This Is Exactly What I Was Talking About

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 07. 2009in News Chat

Last night I put up a video blog about the over-crowding at Comic Con and how the line ups for things are just far too insane to even consider going to panels for (especially when I can just find out everything that gets revealed at the panels online 5 minutes after they’re done). My buddy Kris over at In Contention put up this picture of the line up today for the Twilight panel. See what I’m talking about? The line was probably already half that size last night. Uggg… no thanks.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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42 Responses to “This Is Exactly What I Was Talking About”

  1. AARON says:

    Holy. Mother. Of. Crap

  2. Tiglet says:

    jesus, what a bunch of no lifers. just disturbing…

    • Jake says:

      I would say the same, but I doubt that they are ALL no-lifers. And really, who am I to question their actions, and their motives? It’s their time and they can do what they want with it. As long as they aren’t hurting anyone, I really don’t care.

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      testify. This was the main reason I stopped going, it was just getting to crazy and over crowded. Wizard Con was good while it was in long beach, but then moved to LA convention center and that was the end of that. oh well.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      to them, Twilight is life!
      just as Starwars, Star Trek, and LOTR is to others.

    • Chris says:

      What an ignorant thing to say.

    • Laura's Reviews says:

      Tiglet - would you say the same thing if this was for Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, Harry Potter, The Dark Knight, etc.? It seems to me that the same guys who line up for those movies are trashing the girls who are showing up for Twilight. It may not be your thing, but who are you to diss other people’s passions? BTW - I am a fan of all of the above listed francises as well as Twilight and I really see no difference in people’s devotion to their favorite movie francise.

  3. Kiddo says:

    That doesn’t look like fun!

    They should just have a separate Twilight event, like Comic-Con but just of Twilight, that way all the Twihards can go to that event instead.

  4. Matt Keith says:

    HOLY SHIT!!!!

  5. Dan says:

    One could easily put a quick end to this Twilight craze with one well-placed explosive device.

  6. Rafael says:

    Wow those are long lines. I’d be on the side selling t-shirts with the word “fail” on them.

  7. vargas says:

    Reminds me of Disney World when I was a kid. In order to do ANYTHING you had to wait in line for almost two hours no matter what ride or exhibit you wanted to see.

    This is why i don’t bother going to comic con.

  8. leeloo says:

    they have all embraced the eternal desolation of the dark abyss of passion’s xstasy that is edward. cullen.

  9. Jess says:

    That’s JUST for the Twilight panel? Whoa.

  10. Corey says:

    That’s just insane. I’d love to go to Comic Con at some point but seeing stuff like that makes me perfectly content with reading updates online

  11. John A says:

    Now while, I agree that standing in a Twilight line would suck it probably would be fun if I were a fan. I’m not so I can say thank god I’m not there.

  12. Josh says:

    Funny how everyone I’ve seen blogging and twittering from CC has said how awesome it is, and everyone who isn’t there is saying they don’t want to be there. I guess no one wants to feel like they’ve missed something worthwhile, or that they’ve wasted their time and money.

  13. dax says:

    Those Twilight fangirls are insane.

  14. 3R!C says:

    Heehee, they look just like ants!

  15. Tavil says:

    How the hell did Twilight get so big? None of it is creative at all just dumbed down rip offs of stuff that came before it.

  16. Phil Gee says:

    This looks like a job for Triumph the insult comic dog. He needs to sort these poor souls out.

  17. BobaFett says:

    They should move Comic Con to Vegas…

  18. Zach says:

    At Phil Gee:


  19. Phoenix says:

    I hate it, I mean-Twilight isn’t a comic, god damn it!

    Why don’t they have their OWn convention or something, because they’re hogging up the ques for other fans that are into stuff OTHER than Twilight.

    Now here at Otakon, basically every HATES Twilight-we had some gear and fan art but now panels or shit like that. Why? Because it’s an ANIME/MANGA convention.

    But seriously, this Twihards are so obsessed over a crappy piece of abominable “litterature” that TREKKIES look like they have lives.


  20. Kristopher Tapley says:

    What, no link? It’s a measured boycott of In Contention! Noooooo!

  21. Kristopher Tapley says:

    By the way, that’s why you get the VIP passes from studios, Johnny. Only way to go. I wouldn’t be caught dead in that line. A few people were, however, FOUND dead in that line.

  22. Kristina says:

    I seriously cannot wait for these people to look back on this in ten years and wonder what they were thinking.

    • Phil Gee says:

      I’ve seen some of these people on Youtube honey. Not even i’m optimistic enough to think obesity won’t have killed them before then.

    • John A says:

      They will probably look back and remember the good times they had with friends and other fans. I’ve done many geek/nerd things in the past and sure I laugh at some of the things I’ve done but I also remember the good times.

      Remember that while you are knocking on them for being nergs/geeks others are doing the same thing for you because you are “wasting” your time commenting on a movie blog.

    • chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

      i agree with john a, its amazing that people can knock fans of something because they dont like the source of the fanhood.

  23. Darren J Seeley says:

    All of that can’t be for Twilight alone folks. Indeed… Avatar is also scheduled for today.

    It SHOULD be said that among today’s panels (tenative) according to the CC site, is a “Masters Of The Web” panel. Now, I don’t know how many folks in that pic are for Summit be it AstroBoy or Twilight, for Jim Cameron’s Avatar, for Terry Gilliam…but if half of those folks are for Masters Of The Web…

    That half will be jipped and go back to the hotel because Campea isn’t there!!

  24. Michael Lee says:

    Man it must really suk to work as the janitors that has to clean the restrooms =X

  25. chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

    dont understand how people here can knock the fans, not a fan of twilight, but ive seen star wars/trek fans do worse…and the harry potter folks are big as well. let people pursue their passions……….that being said there are way too many fuckin people in that line

  26. bjon86 says:

    I dont understand how that’s a line!

  27. mojomann says:

    SDCC as well as the Chicago Comicon and Philly Comicon (both of which got bought and riuned by Wizard Magazine) have grown way beyond the bounds of the comic book culture. The fact that Hollywood and the game industry regularly turn to the comic book industry to rape and pillage is why these shows are the way they are now.

    As far as the Twilight fans, they are no different than star wars/trek, LOTR, Harry Potter or any other sci-fi fan for that matter. Yes, they are deicated to the point of being scary. But after going to the Chicago show for 7 years in a row, the male to female ratio was like 1000 to 1 if not worse. At least Twilight is helping to change that. Still wouldn’t catch me there, even if my wife wanted to go (and she is a Twilight fan)

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