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Skrulls in Avengers?

By Rodney - July 29, 2009 - 07:40 America/Montreal

As with any big feature comic book film, everyone is wondering about the cast, but what would the movie be without a villain? While Hydra or the Hulk have been name dropped already as potential Avengers opposition, in an interview with Kevin Feige from Marvel Films dug up an option less conventional.

The Skrulls.

Live For Film quotes an interview bit with Kevin Feige:

‘Will the Skrulls be the villain in The Avengers?’ I asked.

Feige gave me one of those looks he’s good at giving and just said, ‘We do own them.’

More digging turned up the fact that Marvel Studios owns the Skrull race, while Fox own the Super Skrull.

Now I don’t think the Skrulls are “mainstream” enough but they certainly are a big part of the Marvel Universe, specifically Avengers related books. For those not in the know, the Skrulls are an invading warrior race that can shapeshift and the SuperSkrulls can even presume the powers of the person they become.

It would be interesting (as mentioned in the article) if some Marvel character we have already been exposed to turned out to have been a Skrull all along, but I worry about confusing the viewer for a film. Seems like a cheap cop out plot device if they wanted to go a different direction with a character. “Oh, that wasn’t me who was Venom, it was a Skrull” (Yes I know Sony has Venom - it was just an example of a character that could benefit a do-over)

While an alien invasion of shapeshifting warriors would be a suitable level of threat to the epic Avengers, I personally would rather see them take on the Hulk (Edward Norton has yet to be approached for this or a Hulk sequel)


  1. riggs says:

    they are a big part of the marvel universe but not SPECIFICALLY avengers related, theyre more fantastic four related. shoot the fantastic four were the reasons the super skrull was made.

  2. Sleepy88 says:

    Are these like the characters from Fifth Element? Sorry, not a comic book guy but they a lot alike.

    • Rodney says:

      I see the similarities to the Mangalores, but no… they are not from Fifth Element.

      If anything Fifth Element copied the Skrulls.

  3. leeloo says:

    sam jackson as nick fury = skrull.

    • Rodney says:

      You realize that even if they did try that, if the “real” Nick Fury showed up, he would still be Sam Jackson?

      They modeled the Ultimates Nick Fury after Jackson, he was the obvious choice for the role.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      No, Rodney, he’d be David Hasselfoff :p

      I know.
      I know.
      I’m a bad apple.

    • leeloo says:

      oh yeah i know it would still be jackson.
      but just the way fury’s been popping up in the movies it would be a mindfuck if all along it was skrull-fury.

    • Rodney says:

      Further mindfuck.

      Why would a Skrull be negotiating the formation of the Avengers Initiative… to fight the Skrull?

    • leeloo says:

      skrull-fury gets them all together in one place so the other skrulls can take over the world.

  4. DirkAnger23 says:

    Secret Invasion right off the bat? SWEET.

  5. middleman says:

    I think the Skrulls are a workable concept. Who cares if the general public has never heard of them? No one had heard of the “Agents” until the Matrix (for good reason), so lack of q-score is relatively insignificant. Alien shape shifters invading Earth is not a difficult premise to follow. Handled properly, it could be quite compelling.

    That said, I think a slight modification of Ultimates Three would make a good plot. Ultron robots going crazy. You’d have to change the twist for licensing reasons (no spoilers for those who haven’t read it), but it would make a good film.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    Man, I hate to rain on the picnic…but…

    I don’t think The Skrulls are the Avengers foes at all. Someone asked about The Skrulls. The answer was “it’s possble”. Just as possible as The Lava Men or Baron Zemo or Ultron. Someoone could have asked about Namor, since Cap has to be thawed out at some point in the Avengers film…and The Hulk may be included. But naw, we won’t go there.

    As pointed out, “SuperSkrull” is under Fox’s care, since it is a Fantastic Four thing (*if a FF film or Silver Surfer film ever got going, there would be a point in keeping such rights) but owning film rights to “The Skrull Race”…? Either they have them or they don’t. If they use Skrulls, Fox’s FF/SS cannot use Skrulls, Super or otherwise. (Unless of course Fox gives back rights to Fantastic Four and/or Silver Surfer to Marvel and is simply a distributor)

    But can I point something else out?
    The Skrulls are lame on a live action big screen.

    Okay, granted, they never have been shown to date on a live action format, big or small. But here is what I mean by that: we have seen shapeshifting bad guys (and gals) in countless films and even at least two films that were Marvel Comics adaptations: Mystique from X-Men and Drake/Dracula in Blade So we get shapeshifting aliens…what do you THINK the folks will say?

    Sorry. I cannot share with the enthusiasm.

    • Jake says:

      Plus, there’s The Thing.

      But really, I think it’s going to be less about shape-shifting for the purpose of deception and manipulation and more about shape-shifting in terms of combat. It would be cool.

      Gosh, I wish they’d gone through with the Bartimaeus film. It would be so cool to watch two high-level demons facing off, switching between forms and changing tactics constantly.

  7. DJHIPPIE says:

    I don’t think they should use the Hulk as a villian unless it is just a brief encounter and then he teams up with them or is not in the movie further.

    I would love to see the Skrulls, that would be easier to grasp than Hydra I think.

  8. ikuna says:

    I really think based on what has been said about the movie its set in the ultimates universe, and the villian that would make them most sense for the universe would have to be the chitauri or the hulk

  9. Vegetamon says:

    I actually don’t want Hulk to be the villan. I would love to see a battle sequence in the film between the hulk and the other members for whatever reason but not as the main conflict. I would actually really love to see Ultron. Many people may not know who he is but he is a friggin awesome robot so it would still be marketable anyway.

  10. kanthan says:

    HULKKK???? I thought at the end of the first film he started to control his anger remember and didnt Tony Stark come and ask him to actually join the avengers so why would he be the opposition, also this would never happen as Hulk is the good guy. If anything Hulk would be an avenger.

  11. Joe says:

    Just in case some of you (probably alot) havn’t seen the Ultimate Avengers film. The Hulk was the main “bad guy” mostly in the sense that he is basically a unstoppable force, so they couldn’t control the Hulk the way they thought they coul dand he turned on them in his anger. He’s a useable “enemy”, even if he is on teh avengers. But i dont see him being the main bad guy in this film.

    But then again i’m not a movie writer, so i may be wrong.

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