Set Rogen Talks Some Green Hornet Video From Comic Con

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 07. 2009in News Chat

Every movie production has some drama to go through even before the cameras start rolling. The Green Hornet project is no exception. They’ve already lost one director and one star… but still they soldier on and are set to shoot now.

They’re even at Comic Con showing off some stuff to generate some publicity (including the new Green Hornet Car that will be used in the film). Seth Rogen took a minute to talk about how the film was coming together and a little about the action the film is going to have:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Set Rogen Talks Some Green Hornet Video From Comic Con”

  1. alex says:

    I predict that this movie will be one of the biggest movies of 2010. I can’t wait to hear who’s playing Kato.

  2. Jimbo says:

    Kato is a real tough one, especially when you are living in the shadow of Bruce lee. My friends and I have discussed thoroughly and we believe that the only man to do the job is Jackie Chan nah just kidding. Donnie Yen..who is he I hear you ask, well hes not that well known in the west but his hong kong experience is second to none (trust me imdb him) and I think he could make it work. His martial arts skills are easily better than self taught Stephen Chow who has been rumoured.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      A week ago in the comments I brought up the idea that I thought, if nothing else, it would be good to have someone like Donnie Yen at least as a fight choreographer, especially if the actor as Kato didn’t need any previous martial arts background.

      Quite a few people thought it was a good idea, but it would be even better if he actually was Kato. After a few moments, I agreed. Yen is just a few years older of the age range they were looking for (mid 20′s to 40s) but it could be overlooked.

      I still half expect John Cho, but count me in as rooting for the possibility of Donnie Yen.

    • bigsampson says:

      SAME….any one seen Ip man…good movie too

  3. ultra-magnus says:

    im very excited for this.

  4. alex says:

    Maybe Rain from a South Korean can play Kato.

  5. Darren J Seeley says:

    I hope this doesn’t confuse anyone. The headline reads Green Hornet. The link reads Green Lantern eek!

  6. AARON says:

    Seriously, Rogen seems very nice. Every video I’ve seen him in.

  7. Tim "Cloverfield" says:

    I just wish this guy would go away. He comes off as such an Ass.

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