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Ryan Reynolds will be Green Lantern!

By Rodney - July 10, 2009 - 21:57 America/Montreal

What a roller coaster ride this whole Green Lantern thing has taken us on. In less than 48 hours we went from hearing they were actually considering Justin Timberlake for the role of Hal Jordan, to finding out it was a three way tie of Timberlake, Ryan Reynolds and Bradley Cooper. And now less than a day later, we hear the official announcement that it has been offered to Ryan Reynolds.

MovieWeb says:

A three-way casting race for the latest superhero movie has finally been decided. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Ryan Reynolds has officially won the role of Green Lantern.

It was reported earlier today that there was a three-way race for the role between Reynolds, Bradley Cooper and Justin Timberlake, but the trade is reporting that Jared Leto was also in contention for the role. Reynolds entered into negotiations for the role earlier today.

While I am not opposed to the casting, I would have preferred Bradley Cooper PURELY because of his role as Deadpool. I hope he can keep his sarcastic wit and snappy one liners out of his character as Hal.

I have seen Reynolds get serious, and I actually prefer him that way (which is saying a lot since I already think the guy is a comic wonder).

So now that we have a Hal Jordan, can we just get the ball rolling on this already?? I assume that this will happen after Deadpool, and I do hope that we can have a version of Reynolds that work to polar opposites of his strengths.

And though Movieweb wants to say that Reynolds will be the first to play a character from both DC and Marvel franchises, they are incorrect. Despite the disconnection of Catwoman from any Batman franchise, and despite the universal hate toward Catwoman, it is in fact a DC character and film. And of course Halle Berry played Storm for a Marvel Franchise - X-Men. We want to forget Catwoman happened too.

But do you think that Reynolds will suffer with his spinoff character of Deadpool being released just before Lantern? Will there be enough time between the films to avoid the comparison? Will Reynolds play it so well that we don’t care?

I hope its that last bit.


  1. me says:

    damn it, as much as I like him I want Nathan fillian. I mean come on, hes perfect. well it’s going to be weird seeing him being much more serious as I’m very use to him being comedic.

    • EZELL says:

      Yea he is the man.

    • Matt S says:

      I hope he acts more serious for Green Lantern, I personally would rather them not go the “Iron Man” constant witty one-liner route with this one. A good sign is that the director of “Casino Royale” is doing “Green Lantern”. He also directed “The Mask of Zorro” though, which is not the direction I’d like seeing this film go in.

  2. EZELL says:

    Cooper could still get in Actors drop out of projects all the time.

    • methos says:

      I don’t think Reynolds will drop out, he seems to really eat this shit up! Plus he’s a geek, so he’ll stick with it.

    • EZELL says:

      It is not always that a actor wants to drop out sometimes it just does not work out schedule wise with another film they signed up for things don’t always go as plan but yes Reynolds most likely wont drop out.

    • Oa says:

      if he (Cooper) gets the film, i will not be held accountable for my actions

    • bigsampson says:

      sorry to break it to you but ryan reynolds is not a geek….he stated in GQ i think that he doesnt like video games at very much and that his base love of comic book characters is based on a few years when he was a child…other then that he says he prefers outsideavtivities (that doesnt include L.A.R.P.ing) he is far from a geek/nerd/dork…..i wouldnever put him in the same catagory as me and many other real nerds/geeks.

      this dude gets prime pussy….geeks dont.

  3. Ifaz says:

    Hell yeah. Now that’s a news that I wanted to hear.
    I really like Ryan Reynolds and it’s a great news that he’s in it. Well, I wasn’t that much opposed to Timberlake getting the role. But it’s all good.

  4. Rob Heath says:

    Let me start off by saying that I love Ryan Reynold’s whole typical on screen character. I connect and laugh at his wit and presence on screen.

    But the guy seems to be lured to comic-book movies. Not a complaint, but this can be an issue right now.

    1st it was Hannibal King, the Vampire Slayer from the marvel Blade comic books, now it’s a leading role as Deadpool ANNNDDD Green Lantern?

    This seems a little far fetched. IDK if I can totally believe this. No one is saying it’s a rumor, but I want to see Ryan Reynolds and DC acknowledge this publicly in an interview or website press release.

    I honestly don’t want to see Reynolds as the Green Lantern. Mainly because he isn’t PERFECT for the part. He could probably do a good job, but by taking this role I fear it will take away from smaller properties like Deadpool, and I really want Deadpool to take off.

    Maybe I am being too paranoid, but I honestly think this is a bad idea, and I am surprised Marvel wouldn’t be a tiny bit pissed off.

    • EZELL says:

      I agree I don’t think it’s a good idea for an actor to be so many different Comic Book heros.

    • bigsampson says:

      who the fuck cares…seriously if thats your main beef then u need to expand your horizan.

