Saw VI Teaser Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 07. 2009in News Chat

Comic Con has introduced us to the ONE film that we have been waiting for… to stop being made.

I have never been a big fan of the Saw series but I have watched them. I thought the first one was original and thought provoking in a “what would you do?” kind of way, but as they go on they just seem to be clinging to flimsy plot just to showcase some more torture porn.

When I start hearing rave reviews about Saw XXII, I might once again watch it, but after the first 5 hoping to have any of them offer me something other than a wincing squirm in my seat, I have officially given up.


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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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41 Responses to “Saw VI Teaser Trailer Online”

  1. AARON says:

    That was an alright teaser, maybe this one will surprise us? I’m, though, getting SO sick of every single year Saw comes out. I naturally thought this one was the last one since the tag line over at IMDB reads “Game Over”. But i guess a 7th one is being made. Personally i think that story wise, there’s only room for this one. They should end this series. The last two have been disappointing. IMO, Saw II was the best, just my thoughts

  2. ultra-magnus says:

    my friend acts like these are the single greatest movies ever made…..

    and i like to hit him…

  3. cloud720 says:

    I think every big director should do a saw movie. It would be nice to see all the favorites take on a similar type of film. It doesn’t need to be Saw but few franchises have the legs of this thing.

  4. Ian says:

    I can’t wait for SAW 20: Saw in Space

  5. Simon says:

    All I want to know is when is the remake?

  6. obi-wan kubrick says:

    These are great guilty pleasure movies. I heard #6 was gonna be the last movie back when Saw 2 was announced. I think the Saw posters are great.

    • Bale says:

      theyve actually alrady signed the writers of saw 4, 5 and this to scribe saw VII…..its apparently FAR from over….

  7. AndyS says:

    I’ll be seeing it on day one just like the rest. It’s become a fun fall tradition. I love scary movies and while Saw has gone from scary to just shock it’s still a fun experience at the movie theater.

  8. BucsGuy says:

    you’re all much better than I…I stopped at III…

  9. Corey says:

    SAW IS NOT TORTURE PORN!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a big fan of the series and it really pisses me off when people say that. Hostel is more like torture porn but not SAW. SAW atleast has a lot of meaning behind it and something to think about. I am very excited for SAW VI and the rest to come.

    • Rodney says:

      There are a number of slang sub-genres for horror, one of which is Torture Porn, and Saw most certainly fits the definition.

    • Bale says:

      in your opinion, Rodney.

    • HAZMAT says:

      No, some things are subjective

      Star wars sucks, Tron rules, the color yellow is gay

      All of these are subjective^^^^

      The Hangover was a comedy, our president is Barak Obama, Saw is torture porm

      These^^^^ are facts. Period. Rodney didnt state his opinion, he was informing you that Saw is a torture porn, not unlike Hostel or maybe The Ruins (I dont know about the ruins..hmm)

      The Cube was torture porn

    • HAZMAT says:

      I mean, by our definition of “Torture Porn” which would be Gorn, Saw fits in perfectly. I mean- what Rodney (or anyone else) would define as torture porn would fit in with Saw’s overall description

      So does Braindead and Dawn of the dead!

      Or…..Splatter Movie…

  10. danny says:

    That “teaser” looked like a shitty dvd or blu ray menu.

  11. Corey says:

    Saw does not fill the ‘torture porn’ mold at all because there has never been PORN in it. In SAW 3 there was a naked girl in it for like 2 minutes and that is all. If you call the autopsy scene in SAW 4 porn than you are stupid. Porn is like hardcore fucking and not traps and story with a meaning.

    • Bale says:

      well said.

    • Rodney says:

      The slang reference is to allude to Porn’s quality to have no depth and all visual stimulation.

      Its not saying its LITERALLY pornography.

      When people say “I am dying its so hot” do you call an ambulance? The slang term describes what it is.

      The torture and violence for the sake of visual stimulation with an inconsequential story. Thats all this, Hostel and other films of this subgenre play to.

      And “story with meaning” just makes you look stupid. Seriously, the Saw movies are hardly “deep”. Yeah there is a storyline, but little more than a dirty limerick has.

