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Tron Legacy Teaser Trailer Online

By Rodney - July 25, 2009 - 14:16 America/Montreal

We saw a bootleg hint of this trailer LAST year at San Diego Comic Con, and for the year that followed all we were exposed to was the blurry copy.

Then all we were treated to a barrage of name changes and speculation over the titles like TR2N. And now we find out the official title is Tron Legacy, and ThinkHero has the Teaser Trailer for us.

This isn’t much more than what we saw in the previous trailer, aside from the official title and a MUCH more clear image. I love the look of the virtual world. It seems like they went out of their way to make it reflect that games and computers are upgraded, but still retained enough of the simplified dayglow look from the original movie.

Tron Legacy is looking incredible and I can’t wait to find out more and to find out what role Flynn is playing in all of this.



  1. tj says:

    Pretty excited but I have to say I don’t know if I’m huge on the dark look of the world. It’s very slick but I something about it just doesn’t feel right to me.

  2. Bill says:

    So was young Jeff Bridges the same as older Jeff Bridges or is it 2 different people/personalities/programs?

    • Geno says:

      I don’t know but it looks like two personalities to me. Maybe a rougue program taking on the younger persona of Jeff Bridges character and causing havoc. Effects look wicked…….only seen the original in bits but I am pretty excited about this.

  3. Jim says:

    I like it!!!

  4. Matt Keith says:

    It looked awesome, but I’m worried that its gonna rely on the special effects rather than the story.

    • Jim says:

      Tron was never too deep in the story department to begin with.

    • MandarinOrange says:

      So, there is no excuse for a film should lack a good story. It can compensate with other stuff but I think it is just laziness to not have one.

      I think this looks really stupid I suspect that they will be making some really cool video games off of it but from what I see now, I think this looks worse than G.I. Joe.

    • Darren J Seeley says:


      I thought the story was just fine, the film had a huge imagination.

      @Mandarin Orange

      Every movie has a story. Whether this sequel has a good or bad one remains to be seen. As for the video games, that’s expected- the original film had coin-op games that were spun off from the film. Seven years ago “a sequel” was an actual PC game. Having a new PC game to tie in to the upcoming “official” sequel isn’t a bad thing, given the history.

    • MandarinOrange says:

      I completely agree with you. This is just the teaser and you can’t judge the story from it. All I was saying was just because a movie is going to be used as a showcase for visual FX doesn’t give it an excuse to neglect a good story. I also am glad that it will be making some good games although they probably won’t be for my system. I do hope that game is not the game of the movie but rather a game derived from the movie for I typically find the former to be rather dull.

  5. Hi says:

    The faces when they’re in the suits looked pretty weird and fake.

    • Volkodlak says:

      That’s because they are weird and fake, they’re CG faces… but that’s ok, those scenes take place in a virtual world anyway; all in all, this trailer looks amazing, can’t wait… it’s about time we had more Tron.

    • bjon86 says:

      hahahahahahahaha No shit “Hi”! They’re in a fuckin GAME! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA What games are you playin that look REAL??!! No game right now can touch any movie FX (PERIOD). So lighten up…and smarten up.

  6. HAZMAT says:

    OH MY GOD.

  7. AaronLeaman says:

    This Looks too “MAC”

    • Grave says:

      Yeah but not as much as this years Star Trek film.

    • MandarinOrange says:

      You have GOT to be kidding me. This looks mac? No way. This looks more Microsoft or Japanese. The room with that old dude I can see what you mean but apart from that this is far from MAC. Compare this with the Startrek film, they don’t even have the same look.

  8. leeloo says:

    gonna be wicked in 3d.

  9. Geoff Pedder says:

    this looks really awesome - can’t wait to see it in 3d! daft punk doing the score pushes it into ‘must see’ for me.

  10. 1138 says:

    Agree with all above this looks really wicked! The effects are really out of this world! Hope it lives up to the trailer!

  11. chris bunker says:

    awesome!!! The exact same footage as last year. A year wait for hi def thats great publicity. someone got paid 2 do nothing cuz nothing has happened with this footage. Alice In Wonderland will have new footage I guarantee it but man is a rip off. John T2 will make more worldwide then Potter Harry bout to have his lowest box office total ever……thug life.

    • Rodney says:

      Chris, my name is Rodney. John doesn’t write ALL the posts on this site. Just sayin.

