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The Gate gets a DVD Re-Release

By Rodney - July 27, 2009 - 21:48 America/Montreal

A classic pg-13 horror film of the 80s is making its way down the comeback trail and will be getting a re-release dvd just in time for Halloween.

Horror Yearbook says:

Lionsgate Home Entertainment will open the gates of hell on October 6th and unleash a “Monstrous Special Edition” of the 1987 cult classic THE GATE on DVD. The long awaited special edition disc will include a commentary track with director Tibor Takacs, interviews with the cast and crew, a stills gallery, and the original trailer.

I just LOVED this movie. It was 15 when I saw this and nearly forgot all about this. (Look for it on this week’s Forgotten Friday review)

I have a vivid recollection of the scene where the zombie demon guy falls on the floor and it and shatters into a pile of little demon things, which kept coming after them. That creeped the hell right out of me.

This is one I will look forward to seeing a re-release of. Check out the trailer.


  1. AARON says:

    Hopefully hollywood doesnt remake it

    • leeloo says:



    • AARON says:


      Wow that was weird

    • Justin says:

      Oh for crying out loud can’t one studio take up my suggestion of instead of remaking a movie they just release it into the theaters?

    • Rodney says:

      Justin, we were already over this.

      They wont because its not financially feasable.

      Hollywood is all about the money and a re-release wouldnt have the same draw (last time it happened on a big scale was Star Wars, and the time before that it was ET)

      The movie has to be MASSIVE for them to even consider a re-release in theaters. There just is no market for this when they make more money putting it out on DVD.

    • David says:

      anyone notice who the director of the remake is?

      its Bill S Preston Esquire

  2. Tavil says:

    YES!! Finally been waiting for this for years!
    Woot. Thanks Rodney for the news.

  3. Grave says:

    This was a classic horror film. The demons creeped me out. The part with the adults in the dark scared me the most as a kid. The ending was the weakest part I think. The sequel was worth at least a one time sit through.

  4. Matt S says:

    The Gate was the first horror film I ever rented. I think I’ll have to revisit it this Halloween. Sounds good.

  5. bigsampson says:

    haha remember when they get the firework at the end and blast it at the demon hahaha.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    Throwing the Good Book in the pit-!

    “That should do it!”


  7. John Neal says:

    I have been waiting on blockbuster online for like 2 years+ to get the Gate on DVD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so pumped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You made my DAY!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Justin says:

    Why no Blu-Ray? Oh right this movie probably wouldn’t benefit much from the Blu-Ray treatment.

  9. iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    wow, this was one of those movies I loved to hate. I didn’t like it, but yet, every time that it was on cable I would watch it.

  10. nbakid2000 says:

    Was that the kid from Flight of the Navigator???

  11. David Lopan says:

    Rodney, when are you writing about house (w/ william katt) in your forgotten fridays? Movie was amazing!

  12. wendel says:

    Rodney relax. It’s not a Hollywood remake!

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