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Will Ramon Rodriguez be back for Transformers 3?

By Rodney - July 1, 2009 - 13:16 America/Montreal

The only real new addition to the carbon based lifeform cast of Transformers Revenge of the Fallen was the almost sexy Isabel Lucas and Ramon Rodriguez. Both of which I could do without, but it is Ramon Rodriguez (Sam’s Roommate Leo Spitz) that Bay is happy with discovering and can’t wait to work with again.

Fused Film says:

Director Michael Bay has a third “Transformers” film in mind, and if it plays out as he expects, the next installment would have a more substantial role for Ramon Rodriguez. The filmmaker, speaking at his office a few weeks before “Revenge of the Fallen” was released, seemed to have some pride of discovery when talking about Rodriguez.

“I’ve worked with big stars, people like Will Smith, Sean Connery and Bruce Willis, but casting is a weird thing, it takes you places you don’t expect,” Bay said. “We went looking for a sidekick in this movie, Shia’s sidekick, and we find this new kid who really pops on screen. I think he’s going to have a real bright career. It’s great to work with big stars, but it’s always fun to discover people.”

Now Bay already thinks he is awesome and for the most part I agree.

He claims to have discovered Megan Fox and while that might be true, he has also been quoted saying that he worked with Ben Affleck and Will Smith before they were “big” claiming in part to have discovered them too. Will Smith already had a long TV and music career and Affleck won an Oscar before working with Bay.

Transformers 2 had a LOT of weaknesses, but I still found that I enjoyed the movie far more than John did. However the most annoying characters for me were not the Twins, it was Ramon. That guy was ENTIRELY pointless and had no reason to suddenly be involved in all this. Yeah, he leads Sam to Simmons which I didn’t mind entirely.

Seeing Simmons transformed into something new from his previous role was somewhat fun and I liked him evolving with the story and coming around to helping Sam instead. If they bring back Ramon, I just hope that they make him into something more instead of just some Internet conspiracy blogger trying to monopolize on his newfound “source”.

If they don’t bring him back I could care less. He did nothing for me.


  1. Phil Gee says:


    I swear I seem to be the only person on the planet who thought he was more annoying than the twins. I hope the Decepticons, how would Doug put it, BOIL HIM IN PISS.

    • Matt Keith says:

      No you aren’t.

    • matty says:

      nup, I thought he was worse too. Perhaps not as racially insensitive as the twins, but definately more annoying.
      Seriously, there was like a billion giant robots in that film and not one of them managed to step on him. How?

  2. alfie says:

    Please say you are joking when you said that isabel lucas was “almost sexy.”

    while the planet seems to be going crazy for megan “i am no hotter than the average model found topless in a mechanics calender or porno” fox she is getting completely over looked.

    She’s incredible.

    • RyanE says:

      I am glad to find some else who agrees with me, that Megan Fox is not as hot as every one is saying she is.

  3. Rare Addict says:

    Not exactly the most exciting news. Indeed, as much as the Twins annoyed me, my biggest problem was with Leo. Aside from leading Sam to Agent Simmons, as you said, the guy was one of the many pointless additions tot he film. And during my second viewing of the film, I was kind of able to ignore all of the bad parts of the film in favor of the fun parts. All except for Leo (and, I s’pose to a lesser degree, the Twins), anyway.

  4. AARON says:

    Leo provided some comedy but for the most part he was pointless. It will be interesting to see what Bay does here

  5. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    He is the reason why John Turroro wasnt in his element, he should be evicted.

    • Rodney says:

      John Turroro would have been the same with or without Rodriguez in this movie.

  6. Jeremy K. says:

    Agree with you fully, Rodney. Not very often that happens. This guy was completely useless in the movie, and the way they found Agent Simmons could have been easily reworked so this guys involvement could have been even more useless. I was literally discussing this with some friends at work earlier and not even a minute later saw a similar article somewhere else and almost choked when I burst out laughing. Timing for a joke is always important… for life to bring forth such timing is amazing.

  7. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    Nobody’s going to be holding there breath!
    As for Megan Fox-she is listed in her bio as being an extra in Bad Boys 2. Obviously Bay liked her looks and kept in touch, then cast her in Transformers as a lead. Lucky her!


  8. Yamo says:

    All i have to say is that this guy Ramon Rodriguez (Leo Spitz. Set my people back 5 years.

    • Rodney says:

      “Your people” must be internet conspiracy bloggers.

      Because there was nothing about this person that was racial at all for you to suggest that you are in any way “your people”

  9. cloud720 says:

    I knew of Will Smith the rapper and the TV actor before Michael bay, but I did not know Will Smith the movie star before Michael Bay. For me personally I never thought of Will Smith as a movie star until after Bad Boys.

    Ben Affleck was an actor before Bay but he wasn’t a movie star until after Bay. For me personally when ever I saw Affleck in a new movie I never thought that’s the guy who won an oscar for Good Will Hunting, I always thought that’s the guy from Armageddon.

  10. HAZMAT says:

    Transformers: Emperor of Destruction

  11. choke says:

    he was an annoying character, sam is a hyper kid, but leo was jacked up all of the time, he was 100X more jacked up than sam. although i wondered what the hell happened to him at the end of the movie… but i’m not going back to watch it a second time that’s for sure. i’ll give rodriguez props for being able to act.

  12. Dragonslayer says:

    He had no point being in the second film.

  13. matty says:

    Q: has a movie ever had more “wacky” side-kick characters than TF2 did?

  14. Rodney says:

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