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The Final Destination to add Shaking Seats to 3D in Select Theaters

By Rodney - August 17, 2009 - 07:36 America/Montreal

The Final Desination will not only throw aside title format by adding THE at the front instead of a 4 at the end, it will be upping the stakes of immersive movie viewing adding “a fourth dimension” combining a 3D film with vibrating and rumbling seats.

The Big Picture says:

This is the first time D-BOX’s immersive technology will be combined with 3-D technology, offering moviegoers the opportunity to enjoy an unparalleled cinematic experience where they can watch the action in three dimensions and live the extraordinary sensations of onscreen action. D-BOX’s motion-enhanced seating provide an unmatched, realistic and immersive experience, utilizing refined subtle motion effects that work in perfect sync with the onscreen action.

I once experienced motion seating in The Terminator 3D Attraction which I didn’t expect so it blew me away, but I am not sure I want my chair to rumble in the theater.

Might be neat for some people, but I am happy to have a nice comfy seat.

For added fear factor, I hear in some theaters one lucky attendant will get impailed by a flying support beam.

Just so you feel fully immersed in the film.


  1. AARON says:

    It’s an interesting add. But it really doesn’t look all that scary.

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    Haven’t seen the others…don’t plan on seeing this one.

  3. MandarinOrange says:

    I have to agree with AARON. This doesn’t look scary at all. I am not a fan of the whole horror genera yet in spite of that I wouldn’t mind seeing this movie (just to show how unscary it seems). Those seats would make it really fun to watch but I think I would have to drive a minimum 8 hrs one way to possibly get to one of them and there is no way I would do that.

    • JAMES (Hazmat) says:

      I know, the part where shes supposed to die in the car wash because the cleaning rubbers will slap her face at 10,000 MPH….THAT WOULD SO NOT KILL YOU!!!!

    • JAMES (Hazmat) says:

      Im sorry-
      It WOULD fuck your day up, no doubt.

      Same with the flying tire hitting the girl in the back. Wtf is a tire going to do?

      Theyll both have awesome stories to tell when they get home.

      • Dragonslayer says:


      • Darren J Seeley says:

        Tire melts off, she is decap’d by the hubcap…no…I know!

        Tire smacks her in the head. She falls forward, slips on a banana peel, falls backward, and falls on the burning tire. Her hair catches fire, followed by her face. Her friends panic, dowse her with half empty cups of Sprite. She lives, thanks them all, but sadly, one of the ice cubes from the drinks plops down her throat and she chokes.

        Anyway, from what I hear from “the premise” this time around is that we got ourselves a seer who has the curse of seeing each possible death played out and can help stop it. (Thus explaining why some characters seem to have several deaths or variations therof)

      • JAMES (Hazmat) says:

        Yeah Darren, it’s a pathetic attempt to make the movie different then the last 3.

        Its kinda like how Scorcher 6 was on ice instead of lava so that it would be different then the other 6

        “Here we go again…..Again”

  4. JAMES (Hazmat) says:

    The 3D shit and the shaky chair thing is cool for a 4 minute ride in Universal, but when I watch a movie I want it to be in a normal screen (I dont mind IMAX) without having random crap coming at my face

    I hate it when movies are shot in 3D because when normal people wanna watch them normally its fucking annoying to see the scenes not in 3D that you know are obviously 3D, like im sure this movie will have knives thrown at your face and blood splattering at you, if you dont watch it on 3D- The blood and the knife will only hover annoyingly on the screen like the fangs from Jaws 3D did

    I actually enjoy watching the movie, i dont need you tempering with it.
    I like my food to be so good I dont NEED to put ketchup on it =]

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Depends on the movie, but for the most part your correct. Spy Kids 3D and Journey to the Center of the Earth come to mind in regard to horrible use of 3D. Up on the other hand was just as good in 3D as 2D (apart from a little color loss), and is an example of good use of 3D. There was little to no objects flying at your face. The 3D just gave Up a greater sense of perceived depth, which is all 3D should be used for.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      It’s odd, because I actually liked “My Bloody Valentine” remake for the most part, and saw it in a non 3D viewing. Severed jaws, body parts, blood splatter still flew at the screen. Still effective.

