Pirates of the Caribbean 4 to Film April 2010?

Posted by Rodneyon 24. 07. 2009in News Chat

We have all been anxiously awaiting a followup to the Pirates of the Caribbean, if at least to renew hope in the franchise after the sequel got bigger and only offered to let us down easy. We expected too much after the first one was so great, and they gave us a BIG movie with less heart, and the excitement waned.

But it looks like they will be starting filming as early as next spring? Is there even a script?

Dark Horizons quotes Disney’s Head of Production Oren Aviv

“We’re going to shoot ‘Pirates 4′ in April and May of next year. We are going to release it hopefully in 2011 is the plan” said Aviv who adds that though this is only one movie, if successful it will “hopefully be the first of another trilogy”

He also expects the tone to be much smaller next time around - “We can’t get bigger… I want to kind of reboot the whole thing and bring it down to its core, its essence, just characters.”

I have to admit it was the first film that made me love Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, but I found the sequels focused more on the bigger picture and the mythos.

Sure, the first one had its supernatural elements, but it didn’t dwell on them. The curse was just atmosphere. It was the character interaction and wonderful portrayals that made the movie.

I did notice however that despite setting a timeline, Aviv doesn’t spill WHO will be in Pirates 4. Will and Elizabeth’s story is over and done with, so no need to go there. Jack had a new adventure in his lap in the closing moments of part 3, so I would love to see more of Jack and Barbosa trading barbs.

But he refers to it as a “kind of reboot” which almost implies to me that they will be introducing a whole new set of characters and adventures to take place on the high seas.

If done right, I could be open to that too!

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Rodney who has written 8625 posts on The Movie Blog

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13 Responses to “Pirates of the Caribbean 4 to Film April 2010?”

  1. SlashBeast says:

    I completely agree that in the sequels the supernatural elements were overly focused on rather than character interaction. Plus, the plot became far too convoluted for it’s own good.

    I say do a prequel. The main reason anyone cared for the sequels was because of Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow. So give the people what they want, a prequel caries a ton of potential.

  2. leeloo says:

    if capt jack is in it im there.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    just as long as they keep the promise that it won’t get too big for its britches.

  4. AARON says:

    I have SMALL hype for this. Part of me really doesn’t care, but thanks Rodeny

  5. ultra-magnus says:

    just to me…it wouldnt be pirates without depp.

  6. Marc says:

    I like the idea of getting to the ‘core’ characters. I think what ruined At World’s End and killed the franchise was how grand everything got so this idea for a smaller and focused next film sounds good to me.

    I’d actually like to see a Jack, Barbossa and Davy Jones (pre Dutchman era) film by way of an origin story that would be free of Will, Elizabeth and Norrington. Ideally, it would be sweet if it were some sort of crossover story, like a ‘Pulp Fiction’-esque’ origin film, weaving in and around Sparrow, Barbossa and Jones. I’d see that!

  7. Jack Sparrow says:

    I loved the first three movies but it did feel like they were packing a lot of content into three movies and had to condense it all to fit in.

    I think they kind of screwed up the trilogy. They should have just stuck to the core stories and pulled out the entire storyline over more movies.

    Either way Jack Sparrow vs Barbosa seems to be the set up we were left with and Will and Elizabeth are probably out of it.

    Should be interesting.

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m sorry, but I’m one of those people I loved all three Pirates of the Caribbean movies. I agree that the sequels were not as good as the first film, but I still had fun. I’m not looking too forward to the new one but I’ll still see this.

  9. Mykrantz says:

    As long as Barbossa, Jack, and Mr. Gibbs are in it, count me in.

  10. HAZMAT says:

    The last one was horrid. They should just end it now.

  11. Ifaz says:

    The first and the second pirates were great. I did not like the third one but I didn’t hate it either. And most importantly, Pirates of the Caribbean is nothing without Johnny Depp, so they should keep him in the fourth one. And I hope that they don’t take Bloom and Knighteley for this one.

  12. Rugsims says:

    They got to keep Depp.

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