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R.I.P. Ed Turner

By John - August 25, 2009 - 16:51 America/Montreal

There is a 99.999% chance you don’t know Ed Turner, or maybe even ever heard of him… but for a short time I knew him, and he was one hell of a talented and good guy. He was my 1st assistant director on my movie “The Anniversary” and has about 70 movies on his credit list. He was funny, dedicated, as hard working as he was tall and loved movies.

I just found out Ed passed away yesterday and I’m currently agonizing over how many times I thought about touching base with him since we wrapped shooting but more times than not never got around to it.

Ed saved my movie before I even realized it needed saving. Ed was the “strong” voice on our set. Cracking the whip, keeping things moving, keeping us on our ridiculous schedule. He’d jump when I needed him to jump, and got in my face when I needed it. There at the crack of dawn (or earlier) and usually one of the last ones to leave the set at 4am. I LOVED working with him and was looking forward to working with him more in the future. He was a great guy to have around, and to BE around. That’s all I can say right now.

(Ed with me on the set of our movie)


  1. Jake says:

    Gee. Sorry for your loss, John. Sounds like a really great guy.

  2. Abby says:

    I am sorry for your loss John. A few days ago my uncle passed away, and in what I’m hoping might be a small consolation, a friend of mine gave me a couple of quotes I hope will help you as well:

    “I am ready to meet my Maker. Whether my Maker is prepared for the ordeal of meeting me is another matter.” - Winston Churchill

    “I Believe That Imagination Is Stronger than Knowledge - Myth Is More Potent than History - Dreams Are More Powerful than Facts - Hope Always Triumphs over Experience - Laughter Is the Cure for Grief - Love Is Stronger than Death” -Robert Fulghum

    I wish you all the best.

  3. Clair says:

    So sorry to hear about the loss John. His family is in my thoughts..

  4. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Sorry to hear that


  5. Alex says:

    How’d he die?

    • Will the GMan says:

      that’s personal man. let it go

      • Oliver says:

        I don’t think it’s insensitive to ask how someone died, it’s fairly common, especially when that person was very young. Anyway, I don’t mean to bicker in here.

        My condolences.

    • AARON says:

      Dude wh even ask that?

      John, dude I’m so sorry. People leave too soon.

      • Alex says:

        “who’d ask that?”

        Thats a joke question right?!?!

        Usually when someone young and in his prime goes “why” and “how” are the first things that come to mind!

        I guess because no one here really knows him they probably don’t care enough……

      • bigsampson says:

        have to agree first thing i thought was “how did he pass away”

        i wont ask it cause its not in my place but to say i didnt wonder that would be a lie …either way its none of are business if they dont want to share it…..i am pretty sure the jist of this post is to say that Ed Turner was a great guy and a hard worker at his craft and helped john (love him or hate him this is his site and we have followed him for years so it does matter to regulars) make a life dream of making a solid movie happen RIP Ed may your families and friends memories of you keep you in there minds and hearts

      • AARON says:

        No guys, of course that’s the first thing we think about. I’m just saying it’s kind of a private thing and asking him DIRECTLY is completely wrong.

  6. sean says:


  7. algoresnuts says:

    That sucks. My condolences.

  8. robertwolf says:

    Sorry to hear about this sad news. :(

  9. War-Journalist says:

    May he rest in peace. Until the next great movie comes, and I hope wherever he is, he gets the best seat in the universe.

  10. Kristina says:

    Oh, how sad. Condolences to his family.

  11. John Hays says:

    Ed boomed for me on various projects on which I was the sound mixer. I don’t know the cause of death at this time. I hope to learn more in the next few days.

    The last time I saw Ed was 9 days ago, when we wrapped another short. After the shoot, Ed helped me load my car with gear and we shook hands,
    gave each other words of appreciation and made tentative plans to work on another project next month, if it came to fruition.

    Ed was a bright, creative guy (I used some of Ed’s music in a short I recently completed). He had a reserved demeanor that covered some deep
    currents. He was upfront about a lot of things, and didn’t mind telling people what he thought when they tried to take advantage of him,
    something which happens too often in the lower-pay end of this craft/art/business. I had no problem with his honesty, especially since
    I often agreed with him.

    I hope he didn’t suffer much in the end.

  12. Matt Keith says:

    Rest In Peace.

  13. dax says:

    how did he die?

  14. Brian says:

    .0001% I knew Ed an he was a good man. He will be missed. I worked with him several times and am sorry that it will not have that opportunity again. Rest In Peace Ed.

  15. Brian says:

    .0001% I knew Ed and he was a good man. He will be missed. I worked with him several times and am sorry that it will not have that opportunity again. Rest In Peace Ed.

  16. Jason Contini says:

    I had the wonderful opportunity of working with Ed on THE ANNIVERSARY as well. It is true that he was a talented and focused professional but he was also an incredibly genuine human being. I spent many of our breaks on set hanging out with Ed and just talking. My 18 year old brother, Sean, passed away three days after John offered me the role of Cid in the movie. Ed would always ask me how I was doing and if I needed to take a moment and talk about it and occasionally we would. He was very considerate. I really enjoyed working with him and as John has said, I too was looking forward to working with him again in the future. He will missed greatly. Rest In Peace Ed.

  17. thematticus says:

    I’m very sorry for your loss. It seems like the world had lost a great man.

  18. Jose Manuel says:

    Really sorry for your loss. Death, especially in young people, always comes with a great shock..sometimes you just cant believe it. Be assured tho, he is well now :D…making heavenly movies.


  19. Antonio Spinozzi says:

    I’m really sorry for your loss John.

  20. Meli says:

    How terribly sad. My condolences to his family and his friends.

  21. Phil Gee says:

    Rest in peace

  22. Dragonslayer says:

    Seeing that picture made me cry a little…it fits so well into the title.

  23. Janice Turner says:

    Thank you so much for your kind words regarding our son Ed. There are no words to express the grief and despair that our family is feeling. We have no idea at this time of the cause of death as the results of the autopsy won’t be available for several weeks. And since we have not been “officially” told of his death by the L.A. police, who knows when we will have our questions laid to rest.
    Ed was a loving, caring son, full of wit and charm. He began his musical passion at the age of three, taking piano lessons. He had a brilliant mind that at the age of 8 had learned Latin from a dictionary that his aunt had given him. He was fluent in Spanish. After graduating from the U.W. of Wis. he attended Madison Media Institute just long enough to pick up the trade. He moved to L.A. with the shirt on his back and $800 with a goal of becoming a musician. But, he had to “pay the rent” so he began his own business doing sound. The one constant in his life has been his dearest friend, Sara.
    Ed wanted desperately to return home to his family and often remarked that he wanted to be part of his niece and nephew’s lives. And that he missed his younger brother Peter. We wanted him home but not this way.
    Again, thank you for your sharing your feelings of loss for our son.
    Janice and Dave Turner

  24. Sara Wagabaza says:

    I would also like to thank everyone for sharing their thoughts and memories of my dearest love Ed. He was my everything and the world will truly not be the same without him. Edward meant so much to so many people and his loving, witty, and at times sarcastic personality (LOL) will always be remembered.

    Peace&Love to all, Sara Wagabaza

  25. Onotse says:

    Ed was a great guy. There arent words enough to encompass how talented he was. He was so smart and so funny and what I remembered most was how well read he was on almost every subject. I am devasted by the loss but my feelings can not compare to the way his family and best friend feel so I just send my condolences as they are all I can give during this trying time.
    Ed, you will live forever in my memory as the smart guy who loved smoothies and Im okay with that.

  26. Louisgamers says:

    hey john you should do a farewell in the credits of your movie for him

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