      I put ketchup, hot mustard and BBQ sauce on just about everything but Frosted Mini Wheats.

    • JAMES (Hazmat) says:

      Darren, what you just explained, THAT- would annoy the fuck out of me.
      Thats the exact same shit i was talking about dude. Im glad you where patient enough to keep yourself from throwing your head at the screen, but my patience isnt that immune to retardedly made movies. (See that word I made up?) I salute your patience and coolness.

      And yes Jeremy, i saw UP in regular theaters (call me old-fashioned) and not once did I think that it was made for 3D in any scenes. That movie was so great in so many ways…

      • Tomi says:

        I gotta disagree JAMES, I thought there was no reason for UP to be in 3D and it was basically a waste of 4 extra dollars.

        I think a good analogous example would be widescreen. When widescreen first game out, that was a gimmick too, but don’t we prefer movies that are “made for” widescreen as opposed to ones that are shown in widescreen but might as well have been shown in a standard aspect ratio? As such, I preferred the MBV 3D experience to the UP 3D experience (though UP was the better movie, of course)

      • JAMES (Hazmat) says:

        So youre saying you didnt like it because it didnt have stuff flying at your face, the usuall 3D

        And im saying that i liked it because it didnt, but i watched it in regular theaters.

        Thats interesting.

        So now I wonder if a movie could be made that pleases both. Has great action scenes or scary- with stuff coming at your face in 3D AANNDD it doesnt seem obvious when watched in regular theaters.

        I heard UP was great on 3D but i dont know myself

      • Tomi says:

        it’s not like Up looked worse in 3D, but it wasn’t really necessary.

        I agree it’s interesting. I’m not sure where I fall on the 3D stuff, sometimes I think it should remain a gimmick and be used only a few times a year. Other times I think there’s potential for them to do something really interesting with it. It might be interesting to see an art film that makes a different type of use of 3D. Cuz I agree, the type of use shown in the G-Force preview seemed unbearably dumb

  5. David Lopan says:

    Adding shit like shaky seats and 3-D shots won’t change the fact that the movie looks awful. It’s a shame that this franchise and Saw haven’t died off already at this point.

  6. Tomi says:

    This is the closest I will probably ever get to what it would have been like seeing the Tingler in theatres! I hope it’s better than the previews are making it seem

  7. SlashBeast says:

    Bring on the gimmiks!

  8. Monty says:

    Final Destination 5 will focus around an accident involving a 3D theater with gimmick seats.

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    While I would not call the Final Dest’s films scary (although I’ll give props to #2 for building up a paranoia mythology, which worked- and never was used again) the films were generally live action “Wile E Coyote” moments where varied characters would have sensational deaths. They are designed to give the viewer a visceral moment of sadistic glee.

    This news is slightly interesting, but not surprising. When Final 3 hit DVd, they had that ‘alternate’ option where if you “choose a path” the characters could either be spared a death or die differently. In other words, it’s a gimmick. In this case, the gag of going Will Castle has a limited appeal, if not audience reach- as pointed out, this isn’t T2 3D (Universal/MGM theme parks) or Honey I Shrunk The Audience (the Disney one a number of years ago).

    The new Destination will be R rated- those theme parks 3D attractions are family friendly. The theme park films are not subject to box office, but rather audience appeal. It is a given that many who attend the theme parks come from out of state. This makes those 3D films, such as T2 3D more fun and entertaining. Final Destination does not have these luxuries.

    How much life will Destination have- even if it turns out to be a good horror film? Will we get the shaky seats at home, or do we have to make use out of our late granny’s rocking chair?

  10. Joriben says:

    Then it is already not called 3D. It is already 4D.

    • Rodney says:

      Its not 4D. Just because there is motion seats that vibrate doesnt add a new dimension to the depth of the picture.

  11. leeloo says:

    booze + shaking seats = destination barf.

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