Inception Plot and Spoilers

Posted by John Campeaon 25. 08. 2009in News Chat

The talk of the town right now is the new Christopher Nolan (Batman Begins, The Dark Knight) “Inception“. One of the reasons everyone is talking about it (aside from the fact that Nolan is directing it) is the fact that no one knows anything about it at all… Until now.

Wanna know what the movie is about and get some MAJOR spoilers?

My friend Kris Tapley over at InContention has the story on the film. Here are some excperpts from his post:

“Inception” takes place in a world where we have developed a means by which we can enter people’s dreams. Leonardo DiCaprio’s character Jacob Hastley has been described as a “CEO type,” but he is also something of a criminal. He dives into people’s dreams to extract information.

Ellen Page will play Ariadne, a young college student studying in Paris who is a part of Jacob’s team (along with Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s Arthur and Tom Hardy’s Eames). Jacob’s team actually “creates” the dreams and Ariadne is an “architect” of the them. She engineers them.
When Jacob’s team enters the dreams, it is not via a machine such as “The Matrix” or “The Cell,” I’m told. It is via injection, and the technology can easily be transported in a suitcase. In one scene (featured briefly in the trailer, I believe), the team actually enters a person’s dream while on an airplane.

Cillian Murphy stars as Fischer, a business-type who is soon to become the head of a company. Jacob’s team is attempting to insert an idea into Fischer’s mind to compel him to separate the company into two smaller companies. The reasoning for this is unclear on my end.

But trust me when I say that the article has MUCH bigger spoilers in it that what I’ve just shown. If you want the full skinny on “Inception” you can go read the full article over here.

This post was written by :

John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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27 Responses to “Inception Plot and Spoilers”

  1. Iam Wright says:

    Sounds similar to ‘Paprika’.

  2. SlashBeast says:

    This info’s actually been floating around the net for a few months now. Interesting nonetheless.

  3. Roman727 says:

    This movie looks bad, it just seems like a rip of many sci fi types like the matrix and minority report, I don’t know man just get back to batman. I loved the Prestige but people panned it for the (crappy) illutionist.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Who cares if he uses ideas that have been done in other scifi movies? People find inspiration from everywhere including other movies. As long as he refines these ideas, refreshes them, and makes them his own in a compelling and entertaining way, then the movie has potential. Not to mention that Nolan is known for making some pretty good movies. District 9, as an example since it is so recent, did just that. The director took a bunch of ideas that have been done before and made them his own, presenting them in a new and entertaining way.

      Odd comment on the Prestige. The two movies, The Prestige and The Illusionist, were released within months of each other. That means they were both in production at the same time, not to mention the Prestige was based on a book. Can’t really say one panned the other. Well, I guess you can, it just doesn’t make sense. I thought both were excellent movies, and the only thing they really had in comment with each other was the stories revolving around magicians.

      • Jeremy K. says:

        Oh, forgot to mention the Illusionist was loosely based on the short story “Eisenheim the Illusionist”.

    • SlashBeast says:

      You mean like how The Matrix took heavy influences from Ghost in the Shell and Neuromancer?

      Nothing is completely original. It’s all about taking time-worn ideas and giving them a unique spin.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Also, The Prestige actually has higher ratings than The Illusionist on both Rotten Tomatoes and iMDB so you’re last comment doesn’t make much sense.

    • AARON says:

      You say this movie looks bad, but you haven’t even seen a trailer or anything, just the plot.

      I for one think it sounds awesome.

  4. Josh Brunsting says:

    RT doesn’t come up with that number themselves. It’s a collection of reviews from critics. If anyone loses credibility, it’s critics as a whole, not RT. Just saying.

  5. JoJo says:

    Ya I don’t find this interesting at all. This has a 200M budget so it better have some mindblowing out of this world action.

  6. I saw the Inception trailer at the theater and I like it. it looked like it was going to be another crime drama then when it showed the 2 characters running on the walls it made me say wut the fuck I got to see this it looks good. From what Im reading this movie is going to be like the Cell or Dreamscape which were good movies. The Prestige was a good movie by the way

  7. alfie says:

    the teaser was fucking average. and if people think the avatar effects were bad then they must fucking hate the inception effects.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Not comparable. Avatar was CGI, Inception is practical effects (mostly).

    • Matt Keith says:

      I agree. The teaser wasn’t anything special, and even that scene in the hallway that people were talking about wasn’t anything special.

  8. cloud720 says:

    cant wait for this movie.

    Since Nolan seems to like to work with the same actors, I say…

    Joseph Gordon-Levitt for joker
    Leonardo DiCaprio for Riddler

    • Josh Brunsting says:

      I’m sorry, and I don’t mean to be confrontational, but why can no one avoid talking Batman 3 when people talk about Nolan. Sure, it’s a giant elephant in the room, but THIS is the film that we should all be craving from him. THIS is what we all should want Nolan to keep doing. I personally would love to see him come back for a third bat film, but if he doesn’t, and it looks less and less likely he will, I will not shed one tear. He’s far to creative of a guy to keep in the constraints of the DC universe. NOW, WB lets Nolan come up with his own villain, then my tune will change. Just saying.

  9. David Lopan says:

    Is anyone else disappointed that Ellen Page is in it? I hate that girl.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I’m excited that she IS in it. Only thing I have ever seen her in that I did not like was X-Men 3, and it was not her fault I did not like that one.

  10. Salbert says:

    Nerd rage is alive and well in this post.

  11. Mathew_h says:

    This review doesn’t do justice to the film, i ‘m sorry

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