Some of Today’s Twilight Video From Comic Con

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 07. 2009in News Chat

Ok kiddies, calm down. Yes yes yes… I know what you’ve all been waiting for is some video from the various press junkets and panels of Twilight from Comic Con that were held today (and are actually still going on).

Frankly there’s nothing exciting (nor is there ever at these things… they all give the same scripted answers every single time no matter what movie you’re talking about). But still… here you go:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “Some of Today’s Twilight Video From Comic Con”

  1. ultra-magnus says:

    i actually have a little hope for new moon since it is more action filled and moves along faster then twilight did. plus jacob is my favorite character, and with a new director who knows? this could be good

  2. Mike Mai says:

    damn, the chick is smoking hot. she’s gonna be a good joan jett

  3. Tiglet says:

    wtf, is that girl on cocaine or crack or whatever… jesus, she looks horrible and keeps scratching her head…

  4. Simon says:

    She is either buzzed out on coke or really uncomfortable sitting on the panel.

  5. AARON says:

    Interesting video. You guys do know Kristen looks like that cause that movie she’s currently filming right?

  6. AARON says:

    They seem…kind of bored. That’s one of the only boring panels I’ve seen.

  7. Laura's Reviews says:

    Have you actually read the books? They are quite good actually and I read A LOT of different types of books. I am not a teenager. One of the best parts of the books for me is that they parallel many of my favorite classics of literature.

    If you are looking for an original idea. . .not many movies or books these days are so original that you can’t find something that they are based on.

    You can not like something, but you don’t need to trash talk it. I am not convinced that you even have read and/or watched the material you are mocking.

  8. Mykrantz says:

    You are arguing with a forum troll, his handle is Al Gore’s Nuts, nuff said…

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