic man. I laughed I cried I chortled.

  10. Geno says:

    Oh that so great! I was laughing histerically. He’s a friggin vampire, you kill them you don’t date them!

  11. Mike Mai says:

    kevin and olivia rules!

  12. Lily says:

    I was subtly reminded of rival vampire series The Anita Blake Chronicles and her line of “I don’t date vampires, I kill them.”

  13. Sean says:

    Reminds me of a shirt I’ve seen with the line
    “Then Buffy Staked Edward . . . The End”

  14. DirkAnger says:

    That was some seriously funny shit. God bless Kevin and Olivia for pointing out how stupid Twilight is.

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