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The Descent 2 Trailer

By John - August 28, 2009 - 12:57 America/Montreal

I’ve said a thousands times that my absolute favorite horror film of the last 10 years is EASILY “The Descent”. The film had me creeped the hell out WAY before any of the “monsters” showed up in the movie. It was a brilliant use of atmosphere and setting… the two essentially became characters of the movie that consistently had me on the edge of my seat.

We’ve known for some time that The Descent 2 was coming… we’ve even seen some footage before. Now the official trailer is here.

Personally I don’t like the trailer as much as some of the “unofficial” trailers we’ve seen in the past month… but who cares… sign me up!


  1. bigsampson says:

    looks lame…u can tellthe camera andlighting is different so the effects dont seem as creepy.

  2. Lu Galasso says:

    Looks alright…really enjoyed the first one. They mention “Alien” in the preview, so hopefully this will be the Descent’s “Aliens”.

  3. sibbe says:

    Ive seen it at the Fantasy Filmfestival in Berlin a few days ago. I LOVED the first one, but the sequel was (surprise…surprise) disappointing. Its not a bad movie, u could even call it solid because it pretty much tries to be like the first one and ive seen far worse sequels in the last few years to successfull horror movies, but they didnt succeed in creating the awesome thrilling atmosphere of the original Descent movie. Descent 2 just felt like an attempt to recreate the strengths, which they did OK, but not as good as Marshall did

  4. TaintTickle says:

    I liked the first one, but this one basically looks like the exact same movie. I mean, the film takes place in the same underground environment as the first one. They should’ve gone the “Aliens” route and had a bunch of people armed with guns go down and investigate the events of the first film. At least that would add a new “action” element to the film.

    • David Lopan says:

      How would that have worked? None of the girls escape (or so it seems) and that one character picked a completely different cave to explore that wasn’t on the map. To something into a story like aliens style wouldn’t make much sense. Personally, I’m shocked there is a sequel, I would’ve just left it alone. I guess neil marshall needs another successful movie since dog soldiers and doomsday was weak huh? (Yes, I know dog soldiers came out before descent)

  5. Kaneda979 says:

    Neil Marshall isn’t behind it, so already I have my doubts about this one.

    Really though, this is one of those movies I don’t feel needed a sequel, nor could you really do another one that could top the first. So Neil Marshall NOT being involved doesn’t surprise me one bit and is probably a pretty smart move on his part.

    As for a DVD rental, I might pick this one up, just for the hell of it.

  6. Beyonder says:

    Didn’t like the first movie much. Can’t say I was much afraid and didn’t like the ending at all. Not to mention that the movie stole waaaaay too much from other movies! Like The Cave for example. In my personal opinion the Descent was a mediocre imitation at best.

    And what’s the deal with female cast only? Why don’t the Descent movies have any male actors at all??? And when they do…it’s like they’re there for a supporting-supporting-supporting role… Some new form of racism?

  7. Ken says:

    Looks surprisingly good, however I hope that they hasn’t copied that much from the first, and that they have figured out a new twist for this one. However, after reading Sibbe’s comment about it, I guess I have to hold my enthusiasm back a bit, though.

  8. townes says:

    nah, I think they are making the same mistake as the alien films.
    in alien it was just about ONE alien. and it was scary as shit. as the franchise continued they became more and more leading to a whole army of aliens. this way one alien was not creapy anymore and could just be handled with an automatic gun. like an animal, an aggressive dog for example.

    now the trailer looks like the creeps are becoming more and more as well, degrading the aura of one individual creep to just another dangerous animal…

  9. sean says:

    dont think its gonna be that good. the first one was crazy good though

  10. James B. says:

    the first one was really good. I would never want to set foot in a cave after watching the first but i don’t understand why Sarah is going back in the cave to look for her dead friends, the only person that is alive is Juno and Sarah doesn’t even like her anymore soo why is she going back?

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