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Death Race Prequel in the Works

By Rodney - August 12, 2009 - 12:27 America/Montreal

Death Race was a deep heartfelt drama filled with story and introspective social commentary. Mostly about using a car to bridge that gap between competitive sports and criminal homicide.

And it is upon this brilliantly crafted storyline which Paul WS Anderson is going to build a prequel.

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Want to know how the world of the Death Race remake got its start? Yeah, me neither. Paul W.S. Anderson has a origins story in the works penned by Tony Giglio.

I am SO sick of prequels.

Seems like instead of sequelling films, some people think its worthwhile to tell the story that came before.

Wouldn’t the original Death Race really be a spoiler? And really what story is there to Death Race that couldnt just be a sequel if they were just eager to milk that cow.


  1. Matticus says:

    I too hate prequels. No sense of suspense when you already know how things turn out.

  2. Jake says:

    Not always.

    Still, come on: “Death Race.” What kind of a name is that? Gotta love the wit of the title to the spoof, called, “Death Racers.”

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Ever see the movie Death Race 2000? Made in 1975, which I am sure is where this movie gets its title from. It starred such unknowns (sarcasm) as David Carradine and Sylvester Stallone. Pretty hilarious movie.

  3. James (hazmat) says:


  4. SlashBeast says:

    Wow, I mean, these characters were just SO interesting that they needed a back-story elaborated for us.

  5. good to see they’re foing the follow up! dmcrutland

  6. J.P. says:

    hey Mortal Kombat directer, there was only one way a prequel here could have been cool. Yeah, and that would have been with David Carradine as the main character.

    Oh, didn’t you hear? Looks like you’re too (beep)ing late, you (beep).

  7. townes says:

    Sorry to disagree, I always loved prequels!

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    That’s a surprise

    In the A/C there was something Paul WS Anderson said that surprised me. Death Race really wasn’t a “remake” but a loose “updated” sequel to the 1975 Corman film. But most folks (correctly) regard last year’s film a remake.

    But let’s say this is a prequel to a sequel.
    Do I care how the race got started? NO.
    Are there character (s) returning from the previous film? Just one.

    One????? That’s right. No Jason Statham- his character hasn’t been framed yet to take the place of Frankenstein; any surviving (or killed off) characters have no suspense value. They cannot truly be in danger. The only exception is Frankenstien. As JP pointed out, Carradine lent his voice to Frankenstein from last years film. He is no longer with us. This, however, does not prevent recasting.

    Natalie Martinez, however, will her character be in any danger? No. Joan Allen as The Warden? Not so much.

    Will Machine Gun survive to fight another day?

  9. Dragonslayer says:

    I personally loved Death Race…not sure about a sequel.

  10. Schnyger says:

    Death Race is definitely Anderson’s best movie (in the sense that he seemed to understand that he was making a cheesy popcorn movie and went full force). Still, this is a waste and no real payoff can happen from a Death Race prequel. Prequels are too limited in options.

  11. Ken says:

    I thought in the beginning of the movie they said how the death race was started,an why it was allowed.That was enough of a prequel.

    • Robin says:

      That’s the only part of the movie I saw when I tried watching it on a plane, but I ended up getting distracted by all that other stuff you can do on planes…Like sleeping.

  12. michael says:

    Considering Paul Anderson has his hands full with Resident Evil 4, I doubt we would see this movie soon if at all.

  13. Dragonslayer says:

    A deep heartfelt drama? Which version did you see, Rodney? LOL

  14. Houstonlibrarian says:

    Death Race was the movie with Jason Statham right? That was a throw away movie if I ever did see one. Too many movies about that same subject matter these days. Condemned was better for my money.

  15. john says:

    this is not paul ws anderson’s best movie, Event Horizon was, it was the only movie that wasen’t a remake or based off a video game and was an origanl story from his mind, death race sucked everything after event horizon sucked

  16. john says:

    also I’m not really sure what the fuck ole rodney there is taking about, heartfelt drama, I also saw brilliantly written in there somewhere, do us a favor rodney watch the fcuking movie first instead of reading the back of the box.

  17. pratik says:

    Death race is very much good movie. In is a man’s struggle is shown. It is full fill with suspense thriller.

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