    • Bale says:

      which was the last movie you actually watched rodney?

      you keep referring to Hostel, but these are seperate franchises…with few basic similarities, none of which include your admitted exageration of Saws genre, which is still ONLY your OPINION…

      thanks for sharing, but we view this particular subject differently….have a great weekend.

    • Rodney says:

      Keep referring? I said it once.

      And I am quite aware that they are separate franchises, and never said they were. I said they belonged to the same subgenre of horror that is commonly known by the slang term torture porn.

      Its not “my opinion” it is the nickname given to this style of excessive violent and gore horror much like suspense thriller or slasher refer to those types of horror.

      You keep attempting to discredit the sub category of horror by assuming it is only my opinion. I didn’t make up the word.

    • Ty says:

      I LOVE SAW!!…

      …and then I found out there is a very high possibility of there being 9 (they’ve already been talking about doing 8..old news).

      Regrettably, Rodney is right. It really is just torture porn. Noone cares “how it ends” because it should’ve on number 3, MAYBE 4.

      People are only going for the traps, which yeah, some people actually enjoy watching others getting cut up :-)

      But yeah, ’nuff said. It’s torture porn for the sake of torture porn. All this banter about ‘torture porn’ only meaning to fuck one’s brains out is ridiculous.

      I usually don’t agree with all of Rodney’s and John’s opinions, but on this one I have to.

      Good day.

    • HAZMAT says:


      I could name 10000 torture porn movies. We happen to own every movie known to mankind in my house and SAW would be like on the top 10 for most famous torture porn movies.

      Hostel and Saw are only one of the thousand Gorn movies out there

      Saw is a Gorn = FACT.

  12. Dragonslayer says:

    Will it finally end?

  13. War-Journalist says:

    I heard from one of my friends (a super-fan of the series) that they will keep going up to NINE. I’m not a fan of this series. I wish they’d stop. There’s no point anymore. Tobin Bell was the best part of two and three. And the first one was good. But seriously. Stop it. Please.

  14. Corey says:

    By the way Rodney I wasn’t calling you stupid in my last post and i’m sorry if you thought I did. I’m not gonna let my SAW fanatic side piss off people.

  15. AARON says:

    Until 9?? Stop this Saw crap already.

    Saw 1- Ehh.
    Saw 2-Good (IMO)
    Saw 3-Ehh.
    Saw 4-Piece of crap
    Saw 5-Piece Of Crap.

    If it continues to nine..

    Saw 6,7,8,9…CRAP!

    • HAZMAT says:

      Theyre only good to watch with your girlfriend

      Any other way just makes it pointless in my opinion. Thats the only purpose horror movies serve IMO, they have no plot, theyre predictable and theyre all the same.
      But theyre perfect for dates.

      Ive never sat down and purposely watched a horror movie by myself. Like, theres no chick next to you screaming or jumping…so the movie serves no purpose since i dont care about them myself.

    • Jake says:

      There are good horrors. There are amazing horrors, like Jaws and Alien. Human beings like to stimulate the part of their brain becomes afraid and gets your adrenaline going in intriguing.

      Mind you, it’s been a while since I’ve seen a new horror film that’s actually any good. But there’s a point. Aliens may have been an action film, but it was the horror side of it that made it so appealing. And awesome.

  16. Jake says:

    I meant to say, “in intriguing ways.” Not just “in intriguing.

  17. RPM says:

    Hazmat,Tron indeed rules and the new Star Wars (anything after Jedi) sucks. These are facts.

    • HAZMAT says:

      OMG please dont misunderstand my examples! I love tron and i LOVE star wars! i was just using crazy examples!


      I liked all star wars, i loved the new ones i dont see what people see about them thats so bad, the originals ARE the best, but the only star wars movie ive ever disliked was clone wars.

  18. tms says:

    I thought the first was good and although did rely too heavily on gore it did pose a few questions. But then they reall have gone down hill and part V was a total mess. No doubt I will see part VI but the teaser trailer did little to encourage me to see it. I just hope that they do put the franchise to bed after this one.

  19. Juan says:


    The 1st three were great in my opinion. Most people disagree and believe Darren Lynn Bousman ruined it, i don’t. They were pretty compelling and had a good storyline, and the twist were actually pretty good, especially when you consider the crap horror genre in general. But man, 9! no way, i hope not, i know its a money greaser but it just needs to be put to rest.

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