      And I already said it was the same as last year’s peek, but this is the first time we get an HD look at it. The movie is slated for release in 2011 so it is very likely that nothing new was filmed as of yet, so releasing this online in hi-res is just fine.

      And really? Thug life? What does that have to do at all with movies? Ah, establishing yourself as “ghetto” while chatting in a movie geek mecca like TMB gives you lots of street cred!

  12. DG Music says:

    holy shit looks incredible! I love how they adapted the old-school look but clearly made it feel much more uhh…21st century :P

  13. Ursula says:

    you know what a trailer is.. right? ok.. you don’t.

  14. BamKazaam says:

    WOW! this is my first time watching this! its amazing!! i really love the virtual world, it looks slick and polished. AWESOME!!

  15. Trex says:

    Three words… I LOVE IT!!

    Cheers to movieblog.com to be the first to post it!

    I will now start making my costume for Tron.

    • Rodney says:

      We give credit to ThinkHero for posting it, and embedded the Trailer Addict feed.

      So as much as I would like to say we were the first, we were not.

      But thanks for checking here first! Cheers!

    • Louisgamers says:

      hey rodney almost evry film fan online checks here first this site is the best

    • Jeremy says:

      Agreed Louisgamers, judymoodymovie.com is where I’ve watched a majority of new trailers, keep it up!

  16. EmilyK says:

    Looks amazing! I can’t wait to see this!

    It also makes me want to play Kingdom Hearts II again. The Tron level was the best.

  17. Darren J Seeley says:

    I don’t know if Disney is listening, watching or reading The Movie Blog. Just in case….

    Don’t overthink, don’t overdo, lock the committee out of the conference room….put the gauntlet down and keep the title this time

    That’s one simple request.
    Thank You.

  18. mladen says:

    Having seen the low-res version last year, gotta say that even tho this is the same thing, it looks awesome. for once i can live with weird not-quite-real effects which are pretty common for most films these days, because its FREAKING TRON!!! The weird modern-day effects actually add to the eeriness of this movie.

    So amped for this, looks awesome.
    Plus with a daft punk soundtrack? Wow. SO the right decision.

  19. Crews says:

    This trailer looks marvelous! When I got wind of the sequel to Tron, I wasn’t happy. The first one was adequate, figured this would be a more advanced rendition of its’ predecessor, riddled with only vigor and adrenaline. Oh how I was wrong.

  20. Kaneda979 says:

    Fraking amazing! Big fan of the original and this movie is going to rule. I wish more trailers were like this one, just showing one long good dramatic action scene, that gives you a feel of how the best of this movie is going to be like. I wonder if that scene is even going to be in the movie at all or just made for this awesome trailer. If it is just for this trailer, that’s even better!

    While I like the traditional, bunch of drama action stuff being all thrown at you at once, trailers, they’ve become way over done lately.

    After so long of them trying to get this movie going and finally into production, it’s hard to believe it’s finally coming. And I still can’t get over how they got Jeff Bridges to reprise his role, it’s awesome. But it’s not like he’s just making a cameo either or they just wrote him a part to fit him into the plot somewhere, just because he did star in the original. Instead his character is what this one is all about. I just love it.

    I love the look and the feel. It’s staying true to the original, while evenly bringing Tron into the new age seamlessly. Freakin’ brilliant. It’s hard to believe that was a trailer for a live action Disney action movie. Considering, aside from the first Pirates, they hardly ever look any good at all. Really any live action Disney hardly ever seem better then crap though.

    Can’t wait!

  21. aaron leaman says:

    I think this site doesnt get updated regularly enough!

  22. Jack says:

    I think the CG is going to look campy. The original was just too awesome and it’s now very dated. Yet I think it still looks better.

    I just hope to God they let Tron Guy have a cameo. How effin awesome would that be? I’d go see it just for him.

  23. EZELL says:

    Did not like the first put me to sleep fast I like William Hurt so I may give it a shot.

  24. adam smith says:

    This movie looks stupid from what I saw in the teaser. He seems to be doing the “Neo” thing in the white room, the FX look cheesy when his face is superimposed on the helmet, and saying it’s not a game any more made me thing, “WHY?!”. The original Tron movie was incredible. Probably one of the best science fiction movies of the time.

    I think it would be nice if Hollywood came up with some fresh ideas instead relying on remakes and sequels/prequels.

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