  5. Mike says:

    Wasn’t he in talks to play the Flash a few years ago? While I think that he’ll probably do fine as Hal Jordan, I feel like he’s a better fit for Barry Allen’s Flash.

  6. CrypticHill says:

    I still have my doubts, could this b….

  7. methos says:

    better than Timberlake

  8. naysh says:

    Definetly better than timbalyke and the other dude

  9. John says:

    Ryan Reynolds for Superman!!!

  10. HDpunk says:

    when will filming begin for deadpool? acording to ign, “Filming is expected to begin this January” for green lantern.

    i wanted bradley cooper, but i guess reynolds is better than justin timberlake.

  11. L1A says:

    now if only anyone knew who’s green lantern

  12. Shane Hero says:

    I actually don’t think Deadpool and Green Lantern is enough. I’m actually in favor of having every single comic book character in every film played by Ryan Reynolds.

    I’m really hoping he gets cast in the upcoming Avengers film. As the Avengers. All of them.

  13. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    Finally some good casting , Reynolds is the bomb at comedy or action [ blade 3 , X - men wolverien ].

  14. leeloo says:

    lol. reynolds is becoming a superhero movie hog.

  15. melbye says:

    I wouldn’t be surprised if Deadpool was cancelled after this.

  16. HAZMAT says:


  17. batdan says:

    maybe i’m being silly. but it slightly bothers me when an actor plays 2 different superheroes within the same timeframe. i like all the live action superheroes to have their own identity in the actor who’s playing them. then again ryan reynolds was already hannibal king… and he’s one hell of a guy. licky hal and deadpool are different universes. still i was hoping for someone else. i guess just a pet peeve i have.

    • HAZMAT says:

      I have the same exact problem.

      I cant stand that.

      I dont even like seeing superhero actors being in ANY movie. Like Tobey Mcwire in Seabisquit

      All i can think about is
      “I didnt know Spiderman could horseback ride…”

      Cuz i watch Spiderman so much and dont give a shit about othermovies mostly.

      Or seeing Batman in the Prestige

      Or Wolverine kissing Nichole Kidman.

  18. Matt Keith says:


  19. AARON says:

    I just can’t see Reynolds in this role. At all.

  20. Geno says:

    Ok so they have the role for Hal Jordan now. Who will be Sinestro? He has to be the main villian for this movie no way around that. Also will there be cameos of the green latern corps? Or just to showing Hal Jordan first then maybe showcase them later on in a sequel if they make one. Hmm

  21. Darren J Seeley says:

    I can just see the scene in Deadpool now: not only will there be a joke/easter egg about Blade and a joke/easter egg about Black Widow (as Reynolds is hitched to Scarlett Johanssen), there now will be a joke/easter egg about Green Lantern.

    It’s too sweet to pass up.

    And are we sure the Deadpool film will be made before Green Lantern, Rodney? Green Lantern has a script and a director. X Men Origins: Deadpool would have to get the ball rolling within a few months.

    Now, on another front, am I “distracted” by the fact that Reynolds will be Hal Jordan while in another franchise be another comics related character? Not really. Yes, I also would have preferred Bradley Cooper among the four (I’ve included Jered Leto here too and it’s also possible they could be considered for other parts) but I’m fine with Reynolds.

    Consider this: Michael Beihn has played a Navy SEAL in The Abyss, The Rock and, of course, in Navy SEALS. But all were different characters; Clint Eastwood has played many a gunslinger in westerns, but Josey Wales, The Preacher from Pale Rider and Will Munny from Unforgiven all different characters. Countless actors have played different characters who happen to be cops/feds.

    While the “occupation” of Superhero is indeed tricky, the point here is that the actor is playing another character. Indeed, Deadpool would use swords and guns; Jordan just points and his ring gives him all sorts of knicknacks. Both will be played differently.


    Rodney, I’m curious.. regarding Movieweb, does The Spirit count? Spirit didn’t start out as a DC character, but has been published earlier this decade, under a DC banner.
    If so, there are three actors- Samuel Jackson, Eva Mendez and Johansson who have played Marvel characters.

  22. Chris says:

    Well at lest we have a good actor playing Green lantern. Hopefully, they don’t mess it up.

  23. alex says:

    I mean after wolverine origins, i don’t have much fate in Fox making a good deadpool movie, as for Ryan Reynolds as Green lantern it could work plus its the director of casino royal, so im hoping the movie has some inovative action sequences. but at least it’s an actor they choose anything over justin tiberlake and that’s a good thing cuz could you imagine justin in the suit and tring to talk with a manly voice Hal Jorden would deliver.

  24. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    He gets to play a superhero in a 150 million dollar studio film and gets to sleep with Scarlett Johansson in real life. That my friends is a GREAT life!


