2012 Japanese Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 08. 2009in News Chat

I am really looking forward to the disaster movie 2012, and I actually like the new Japanese release of the trailer better than the splodey eyecandy American release.

This trailer seems to focus more on the people in the story instead of just 90 minutes of effects shots of the world tearing itself apart (because Nostradamous says so - or didn’t say, which is more to the point)

The movie was pushed back to release on Friday November 13th.

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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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24 Responses to “2012 Japanese Trailer Online”

  1. David Lopan says:

    Movie doesn’t interest me one bit. I never got into the disaster genre aside from Towering Inferno.

  2. Matt Keith says:

    I can’t believe it. An Emmerich that actually looks good since GINO.

  3. Crayven says:

    is it just me or does this movie have a “knowing” effect to it..?

  4. Clair says:

    The disaster movie to END ALL DISASTER MOVIES!! And frankly… for the corny cheesy 90′s action factor… I’m excited.. guilty about that.. but excited :)

  5. EZELL says:

    Why not wait till 2012 to release it?

  6. tj says:

    Because the world is ending. Didn’t you see the trailer, you silly.

  7. Donald says:

    God damn it Hollywood!
    Kids suck.
    Get it through your head!
    Just in this trailer alone someone screams ‘DADDY’ three times! Seriously…

  8. Tiglet says:

    amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing, I love movies like this. Pure action and destruction YEAH bring it on baby

  9. NoLa says:

    I’m seeing this purely for Chiwetel Ejiofor. The man is astounding.

  10. fullmetal_medji says:

    Nice trailer, but I know the movie gonna have a bittersweet ending. Emmerich would have real guts if he has an ending where everyone die in the end. I know that’s not gonna happen though.

  11. 46and2 says:

    I kinda lost interest when I recently realized that this isn’t based on the book 2012. There was one in the works and I thought this was it. I think it got back-burnered because this disaster porn dreck got into production first. Pity, the book was pretty good.

    Also, “splodey” is my new favorite word. Thanks.

  12. Darek-T says:

    Wait another Friday the 13th, isn’t that like the 3rd one this year?

  13. Herby says:

    Looks like a good movie, and it’s fun to play with the whole 2012 end of the world according to the Mayan calendar But I wonder if they will mention anywhere in the movie that according to the Mayan Calendar, the world began at around 3000 B.C.


  14. BucsGuy says:

    i’ll see it so long as Danny Glover says “i’m too old for this $#!+”

  15. Idta David says:

    This trailer should have been labeled “2012; The full movie in under 3 minutes”

  16. James B. says:

    the whole 2012 thing is true but i don’t understand if the director thinks the rumor is a joke so thats why he made a movie or he is trying to warn people that the rumor could be true so he’s predicting how the end of the world could look like through this movie

  17. Ferd Berfel says:

    Looks like a remake of 1952′s “When Worlds Collide”. Same idea: Earth gets crashed into by another planet, select citizens board a “last chance” space ship and leave earth in the nick of time. Land on some other inhabitable planet - end of story. Ho Hum. BTW, WWC had some of the best special effects ever made for that time.

  18. dragon ace says:

    the movie looks great

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