  25. 3R!C says:

    Will be really funny if they have him drop the Deadpool movie and instead have him play Deathstroke.

  26. Thos says:

    Meh. I’m going pass…

    • tzaylor says:

      here’s the thing. If Reynolds really pulls off deadpool like we all think he can, seeing him play lantern is going to kind of suck.

      Can you imagine Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine and then seeing him as captain america? That’s just not right. It was hard enough seeing him play anything other than wolverine for the first time.

    • Darren J Seeley says:


      Hal Jordan-Green Lantern and Deadpool are radically different characters. The only thing the characters have in common is that they originated from the comics pages.

      It seems odd that you bring up a Hugh Jackman hypothetical. It’s tough to picture him as Cap, that’s correct, because it is least likely to happen. But did we put Tommy Lee Jones to the same measuring stick when in Batman Forever he played a silly Two-Face, and a short time later was one of the Men In Black? Two totally different characters, yet both based on comic books.

      Or how about Ben Foster, appearing in three comics-related movies? All different characters.

  27. BMTRN says:

    I just looked at Jon Favreau’s Twitter and in tweeting about Scarlett’s last day on set he mentioned Reynolds stopping by, but only referred to him as Green Lantern.

  28. Kevin C says:

    I would have liked to see Cooper get a shot at this, I like Reynolds as Deadpool, but I can see him more as the Flash in a DC flick. Still not a bad move at all. As long as Timberlake didnt get, not that hes a terrible actor (I thought he was good in Alpha Dog) but hes not a comic book superhero in my minds eye.

  29. Mike says:

    Ryan Reynolds is definitely one of my favourite actors and I hope this works out with Deadpool and everything.

    We shall see how he does soon!

  30. robb wo says:

    “But do you think that Reynolds will suffer with his spinoff character of Deadpool being released just before Lantern?” I’m glad someone else sees the possibility that portraying two lead characters in the same genre, especially in such a close timeframe, could change the dynamic and/or the reception of these characters. When an actor portrays a character, the character “owns” the actor. Multiple characters by the same actor take away from the reality that film tries to create. I don’t want to be reminded that movies aren’t real. But to have the same high-profile actor play similar roles shatter the illusion they try to create.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      So does that mean Robert Duvall or Sam Elliott should stop playing cowboys or Old West lawmen?

  31. dorsia says:

    Is he signed for the deadpool movie? I did not see wolverine bc the reviews were awful and that helicopter scene in the trailer was ridiculous. But everyone says RR was great as deadpool. But then everyone says they totally changed the character at the end in the dumbest way possible. So why does anybody want a deadpool movie? RR probably has no desire to do it despite what he might be saying bc Fox will 100 percent make a bad movie.

  32. BobaFett says:

    Meh…who gives a fuck…

    Cast RR as Murdock in the A Team With Cooper as Face, and Kimbo as BA Barcus and Bruce Willis as Hannibal, and I’ll pay the 16 bux to see that in Imax…

  33. MaximMovie says:

    Anyone is better then Justin Timberlake..

    • Jim says:

      The same kind of nonesense probably uttered about Mark Walhberg back in the day. Timberlake can actually act his pants off.

      Just saw Reynolds in The Proposal, and he was excellent. Great timing…great comedic actor.

  34. BrauLiO says:

    you all should be happy that Timberlake didn’t make it and Reynolds its way much better, it’s not impossible that he can play deadpool and green lantern i think he can make a good job at both, we can{t say nothing until we see the movie, maybe it’s a perfect green lantern, who knows? , everybody was shocked with ledger as the joker after seeing him played the role now everybody loves ledger, so we can’t say Reynolds it deadpool only let’s wait and see, im just happy hearing that timberlake didn’t get it.

  35. HAZMAT says:

    Scott Summers and Richard from Supes were both played by that guy from Sex Drive

    Same with H.B. playing Storm and CatWoman…im sure theres way more examples of this

    Scarlett Johnson was in the Spirit and will be in Ironman and the Avengers…and ironman 2 will come out before GL

    Movieweb is so fucking stupid….never liked that website. That and AICN.

  36. robb wo says:

    to Darren:
    Movies are a lot bigger and wider-spread now than those westerns. And we’re not talking generic, similar roles like “cowboys or Old West lawmen.” These are well-established, very developed(over decades), recognizable, particular characters. And none of these other comparisons(H.B., Marsden, etc.) have been comparable in scope. This would be 2 lead roles in 2 major blockbusters, permanently defining both films and both heroes.

  37. The Pope says:

    Reyonds will do fine. He is the best of those three and could actually make a good movie.

  38. Rodney says:

    You haven’t met my wife. And I am a geek.

    That’s all I am saying.

  39. Rodney says:

    Then you might want to re-read this post.

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